Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Long term reduction by 4% GDP if the first five years are repeated and the covid/Ukraine war factors are correctly calculated?

So the long term reduction in the mining industry by 100% while we were in the EU. In Steel its like 95%.Heavy industry, ship building garment making similar. Direct reduction of 40 to 60 thousand jobs in Hull and Grimsby alone as a result of joining CAF Policy.
No one says a word but if you have to get in the longer queue at the airport when you going to Germany, like the ex Blue Peter sacked guy had to last week, according to him on Newsnight last night its the end of the world.

CO2 reduction is so, so important we have to feck all the heavy industry users across the UK with higher energy prices, but we can still build a third runway for more planes at Heathrow because as we all know getting a good tan is a basic human right for everyone from Essex. Yet we can't afford to build a high speed railway north of Birmingham.

Piss and moan all you want but we earned the Brexit vote and if we keep going like this we will earn the reform govt or worse that comes next.

If there was a vote tomorrow, finger in the air is that it would be about 60/40 in favour of being in the EU.

If the vote was announced today and the election was in a years time, the eventual outcome would be closer to 50/50.
Those immigration stats are insane.

I’m sure the eejits who voted for Brexit because they didn’t want polish and Romanian people taking all their jobs are delighted to see far more Asian and African people now also taking their jobs, right? Well done everyone on Brexit!

That video is the perfect representation of people believing a vote for brexit was literally a vote to create "british supremacy" over Europe.

Every single thing he listed off in that video is worse because of brexit. WHY WOULD THE EU MAKE IT EASIER FOR UK PEOPLE TO WORK IN THE EU??? :lol:

So we must infer that what they believed would happen was going to be "we leave the EU and all it's schemes but you have to continue to allow us to benefit from everything associated with EU membership". That's got to be it right? It's the literal whining of people wanted every positive of the EU but do nothing in return, mixed in with just overt racism.
The reason I tell you that is because of the double discourse with on one hand "take control of the borders" and on the other "we will give more opportunities to people from outside the EU". While the racist minority of leavers were focused on targetting southern europeans and Polish, they missed the fact that the other leavers are apparently planning the exploitation of third world countries which are made of the visible minorities that racists absolutely do not want.
That's why I don't think that from a political standpoint Leave is racist, it's made of manipulative hardcore capitalists who intend to shaft everyone when they get hold of all the power.

Those immigration stats are insane.

I’m sure the eejits who voted for Brexit because they didn’t want polish and Romanian people taking all their jobs are delighted to see far more Asian and African people now also taking their jobs, right? Well done everyone on Brexit!

It's not crazy at all, I made that point more than 6 years ago. The ones actually paying and promoting Brexit made their plan pretty clear.