Stanley Road
Renaissance Man
My cat to a TI rather liked this image. Hardly great political debate (sorry) but there isn't much going on (but not nothing) at the moment.
My cat to a TI rather liked this image. Hardly great political debate (sorry) but there isn't much going on (but not nothing) at the moment.
I don’t really condone the whole punch a Nazi thing but I’d be lying if I said I’d get no satisfaction from seeing the bearded hi vis bloke get a smack in the chops.
In almost every other European capital (and most US cities?) a gathering of right wing bullies like that could expect to run an antifa gauntlet. How come there doesn’t seem to be any counter-protestors outside parliament?
I suspect that whilst they are bullying MPs rather than ethnic minorities antifa are fairly happy to sit on the sidelines and laugh at the stupidity on show, leaving the police to pick up the pieces if it turns nasty. If they were to wade in to try to block these pricks you can pretty much guarantee they would be the ones departing in handcuffs.
If they were to try to outnumber them outside the Palace of Westminster like that then they would be judged to be the threat and moved on if not arrested.I just think it’s depressing that they’re allowed to behave like that without any kind of counter protest. It doesn’t need to be violent either. I was staying in a hotel in Berlin when Pegida staged a gathering in a city square, spouting xenophobic bollox through a loud hailer. A massive gathering of counter-protestors surrounded them, quietly out-numbering them by about ten to one. No laws were broken but it was a powerful demonstration that wankers like this don’t really represent the people. It’s a shame this doesn’t seem to be happening here.
If there was a Tommy Robinson rally, I am a brown guy sometimes with a beard, I'd use a different road.
I don't blame him or anything, I don't think it's great journalism.
If they were to try to outnumber them outside the Palace of Westminster like that then they would be judged to be the threat and moved on if not arrested.
It's a weird place at the best of times and Brexit has turned it into a circus with both the pro EU and Brexit loons camped out there at all hours of the day and night shouting the odds and waving their placards hoping to get on camera but generally just bemusing tourists and getting in the way of normal people heading to work. Prior to Brexit though it was not much different, just a more diverse crowd of loons with some fairly disturbing displays,anti-abortionists with gigantic posters of aborted foetuses, falun gong supporters with photos of torture and murder victims, anti hunt lobbyists with their grizzly photos etc
Probably an unpopular opinion but i see little wrong (apart from being dimwitted) with those incidents from protesters, they weren't blocking the path of either and being called a nazi is hardly abuse. I certainly reserve the right to call some of the robinson plonkers nazis.
Sometimes i think politicians and journalists expect to be able to live in a bubble, getting their message out whilst not being directly challenged by the plebs.
Shithead with a beard has a name, apparently. He’s James Goddard from the EDL.
Mind you, his real name is probably Emmanuel Fitz-Dalrymple.
Like that all his social media ask for PayPal donations. Obviously in it as a point of principal and not to make his money like the next Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
It fits any reasonable interpretation of harassment and intimidation. It's aggressive and designed to instill fear and as such the plod should be having a look at it before the inevitable happens and someone gets hurt.
Jo Cox ring any bells?
That would criminalise a lot of protests, all the protests against Farage and Boris during the referendum for instance. Honestly, you had an issue with any of that?
Jo Cox was murdered, unless you think I'm saying its okay to attack individuals exactly what comparison are you trying to make?
If you crack down on direct protest because you don't like the protesters or their message you also reduce your own ability to protest. Are we saying the public have no right to protest towards politicians/journalists in person unless it's an organised debate event?
I'm saying there's a thin line between legitimate protest and unlawful behaviour and that politicians and journalists, like any member of the public, have the right to not be threatened on the streets of this country. And that is what is happening here.
And yes protest can be organised and lawful (we do have laws for this) and points of views can be expressed without threatening and intimidating behaviour which invariably escalates into violence if left unchecked. That's the link with the murder of Jo Cox - it's the next step from some feckwit like Goddard thinking he can get in the face of an MP or a journalist without some sort of comeback.
That would criminalise a lot of protests, all the protests against Farage and Boris during the referendum for instance. Honestly, you had an issue with any of that?
Jo Cox was murdered, unless you think I'm saying its okay to attack individuals exactly what comparison are you trying to make?
If you crack down on direct protest because you don't like the protesters or their message you also reduce your own ability to protest. Are we saying the public have no right to protest towards politicians/journalists in person unless it's an organised debate event?
I think there’s an important difference between a protest against a particular ideology or political movement and the targetted intimidation and harassment of individuals, which seems to be what is happening here.
Standing outside with placards barely gets any coverage and certainly no consideration from MPs we all know that. There's a reason there's a long standing tradition of shouting at MPs in transit as they'll usually get aired.
I don't recall many being outraged with the abuse Farage, Cameron or Boris got and that was often at their homes. There's an obvious double standard its either right or wrong not just when the person is deemed to have deserved it.
Personally i think if its people going in to parliament, a place of work, or a televised event then fine, if its whilst they're living their life off camera then that's a totally seperate issue.
Probably an unpopular opinion but i see little wrong (apart from being dimwitted) with those incidents from protesters, they weren't blocking the path of either and being called a nazi is hardly abuse. I certainly reserve the right to call some of the robinson plonkers nazis.
Sometimes i think politicians and journalists expect to be able to live in a bubble, getting their message out whilst not being directly challenged by the plebs.
don't be so sensitive you big racist nazi.What?
don't be so sensitive you big racist nazi.
Okay maybe i missed it but i didn't here any threats just name calling. If there were threats then i retract my point.
Yeah it seemed that way but she is a Tory so who cares.Same folks who hassled Soubry.
Yeah it seemed that way but she is a Tory so who cares.
They already have in Jo Cox but what happened yesterday was a bunch far right thugs shouted at a mp and a political commentator while they were guarded by police. It was interesting but that's about it.Well, I'd care if anyone got murdered by this mob, to be honest.
They already have in Jo Cox but what happened yesterday was a bunch far right thugs shouted at a mp and a political commentator while they were guarded by police. It was interesting but that's about it.
Yeah I would as well.I don't find it interesting. I'd hate it to happen to me. And if some rabid lunatic was shouting at me that I was "fair game", I'd be looking over my shoulder.
Yeah I would as well.
But Soubry is not only a MP but one that cuts welfare, cuts immigration rights, cuts worker rights. In fact it was her party that called the opposition leader a terrorist sympathiser and in the House of Commons called Momentum(a socialist faction inside the Labour Party)a group of fascists. Those comments yesterday being made to Owen Jones didn't have be formed from listening to Alex Jones or reading Breitbart but by picking up a national newspaper or just simply listening to the government. All of this by the way after a Labour MP was murder and a potential murder attempt on 2 more Labour MPs(Khan & Corbyn)
Now Soubry may just be a bit thick(Most liberal tories are)but how does she think politics is formed. There's good data to suggest the Tory cuts fuled anti EU feeling and may have actual helped Leave getting over the winning line.
So the shock she as well as other MP's had at yesterday none sense is just bizarre, if not more worrying as a lot of them don't seem to know the effects they have on people's lives.
This same EDL guy is in a video saying he'll start a war if they want one and that they're "fair game". So yeah, his rhetoric at least is not far from physical violence. Too close for comfort.
jesus feck this is the second time the remain campaign has used a slogan that was meant to show solidarity with the victims of a massacrei for one look forward to a nice friendly chat with a thuggish hoard outside a polling booth if there is a second referendum...
im sure they will love my t-shirt
jesus feck this is the second time the remain campaign has used a slogan that was meant to show solidarity with the victims of a massacre
almost everyone in the uk will autocomplete to charlie hebdo hearing je suisWhich - Charlie Hebdo? I thought it was a play on the Stalinist-era language used by Brexit-supporting newspapers and in French just to wind up little Englanders.
Those people ideas are empowered by austerity and by MPs like Soubry. Austerity played a role in leave winning the refendum, had austerity not happened then remain might have won and those idiots yesterday would'nt have been "protesting" outside Westminster.You seriously think the behaviour of those people abusing Soubry is a result of austerity? Whatabout Faisal Islam being called “not British” and “rapist”? Or Kay Burley and Laura Kuenssberg being threatened? Although, with Kuensberg, that could be Jeremy’s hardcore fan base of course.
almost everyone in the uk will autocomplete to charlie hebdo hearing je suis
almost everyone in the uk will autocomplete to charlie hebdo hearing je suis
Those people ideas are empowered by austerity and by MPs like Soubry. Austerity played a role in leave winning the refendum, had austerity not happened then remain might have won and those idiots yesterday would'nt have been "protesting" outside Westminster.
Yeah I'm not saying as individuals were made into racists by austerity but their ideas have gained in popularity because of the actions took by the likes of Soubry - such as austerity and calling opposition terrorists and fascists.That's perhaps true to a certain extent but a lot of the ones who would've been launching abuse yesterday are just racists who feel emboldened by Brexit. Plenty of them would've been racists before austerity was implemented and plenty of them would've always been looking for excuses to blame immigrants for whatever they can.
IndeedWhich - Charlie Hebdo? I thought it was a play on the Stalinist-era language used by Brexit-supporting newspapers and in French just to wind up little Englanders.