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Yes, that's what it does for you plebians.
u wot m8
Yes, that's what it does for you plebians.
You'd have thought so, but no.
The game isnt doing anything right now... the guy got off the plane, spoke to the black guy and got dropped at the car bit and all its said now is 'waiting for other players. What the actual feck
Yeah I ended up only racing lamar in the end.Finally managed to login this morning and complete the race! It went to the screen where it said it was waiting for other racers and counted down. When no one else joined it was just Lamar and myself racing - so not sure if this is something they have changed in order to help people get past the race section?
I didn't have anytime to do anything else before work, but hopefully my character is now saved and I can join you guys soon!
Familiarize yourself with the interaction menu
Because you're sharing the world with 15 other players, hitting the pause button in GTA Online doesn't actually pause anything. So if you pull open the overworld map while doing a buck-twenty down the freeway, you're pretty much asking for a nasty accident. Fortunately, Rockstar has a solution for this in the form of the interaction menu.
Hold select or back, and you'll get a little menu in the upper left that lets you create a quick GPS route toward common destinations such as Ammu-Nation, Los Santos Customs, and convenience stores (a great source for early-game cash). It's a handy system that lets you navigate toward specific locations quickly and easily, without ever giving up control of your vehicle or character. The interaction menu can be used for other things, like managing your inventory, but its most useful trait is quick and painless GPS routing.
I tried to get on last night, did the first race (only vs Lamar though) but then it got stuck trying to load whatever is after the race. Slightly disappointed that I still haven't had any proper playtime but others look like they are getting some progress.
Just created my character and have also sent in the request to join the crew.
Cool - just accepted it!
Finally relented and bought a copy of this. Sent a request in dargonk
I got same problem as many otherts, got stuck waiting for players on the race.
Is it running better today?
Is it possible to edit your character? I put no time into creating him and he looks shit.
I had that problem yesterday eve, and thats where it kicked me out.
This morning it worked - went to the screen to wait for others, but then after a counter ticked down I started the race just with Lamar...so hopefully it should work better for you now!
I got same problem as many otherts, got stuck waiting for players on the race.
Is it running better today?
Is it possible to edit your character? I put no time into creating him and he looks shit.
You have two slots that you can save characters to - so you could create a new one. Am not sure if you can edit a created character or not. But I know a number of people have lost their created character - so that might work in your favour!
One tip - if you do spend time with the character creation, and finally manage to choose a face that you are happy with, I recommend taking a pic of the screen that shows your character's settings / family history. That way if you do have to re-create your character (as I did) then at least you don't have to waste any time doing it.
Because people were having issues I just hit random and accepted as I didn;t want to waster time creating one and it deleting. Typically it seems to have saved.
Same thing happened with the colour on my shirt too. I bought a new one though, couldn't find any red ones though![]()
I'm happy with my character - a bit more surf dude looking than me...but think thats because I didn't go with the shaved head! I tried that but my guy just looked ill![]()
Anyone on?
My character look like a junkie.
Were you able to get on without any problems?
This makes me laugh because since Tuesday evening i've got on first time every time i've tried.
So have you actually been doing stuff? Everyone I've heard has encountered numerous difficulties.