One Night Only
Prison Bitch #24604
Race? I used it as sniping practice
feck yeah!And a rare collector's item...
Here are the rest.
Bus on maze bank (I'm surprised we actually managed to do it... I was convinced that Levo would have blown up the bus as he was a bit gun happy)
Probably the best bit is at 5:43 on that vid
That wasn't me being hit by a car, looked like Stoney or Duffy.
That whole part with the Titan/bikes and the truck/cargobob aged me a good ten year.
Ye, can do for a while.I will be - still at work right will need some online to unwind
Maybe 9:30? Anyone else?
I'll be on around 10.30ish... when I'm on I'll awkwardly ring Big-Red if he's still on at the time and hang up after he says a few words (sorry about that)