Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Copy & Paste Merchant
Jan 20, 2012
I’m British, kids were born in Sweden, they are naturally Swedish citizens so there would be absolutely zero issues for them to get Swedish passports even if I was still an EU (British) citizen resident in Sweden.
The hassle post Brexit is getting them British passports, something they’ll now likely need in their future and something they wouldn’t have needed pre Brexit.

Citizenship as an EU citizen resident in Sweden or a Swedish citizen is pretty much the same, the general election is pretty much all it boils down to. The only other additional rights over residency is the ability to be a cop or a politician.
That’s what’s so brilliant with Freedom of Movement, that’s the point.
I know that was and is the point of it. I’ve studied EU law so I’m very familiar with the four freedoms and what they involve. I also currently live in NI where I would say the general knowledge of citizenship and border issues (given the particular dynamics here), is greater than that typically found in most other places.

I’ll take you back to my original point however which is that I couldn’t understand why people who had moved to another country and who had settled there permanently or for a very long time at least didn’t apply for citizenship. I wasn’t referring to holiday home owners. You also seem to minimize the significance of voting in general elections which isn’t something that can be just glossed over.

In the end those British people who hadn’t applied for citizenship discovered to their cost that the Rights and freedoms they previously enjoyed weren’t absolute Rights at all but were indeed contingent.

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
It's hilarious the amount of old codgers they interview who give the "I voted for Brexit, it hasn't been what I expected", as if they gave a feck about the economy and didn't care more about keeping immigrants out. They deserve everything they get.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
You may have no interest at all in ever moving back, in which case, ignore me, but have you looked into spousal visas at all? You don't need earnings from employment for eligibility - savings, stocks, earnings from renting property etc can be enough. After five consecutive years, she could then apply for settlement (doesn't need full citizenship). None of my business at all so feel free to ignore!
No we have no intention of moving back now, we did have a look at the rules, just in case, but there are plenty of people who could not meet the qualifying level who are in a similar situation.
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Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
I get why they want out of France now though. I hate racists too. Fecking weirdos.
You do realise that the reason for people voting Brexit was because they didn't like foreigners, of any colour. It certainly wasn't for economic benefit.

They're not leaving France, they are transitting through all different EU countries; France take more asylum seekers than the UK.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
It is an ex-unicorn. It has flow this mortal coil. It is no more .....
Yep. I really have no idea what these people expect to happen. I have absolutely no idea what Starmer expects to happen.
It's a continuous endless stream of absolute nonsense from all the politicians and the media that is going into its ninth year with absolutely no prospect of anything improving.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
You do realise that the reason for people voting Brexit was because they didn't like foreigners, of any colour. It certainly wasn't for economic benefit.

They're not leaving France, they are transitting through all different EU countries; France take more asylum seekers than the UK.
How do you know the reasons, you've not been here for 13 years?

Hey atleast, we are not looking to vote in the NF.

You might take asylum seekers but we had 1.2 million migrated in 2023, 11% of that is normally asylum seekers. Which it around the same number.

Can't find the numbers on the French migrated, probably because they are in the EU and you know the EU is fine, everyone else is a problem.

In other words, your in France stop bitching about brexit and worry about the country your in - because glass houses and all that.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
How do you know the reasons, you've not been here for 13 years?

Hey atleast, we are not looking to vote in the NF.

You might take asylum seekers but we had 1.2 million migrated in 2023, 11% of that is normally asylum seekers. Which it around the same number.

Can't find the numbers on the French migrated, probably because they are in the EU and you know the EU is fine, everyone else is a problem.

In other words, your in France stop bitching about brexit and worry about the country your in - because glass houses and all that.
I've not been to the Uk for 13 years? I moved to France 17 years ago. But I have dozens of family members in the Uk and know hundreds if not thousands of people. Also I did go back to the UK quite regularly. I was running two companies in the UK until 2016. I know why people I know voted for Brexit -all said the same, eventually.

More people voted for Brexit than have voted for Le Pen. About 40000 were in boats out of 1.2 million , not quite 11%. (Don't forget the real illegal immigrants, whom nobody talks about and whose numbers are unknown) But as you're not worried about foreigners, the more the merrier, no?
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Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
No we have no intention of moving back now, we did have a look at the rules, just in case, but there are plenty of people who could not meet the qualifying level who are in a similar situation.
Fair enough. It is very unfair. My wife is an immigration & employment lawyer and was advising many clients in the UK during the Brexit negotiations to apply for settled status (which was free for EU nationals in the UK), but I think there were a great many individuals who were unaware of what would happen should they fail to do this. Obviously, there were many more people who had, by the time of Brexit, lived abroad for an extended period (sometimes due to Covid restrictions), which invalidated any settled status claim in the UK and effectively meant that any future return to the UK was extremely problematic/impossible.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
I've not been to the Uk for 13 years? I moved to France 17 years ago. But I have dozens of family members in the Uk and know hundreds if not thousands of people. Also I did go back to the UK quite regularly. I was running two companies in the UK until 2016. I know why people I know voted for Brexit -all said the same, eventually.

More people voted for Brexit than have voted for Le Pen. About 40000 were in boats out of 1.2 million , not quite 11%. (Don't forget the real illegal immigrants, whom nobody talks about and whose numbers are unknown) But as you're not worried about foreigners, the more the merrier, no?
Maybe I'm weird, immigration has added so much to the UK - it's unreal. Yes I voted to leave, but it wasn't because of boats or immigration - it was because I really believe immigration is what makes the uk special - I'm welcoming to all cultures and don't focus on just European people.

I hated the fact that I didn't vote for people who could make policies that could effect my day to day with being in the EU, or anyone's really. Including France - it's just not democratic. I don't view the uk as leaving the EU, I view it as us entering the world - sadly our leaders are incompetent they are all in it for themselves.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Maybe I'm weird, immigration has added so much to the UK - it's unreal. Yes I voted to leave, but it wasn't because of boats or immigration - it was because I really believe immigration is what makes the uk special - I'm welcoming to all cultures and don't focus on just European people.

I hated the fact that I didn't vote for people who could make policies that could effect my day to day with being in the EU, or anyone's really. Including France - it's just not democratic. I don't view the uk as leaving the EU, I view it as us entering the world - sadly our leaders are incompetent they are all in it for themselves.
The UK already were trading with the rest of the world (that was my job for over 30 years), you were just lied to. That's why there's no magic increase in trade, it was already there. You've just lost loads to the EU instead. The UK voted for the EU parliament, it's more democratic that the UK parliament. Trouble is you had lazy people like Farage who didn't do any work and just turned up now and again to have a rant. The in-it for themselves was always present.

I have nothing against immigrants - I am one.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
The UK already were trading with the rest of the world (that was my job for over 30 years), you were just lied to. That's why there's no magic increase in trade, it was already there. You've just lost loads to the EU instead. The UK voted for the EU parliament, it's more democratic that the UK parliament. Trouble is you had lazy people like Farage who didn't do any work and just turned up now and again to have a rant. The in-it for themselves was always present.

I have nothing against immigrants - I am one.
We did trade with the rest of the world of course, but that was under the EU framework and I wanted us to form our own and it's not our fault that the EU are so insular - I mean why would they not be they move as a bloc?. But I didn't like the not vote for the leaders of the bloc, maybe that just my dislike for dictatorships as we've seen them before.

Yes you are an immigrant, I bet you see the brexit talk first hand from the main land side of Europe, I've seen it too - that look as if you've left them - if you feel like that just tell them we had the choice! It's always better than voting in racists ;)

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
We did trade with the rest of the world of course, but that was under the EU framework and I wanted us to form our own and it's not our fault that the EU are so insular - I mean why would they not be they move as a bloc?. But I didn't like the not vote for the leaders of the bloc, maybe that just my dislike for dictatorships as we've seen them before.

Yes you are an immigrant, I bet you see the brexit talk first hand from the main land side of Europe, if seen it too that look as if you've left them - if you feel like that just tell them we had the choice! It's always better than voting in racists ;)
You had trade deals that were negotiated by the EU which included the UK as negotiators. And the trade deals the Uk has now with non-EU countries are mainly the same ones. The tiny Australian deal which will cost the Uk more than it gains is just about the only difference; other than losing the best trade deal of all, with the EU, or a large reduction of it.

But trade with the US for example (my historically biggest customers as a country) were nothing to do with the EU.
Sold to and bought from all over the world. Africa, Asia, Australia.

Nobody mentions Brexit really here. It's done and finished apart from the exporters/importers who are still dealing with great difficulty. The barriers will increase as they are slowly being introduced which will stop a lot of trade especially for small businesses which can't afford the extra costs and time consuming administration.

France leaving the EU would be economic suicide.
The other point about Le Pen. Apart from being racist, she's as thick as sh!t, that seems to be quite common trend amongst them.
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Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
You had trade deals that were negotiated by the EU which included the UK as negotiators. And the trade deals the Uk has now with non-EU countries are mainly the same ones. The tiny Australian deal which will cost the Uk more than it gains is just about the only difference; other than losing the best trade deal of all, with the EU, or a large reduction of it.

But trade with the US for example (my historically biggest customers as a country) were nothing to do with the EU.
Sold to and bought from all over the world. Africa, Asia, Australia.

Nobody mentions Brexit really here. It's done and finished apart from the exporters/importers who are still dealing with great difficulty. The barriers will increase as they are slowly being introduced which will stop a lot of trade especially for small businesses which can't afford the extra costs and time consuming administration.

France leaving the EU would be economic suicide.
The other point about Le Pen. Apart from being racist, she's as thick as sh!t, that seems to be quite common trend amongst them.
I know you are a business man (person), but you even know that a conglomerate doesn't negotiate very well because of individual gains, while I know that a bloc is in a stronger position - but is it the best for people of the country?

Look there is a reason why I tagged you, because I knew you are balanced - a bit bitter about brexit, but I asked people I work with in France they gave me the partisan response and then I ribbed them about their days off. One of them got a bit funny, French hey (Passionate people)

We've still got problems importing and exporting in and out the EU, it's unfortunate - because this isn't driven by the people of Europe its driven by an unelected party.
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Full Member
May 13, 2013
Maybe I'm weird, immigration has added so much to the UK - it's unreal. Yes I voted to leave, but it wasn't because of boats or immigration - it was because I really believe immigration is what makes the uk special - I'm welcoming to all cultures and don't focus on just European people.

I hated the fact that I didn't vote for people who could make policies that could effect my day to day with being in the EU, or anyone's really. Including France - it's just not democratic. I don't view the uk as leaving the EU, I view it as us entering the world - sadly our leaders are incompetent they are all in it for themselves.
this is complete horseshit :lol:

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
I know you are a business man (person), but you even know that a conglomerate doesn't negotiate very well because of individual gains, while I know that a bloc is in a stronger position - but is it the best for people of the country?

Look there is a reason why I tagged you, because I knew you are balanced - a bit bitter about brexit, but I asked people I work with in France they gave me the partisan response and then I ribbed them about their days off. One of them got a bit funny, French hey (Passionate people)

We've still got problems importing and exporting in and out the EU, it's unfortunate - because this isn't driven by the people of Europe in driven by an unelected party.
But most of the trade isn't done because of trade deals between countries, these assist problems with tariffs and restrictions and standards and so on. Having EU standards, they are pretty well accepted all over the world. But whichever country any country exports to, the products they export have to comply with the regulations of that country. Which is why being in the EU made trade so much easier for the UK. Not now.

Having the same standards with all EU countries and being in the same Customs Union is so important. A large part of the Uk's trade will still be with the EU but now there are lots of barriers in the way which are increasing all the time.

Starmer doesn't understand international trade at all which is a big problem for the UK for the forthcoming years. This is amazing considering he was supposed to be the Shadow Brexit Secretary. Corbyn said he had a season ticket to Brussels but Barnier mentioned that he only met him once. I wonder where he went?
But it does explain Labour's ridiculous position on Brexit in 2019 and now.

The Tories too have put complete idiots in charge of trade like Truss, Badenoch, Davies, Raab.

But what are the UK going to sell and to whom in addition which they already do? And to make up the loss of trade to the EU which used to be so easy.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
But most of the trade isn't done because of trade deals between countries, these assist problems with tariffs and restrictions and standards and so on. Having EU standards, they are pretty well accepted all over the world. But whichever country any country exports to, the products they export have to comply with the regulations of that country. Which is why being in the EU made trade so much easier for the UK. Not now.

Having the same standards with all EU countries and being in the same Customs Union is so important. A large part of the Uk's trade will still be with the EU but now there are lots of barriers in the way which are increasing all the time.

Starmer doesn't understand international trade at all which is a big problem for the UK for the forthcoming years. This is amazing considering he was supposed to be the Shadow Brexit Secretary. Corbyn said he had a season ticket to Brussels but Barnier mentioned that he only met him once. I wonder where he went?
But it does explain Labour's ridiculous position on Brexit in 2019 and now.

The Tories too have put complete idiots in charge of trade like Truss, Badenoch, Davies, Raab.

But what are the UK going to sell and to whom in addition which they already do? And to make up the loss of trade to the EU which used to be so easy.
What does anyone sell? I work for an international company, I can tell you if you've been in a shop, had anything delivered or wearing clothes then it passed via a system or tracked created by my company (tax paid UK) created. You still thinking like product as whole units and companies as local.

I've work for huge companies and I'll tell you the revenue even consultancy or people travel is still passed via the UK. You speak about how you was a business owner, I deal with every company for A to Z. I even know teams who deal with EU border clearances as a business.

What do you think businesses havnt being creative? With places of origin and ownership?
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Full Member
May 13, 2013
A bit like blaming brexit on the struggles of a single parent?

I expect better from some who knows market's?

Saying that as a person raised with a single parent in hulme....
even if I did that, which I clearly didn't. Nope, absolutely nothing like it

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
What does anyone sell? I work for an international company, I can tell you if you've been in a shop, had anything delivered or wearing clothes then it passed via a system or tracked created by my company (tax paid UK) created. You still thinking like product as whole units and companies as local.

I've work for huge companies and I'll tell you the revenue even consultancy or people travel is still passed via the UK. You speak about how you was a business owner, I deal with every company for A to Z. I even know teams who deal with EU border clearances as a business.

What do you think businesses havnt being creative? With places of origin and ownership?
No I wasn't a business owner, I was the MD of 2 companies in the UK and one in France of an international group based in different countries around the world. We dealt in large volumes. Industrial scale not small quantities for retail.

This involved knowing all about the product certification, shipping, customs clearance, technical inspections. Only part of what we did had anything to do with the UK. The group still exists but after I retired the companies (branches) that were in the UK moved elsewhere just before Brexit happened in 2020. Not viable.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
No I wasn't a business owner, I was the MD of 2 companies in the UK and one in France of an international group based in different countries around the world. We dealt in large volumes. Industrial scale not small quantities for retail.

This involved knowing all about the product certification, shipping, customs clearance, technical inspections. Only part of what we did had anything to do with the UK. The group still exists but after I retired the companies (branches) that were in the UK moved elsewhere just before Brexit happened in 2020. Not viable.
Ah okay, so... pass on to customers or lose margin in clearances?

Are you happy given up the fight?

(For the OTHER people reading this, it's all a fight - when it's not then, it's a struggle)

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Ah okay, so... pass on to customers or lose margin in clearances?

Are you happy given up the fight?

(For the OTHER people reading this, it's all a fight - when it's not then, it's a struggle)
No I retired just after the referendum in 2016.

The leaving of the Customs Union and Single Market by the UK meant that that the UK was no longer in the equation. Plus with the Rules of Origin still to come and lack of EU certification why does anyone want this hassle? Buy and sell elsewhere, there are plenty of other countries in the world.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
even if I did that, which I clearly didn't. Nope, absolutely nothing like it
Brexit affects every Brit even if we don't live there anymore. We all have friends and family and emotional ties to the place.

My sister for example is a single parent and struggling financially to make ends meet. Brexit is negatively impacting so many aspects of peoples lives and it's very sad to see.
This is the 80's as a child of a single parent, them floors used to take turns paying rent..



Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
No I retired just after the referendum in 2016.

The leaving of the Customs Union and Single Market by the UK meant that that the UK was no longer in the equation. Plus with the Rules of Origin still to come and lack of EU certification why does anyone want this hassle? Buy and sell elsewhere, there are plenty of other countries in the world.
The EU and the unelected overloads - surprised you do not see this???

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
The EU and the unelected overloads - surprised you do not see this???
Which unelected overlords would these be, little green men sitting in offices.

What's your opinion of the CPTPP which the UK are joining for no benefit whatsoever and in which they have no say in the regulations. Despite the lies of Brexit politicians the UK did have a very big say in the EU.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
This is the 80's as a child of a single parent, them floors used to take turns paying rent..

I referenced my sister as the reason why I care about Brexit despite not living in the UK.

What this has to do with your insane reason for voting to leave is anyones guess.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Which unelected overlords would these be, little green men sitting in offices.

What's your opinion of the CPTPP which the UK are joining for no benefit whatsoever and in which they have no say in the regulations. Despite the lies of Brexit politicians the UK did have a very big say in the EU.
Well, we've left the bloc.. why do you even care? it has zero impact on your life, I didn't even know or do I care.... erm no.

As you've missed it


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
I referenced my sister as the reason why I care about Brexit despite not living in the UK.

What this has to do with your insane reason for voting to leave is anyones guess.
Okay.. so brexit is the problem of your sister leaving outside the the uk?

Why is it insane?


Full Member
May 13, 2013
Okay.. so brexit is the problem of your sister leaving outside the the uk?

Why is it insane?
it's simple

someone posts why do you care if you live overseas

I give a reason why I still care despite living overseas

I can't make it any clearer


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
it's simple

someone posts why do you care if you live overseas

I give a reason why I still care despite living overseas

I can't make it any clearer
Wait.. so you don't live in UK? Do you know what glass houses means...


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
You are all jokers. One lemon and this dud
how is it even possible that you got this far in the conversation without realising that?
I'm sorry, I was always raised to talk about anything - you'd need to know anything about it.... guess the full of half baked kids.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
This makes no sense.
Is in why do i care? I really don't... only you do, even people that don't live here do.

Sweet... I have orange's...they really don't give a feck - yet all is grand in central euro land? Rasing right wing?

It's okay if you want to come round to mine and have some REAL beacon with HP brown source. I have feeling you miss it

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Is in why do i care? I really don't... only you do, even people that don't live here do.

Sweet... I have orange's...they really don't give a feck - yet all is grand in central euro land? Rasing right wing?

It's okay if you want to come round to mine and have some REAL beacon with HP brown source. I have feeling you miss it
I haven't eaten beacon in a long time but I've had bacon, By the way the HP brown source sauce is made in the Netherlands and the bacon is from Denmark.

As I said let me know, in 5 years time from Farageland.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
I haven't eaten beacon in a long time but I've had bacon, By the way the HP brown source sauce is made in the Netherlands and the bacon is from Denmark.

As I said let me know, in 5 years time from Farageland.
When grammar nazis attack dyslexic person, when they have nothing left. . .