One Night Only
Prison Bitch #24604
Will you both be on? I'll be fine to come on now, got the bastard down
Swoosh is on atm, I'm currently on fifa. IF you get another for gta I'll jump on that.
Will you both be on? I'll be fine to come on now, got the bastard down
Who's up for a heist or two this eve?
Thinking Prison Break and Humane Labs.
@Levo @DatIrishFella @Big-Red @Damien @One Night Only @Levo @Duffy @NotoriousISSY
Priorities, man...Maybe, watching the wrestling when I get home, will see if theres room or whatever.
We gonna try first person?
Hell yeah! All of the people swoosh tagged doBut late to the party but finally got it. A lot of members playing on ps4?![]()
Especially the Humane Labs oneThink it makes sense to - will eventually give us another bonus when we have done all of them.
Plus it will be more of a challenge I think!
Any time is fine by me, 8 sounds good
Am i too Bad to join?Level 20.
I'm fine with whatever
SurrRight bitches, what's the crack? @swooshboy @Damien @Big-Red @DatIrishFella @christy87 @Duffy @Sampy93
What's your PSN?Surr![]()
Just Finishing Off a Setup so ill ne ready to go in 5 minsSurr![]()
sampy9301What's your PSN?
Just did 3 setups from the Prison Break heist in 1st person with @One Night Only @Damien and @Sampy93
Damn that is tough!! Makes it a lot more challenging - but it is pretty cool.
We were also not using the combat gear or the Kurumas (except for one setup where we have to steal the bus) as trying to play them closer to how they are intended, rather than how we did them on the CM challenge.
But a good laugh - will be good to work through all of them.
Worth noting we were doing them on Normal instead of hard too
That one where I hit the unmarked cop car, then flipped and landed in feck knows where was mental. Took about 10minutes to get outI am enjoying the challenge of first person tbh.
That was brilliant - didn't have a clue where we were...or what direction we had to go in!
It is good - stops you rushing through them and gives it a legitimate challenge!
pfft, I was nailing it... apart from the driving, the shooting and everything elseI knew damo and sam were fecking up too so I wasn't too angry with myself, everytime I felt like I was getting out of the rut I was upside down flying about spinning and back to square one. The relief when I finally got out of there was unreal.
Will be ace when we get to the heist bit after the setups, will be mental... we continuing tomorrow or another time?