66hrs worth of races (or 1100 or so races), over 600 hrs of playtime since Oct.2013 .....I've also spent over $55m. Got'damn.
66hrs worth of races (or 1100 or so races), over 600 hrs of playtime since Oct.2013 .....I've also spent over $55m. Got'damn.
favours for sailors.How the feck did you get 55M?!
Will be on just after 9 I think.10 mins
OPWhats everyones PSN names? Ill start sending out some friend requests.
Mines TheChrisDuffy
fecks sake trying to test this rooftop sniper LTS but the dumbass AI won't come out of their cover for me to shoot them so that I can complete the test.
I thank youthat was immense Duffy
Completely forgot, should have really it was some movie shit.Duffy was an absolute legend at that. Went for the spectacular jump and died but eh. Did you record it, @Duffy?
Completely forgot, should have really it was some movie shit.
People always told me you were a dick swoosh, but I always maintained you were 'armless.I was doing so well at Snipers vs Stunters, that they made me play with a handicap...
People always told me you were a dick swoosh, but I always maintained you were 'armless.
That could be good...reckon the prison would be pretty good too...plus the airport.Am going to have a go creating a LTS / Deathmatch in the subway over the weekend. Think if one team starts on street level, and the other in the tunnel, then there should be some good choke points around the escalators etc. I like the fact with LTS that you have to be a bit more tactical / careful, but not sure if the rounds will be over too quickly.
Will let you know how it goes...
That could be good...reckon the prison would be pretty good too...plus the airport.