Thinks you can get an STD from flirting.
There are two separate things-
1. The withdrawal agreement, which sets out interim measures for the period between the UK leaving in March 2019 and the UK-EU agreeing an agreement on their future relationship. This has been agreed between May and the EU but may not get through parliament. If it does not get through parliament (even on a second reading maybe), then we are in crisis mode - general election, second referendum...The EU is unlikely to renegotiate this agreement and, in the absence of an agreement to extend the 29 March leaving date (to which the EU would probably agree to only if there was a 2nd referendum on the table), we crash out on 29 March and all hell breaks loose.
2. The longer-term agreement on the future relationship - this will not be discussed until and unless the withdrawal agreement is signed (the latter includes 7 pages of waffle about the parties’ intentions).
In short - it’s a total mess. Thanks, David Cameron.
According to May and the EU negotiations are over. Some people think the EU will reopen negotiations if we ask them nicely, after parliament votes against May, or after a general election perhaps, others think the EU will not re-negotiate at all, or will not agree substantial changes at any rate. If the latter are right some people think the Act of Withdrawal obliges us to to leave the EU with no deal, whilst others think we should tell the EU we've changed our mind and want to stay, and if we ask to stay some people think the EU will say too late we've agreed you're going, others think they'll say ok mates carry on as you were, while still others think they'll say if you want to stay you'll have to accept new conditions, like joining the Euro and Schengen. I wouldn't waste too much time working it out yet though, because in December you can watch May and Corbyn explain it all on telly, unless you want to watch I'm a Celebrity instead. Which might not be a bad idea when I think about it.
Thanks for the replies. Seems like an interesting situation. The idea of there being no deal sounds pretty terrifying from an English perspective though!