Gaming swooshboy's GTA Online thread featuring the RedCafe Crew

Which badge do you like the look of most (see post #13150)

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  • None of them

  • Oh no

  • Levo Smells

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Just setting the PS3 back up after sorting out the disk drive. Anyone up for some GTA?

Never mind, appears as though PSN is down.
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@ISSYNAZAR What's the error code that you're getting bro? If it 80710092 or something it's actually some weird thing that's knocked it off. I popped on for a minute earlier and had it. I'd to go to settings and turn of media services after that it let me in. If that doesn't seem to work apparently going into your browser and going to tools and clearing cache, search history and another one I can't think of should make it work.

It's rather bizarre.
Who's going to be online this eve?

Want to get some time in on this before Madden is released on Thursday.
Yeah I might go on for an hour or so after the match.

Sold all my PS4 games so I'm GTA through and through for a good month or so.
GameStop managers were given a 45 minute closed doors presentation of GTAV remastered and they were seriously impressed and give out a few details about the changes, they have completely revamped alot of content and have been working on the remaster for well over a year.

'I saw 30 minutes of gameplay of this game yesterday.
Guys the changes are astounding. Really incredible stuff. Rockstar said their goal was to push PS4 / X1 like how they pushes PS3 and 360. The environment changes they've done are incredible.
This remaster is the real deal. New trailer should be going out soon.'

1. I saw this at the GameStop managers conference in Anehiem. Rockstar gave a 45 minute closed doors presentation.
2. They showed us multiple locals. The city, underwater areas, country side etc.
3. Foliage has been completely reworked. Tree barks been redone, individual grass blades, wild flowers etc. This applies to underwater areas as well. Completely reworked coral reefs and underwater plants.
4. Draw distance now is INSANE. One example they showed us was the main city at night. They showed it on PS3 first amd showed us how all lighting at a distance was pre baked. In the remaster its all pre loaded in real time and is dynamic. You can see lights and traffic flow from massive distances.

5. Water rendering system has been completely redone. Rivers / Ocean / rain are gorgeous
6. No release date given. They simply said soon.
7. Animal texture work has been 100 % re done.
8. Anti Aliasing looked great with little to no jaggies. Looked 1080p to me. It was demoed on PS4.
9. Promised "new" content. One example was new songs / soundtrack / radio stations.
10. Best remaster Ive seen by far. I literally gasped at the differences.

1. Character models have been improved for sure.
2. Street detail is massively improved. Rain water now pools up on the road and honestly reminded me of Infamous Second Sons wet roads.
3. Animal and Wildlife count has been upped. They specifically mentioned how much they learned from Red Dead Remption and the original GTA5 and wanted to improve animal interactions even more.
4. Animals now sport actual fur. As in strands of hair that stick out from the actual body not just flat textures like in the original release.
5. I believe this has been in development since before GTA5s actual release as they said its been heavily worked on for over a year. Believe me you can tell. This is a complete remaster not just an uprezzed port. A huge chunk of staff have to be working on this.

Cars on the road appeared 2x more or so to me.
Cant comment on physics and such guys as much of what they showed was environmental without tons of action. They showed a lot of the beautiful vistas from a debug mode where they were free camera.

Looked 30 to me. But I believe its not locked down the FPS yet. considering the visuals I'll be shocked if its 60 at launch but Im not confirming anything.
Sounds good!

Really looking forward to this - despite having played it a load already. It's still the best sandbox game out there - and having the same freedom in a much better realised world will be great.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made an announcment on the 17th - with it being one year since it was released.

Can't wait.
Sounds to me like they are just trying to milk people for another few quid. Also I noted the line where it says '' I believe this has been in development since before GTA5s actual release as they said its been heavily worked on for over a year. Believe me you can tell. This is a complete remaster not just an uprezzed port. A huge chunk of staff have to be working on this''

Sounds me to like its this bollocks which has no doubt delayed heists etc. Yeah lets mak tons more cash doing a remaster and not actually delivering the things we said would be available from day 1.

But then if they just released a touched up port, they would be criticized for just trying to milk people for a few more quid anyway.

Also, if they had already allocated staff to work on the next gen version of the game before the last gen version shipped, then that would not explain why heists were delayed. They knew they had staff working on the next gen, and still promised that heists would be released soon. I personally think that they have had to spend much more time fixing bugs, glitches etc than they expected, and that was what delayed heists.
Who in here will be getting this for the PS4?

I haven't been online on GTA much recently, but am looking forward to picking this up and playing online again.

Will be good to get a few of us online when it launches...
Will try and get back online with GTA...although part of me is holding out for the PS4 version - it definitely spoils you playing on new gen! I think the biggest difference is the controller - the PS3 one feels very strange after being used to the DS4.

When will you be online next? Has been ages since have done any missions - and don't think I have done any of the newer ones, so would be up for them (and races).
Will try and get back online with GTA...although part of me is holding out for the PS4 version - it definitely spoils you playing on new gen! I think the biggest difference is the controller - the PS3 one feels very strange after being used to the DS4.

When will you be online next? Has been ages since have done any missions - and don't think I have done any of the newer ones, so would be up for them (and races).

I'd love to pick up a ps4 the next gen version really does look the business. I'm usually able to play from about 10pm but if an earlier start is needed I should be able to sort something. I've still play quite frequently.
Here's the link to the RedCafe Crew:

If anyone is not a member and wants to join, then request to join via the social club, and also post here your username, so that people know which pending request is yours.

Sent request. Rockstar Social Club name is JustStoneyYo (sorry) and PSN is IAmStoney in case that username comes up instead as I linked my PSN account.
Just read this:

Grand Theft Auto Online for Xbox One and PS4 also brings with it the chance to add way more detail to your avatar, even if you’re importing one from the Xbox 360 or PS3 (of note: stats can also be tweaked when importing, effectively allowing for a re-spec). The character creator in GTAO now rivals that of peak Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf, allowing you to customize no less than your eyes, nose, nose profile, nose tip, cheeks, cheek shape, lips, and more. Each has its own spectrum in which to tweak each individual setting.

Good news with being able to recreate your characters - this time using a proper character creator!
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