classic sam. they love me, tbh
Dubai airport is nice. Singapore is lovely, I'd like to come here on vacation some time. Right now I'm trying to sleep before work in the morning.
Sounds good man.
Ok, i'll be quiet. Night night x
Dubai airport is nice. Singapore is lovely, I'd like to come here on vacation some time. Right now I'm trying to sleep before work in the morning.
Not this wayExtraction under 4:40.It takes about 10 minutes to get to the plane!
What bedtime story did you read?Dubai airport is nice. Singapore is lovely, I'd like to come here on vacation some time. Right now I'm trying to sleep before work in the morning.
To the missus.What bedtime story did you read?
Pretty sure he read it to Order No. #001876To the missus.
Not sure - there isn't a separate award for it, which is strange. It's a shame you can't view your fastest times - would help!
Here are the details:
Have read that you really need to have the right / best apartment for each particular heist - Having Alta St for the first one gives you less of a drive to Lester's factory, for example.
Also on #1, if you make any mistakes hacking, or take too long with the drill, then you have no chance. I struggle with the drill - seem to take forever!
But he'll be coming back at some point, right?Bred is kinda busy right now
That works.Feb 6th. Considering using a vacation that week.
Same if you need numbers. Fairly straightforward heist anyway. For the danger zone one the guys not in the hydra just need to fly around in the air and not risk dying by trying to landI'll be on later, hopefully
Get number 3 done.
PacStandard is really the easiest. The only challenging requirement is the time and good motorcycle work going straight north from the bank will do it.
I'd put Prison Break and the second easiest. The trick is to pray that the wanted-level doesn't glitch for the airplane pilot and that they know to get behind the jets to stay safe, and for the helicopter to work with the ground team and help clear the guards out of the way. The timer starts at the cutscene where you give the guy a gun in the prison yard and ends when you bail out.
3rd and 4th is a toss-up between Fleeca and Humane Labs. With a good ground crew and a pilot that lands and kills Merryweather helicopters with his own weapons it can be done with that <2% damage requirement. Both HL and Fleeca require FLAWLESS driving to stay under the time limit. 5:20 in Fleeca is not easy, but the other requirements are.
I consider Series A to be the hardest one to do. 6:30 from when you leave the apartment until you deliver the second Mule is insane and requires that the enemy NPCs all spawn quickly and die very quickly when shot. The Technical crew needs to also make sure they mop-up any enemies still breathing as they do not need to go to the lighthouse and the game only spawns about 80 enemies to kill and you have to kill 75 to pass the challenge. My team did it in 6:26 but only 74 kills on one of our attempts.
Series A is actually quite easy if you know when exactly to leave the warehouse (it's slightly before you've killed every last enemy; you'll kill the last couple carloads on the way out). Also, don't use the Technical at all. Have two of the guys ride on top of the Bensons; front guy uses a minigun and occasionally rocket launcher, back guy does mostly mop-up with assault rifle/MG. You'll easily clear 75 kills and you can get your time comfortably down to about 6 minutes as long as no one falls off during the drive (at least until near the end, where it no longer matters).
To me, Series A is actually the easiest one with a team that knows exactly what to do.
prison break elite is easy but can get tricky,the pilot have to tail the jet, the demolition guy have to give airsupport to the prisoner/officer and on cue the pilot have to land on the narrow street just outside of the prison, everyone hop in, leave and pray the endless wanted level glitch dont hit you haha
i remember we used timers do the elite, "if by X minute we are not in this part we wont make it", we had people practicing the plane landing in invite sessions, it was serious business haha
I'll be on later, hopefully
Get number 3 done.
@Bill.s.preston said he wants to heist. I'll probably end up quiting so no point in attempting it.
Sounds good. I've managed to fix my board too if any of you want easy money by doing last couple of setups of heist 4 after we've done the third heist if time. Will split 25/25/25/25
Sound. What roles do y'all want for the finale? There's pilot, gunner and two ground team.
No worries, 3rd times a charm. Yeah I'll be on tomorrow to hopefully finish the 3rd.
To make you feel a lot worse, it wasn't that it took Levo three attempts - I was the one driving and got it third timeIf it took you 3 attempts then it makes me feel slightly better about my pathetic efforts!
Sorry I wasn't on last night - should be on tonight to finish #3.