Fully Erect
You have to pay (I think $500) to enter passive mode which isn't worth it. You can deposit money via your phone which is much easier, although can only do it in certain increments. The only tricky thing is after doing a few missions and you've got quite a bit of cash on you, you can spawn next to some of the people you've done missions with so then it's down to who shoots first. You don't lose much cash when you die though. It's certainly not all held on your guy.
They'll keep all of the cash. It's like when you do a store holdup, the person in the store will get all of the money and the driver outside will get none, but you can give %s to people from last mission etc. It's just down to the person who has the money being fair.
16 people can be in each game world but you can set up crew only ones etc or just play solo (with limited options).
Fair enough, I think it's fair to say nobody in the Caf crew will be a total spacker about the distribution of wealth, so that hopefully should not present a problem.
Interesting about the 16 player cap/crew only worlds as well; might be a good way for all of us to get on our feet financially without the risk of being killed and losing cash. What do you guys think?