I've completed a request - account is "Izzydiggler" but my Xbox tag is "I Got a Fever".
Getting an error when I try invite. I'll sort it when it's working again.
I've completed a request - account is "Izzydiggler" but my Xbox tag is "I Got a Fever".
Can you join more than one crew? I wanna join the caf one, but still be able to run with my dawgs in another one.
Sent using Tapatalk.
Ok I'm in, so when do we see some of the benefits of being in a crew?
When online is active I presume
Nah I'm kidding, was just hoping there'd be something prior to that...
Dont think mine is up to date. Says I have played 58 mins, but I defo have played about 2.5 hrs
Who is bensharpe? Is he on here?
Ok good planI just reject them if there's no post here. Makes life simpler.
Do you compete with other crews in this or do you just do missions and stuff as a crew? If it's the former it might be a laugh to have a rival Caf crew as well.
Newbies have got a crew going which has 12 members.
Hasn't this crew got like 50 odd? I don't think they'd be much competition.
We should challenge RAWK.
My Social Club thing says I'm not in a crew but I applied.
We should challenge RAWK.
Just had a look on RAWK - their 360 crew is Rawkus Kopites and their PS3 crew is Rawkstar.
Not sure if anyone in this thread can post on RAWK, but if someone is able then would be good to post a challenge!
I can do that later.
One amazingly epic GTA Online mission I got to play was a full-on heist – the highest caliber mission GTA V offers. Dubbed “Titan Steal,” my crew of four had to fly into a military base, steal a cargo plane, and get it back to our own airstrip miles away so we could use it to…well, probably smuggle drugs or something.
Anyway, we took a helicopter to get there, and had a stunning sunset view of San Andreas from the sky. The draw distance in GTA V/Online is truly breathtaking. I was but a passenger enjoying said view, but the second player in the chopper gets to be the copilot who marks targets.
Upon our arrival, we had a massive shootout with the military at the Titan’s hangar. My teammates covered for me while I jumped in a semi-truck-and-trailer that was blocking the Titan’s escape and moved it. I then ran to the Titan, got in, and held RT (I was playing on Xbox 360). After a few moments the plane’s engines roared to life and the plane began to move. My crew all jumped in and we turned onto the runway and got off the ground before the remaining government cronies could damage the plane too badly.
I flew us north – again in awe of the view – and couldn’t quite line the plane up with the Sandy Shores airfield runway on the first try. Or the second. But on the third, I had it looking good, so I clicked in the left thumbstick to lower the landing gear, backed off the throttle and braked a bit, and somehow managed to land the massive bird safely. Success! Neither me nor any of my cohorts died!
Hey there. This is my first post on rawk - am from redcafe.
Before you hold that against me, we have a similar thread there regarding GTA online.
Someone posted that we should challenge the rawk crews when the online starts, and I thought that would be kinda cool to have redcafe vs rawk on the streets of Los Santos.
Our crew is called RedCafe and is only open to posters from redcafe.
Would you guys on here be up for that?