- More interesting stuff. Our Accuracy stats are all around the 30% range except for Makki who's in the 25% range, which I thought rather surprising, as he's a very effective player, I guess he just likes to spray ammo, and he can very well afford it. I'm the best headshot taker, perhaps personal preference, or experience playing GTA as aiming has been the same since SA and I've always been kind of a perfectionist at hitting those. Saves ammo, but it makes little difference in terms of mission effectiveness imo, as the quicker kill is offset by the longer aiming time. More a matter of personal preference in missions and the like, but it's a definite edge in PVP, as a first shot kill prevents your prey from returning to cover, running away, or killing you themselves.
- Weapons
I've noticed yesterday during a survival mission that you people seem to hate shotguns. I don't understand it. The Assault Shotgun is probably the best weapon in the game. Quite a few complain in forums that it's overpowered. A 32-round (with extended clip) AUTOMATIC and powerful shotgun, with a range that rivals the pump shotgun and damage that rivals the sawed off shotgun. A good dominion over this weapon can save your life when you are surprised by 4 bad guys in a mission coming out of car and you're out of cover. Aim, hold R2, quickly flick the right stick and you'll mow them down before they've drawn their weapons. It really works. Don't worry if you don't see the blue XP bubble immediately, they'll bleed out and die quickly. Practice quickly switching weapons mid battle. I think most weapons are personal preference really, but the Assault Shotgun is in a class of it's own in terms of usefulness at close range - and good enough to buy you time in mid-range as well as you run to cover and switch to a mid-range weapon. A rifle is not as effective at close range unless you're facing just one enemy. I use the shotgun as my default weapon as well when I'm in unknown areas that are likely to spawn enemies very near. As a small bonus, you'll also obviously save some money in ammo by using this weapon in the right circumstances.
Only Don seems to favour the MG over the higher rifles like me. I think it's a more destructive weapon. I use the rifle for clean headshots from distance as it's more accurate, but the amazing ammo capacity and damage of the MG make it my preferred choice for intense mid-range battles.