Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
A backstop with a time limit is not a backstop.
You know that, I know that, seemingly Theresa May doesn't know that.
A backstop with a time limit is not a backstop.
Yeah annoyingly Farage is right that the reason for the drop in anti immigration feeling(And why it's drop down the list of importance for voters)is because people think Britain has kicked out all the foreigners.Thanks for posting that.
At 33:45 confirms the point I have been making all along and like the moron he is Farage falls into the trap and starts spouting on about non-EU citizens which gets a large round of applause.
Sad times for the UK.
Yeah annoyingly Farage is right that the reason for the drop in anti immigration feeling(And why it's drop down the list of importance for voters)is because people think Britain has kicked out all the foreigners.
I'm still of the mind that the UK government could put a border up in NL and it wouldn't effect party polling. People really don't care(Some actually take pride in knowing feck all about the process)
Who knows but considering how little NL border was given I image most didn't know and now they do they don't care.Leaving the CU and SM without putting up a border in Ireland is impossible so either the Leave voters were ignorant of that fact or they don't care. Both are equally reprehensible.
Not as easy as just giving it back before brexit. First there would have to be public consultations and referendums, to convince the people on both sides of the border that if they want what is a romantic notion to become reality, they will have to pay for it economically. Bigly. A recent study by Trinity college shows that the cost required per year to take on the North would be 11bn. Ireland don’t have that and the UK won’t want to fund it without it being part of the UK.Wouldn't that be weird if Brexit finally United Ireland? Not sure how that is ever going to fly with the Protestants in the north even if the Catholics on both sides of the border now want it. The stability that the Good Friday Agreement brought made a United Ireland far less of a priority for most who are for it in a general sense, as each side not killing each other was a very good start, but now?
Not as easy as just giving it back before brexit. First there would have to be public consultations and referendums, to convince the people on both sides of the border that if they want what is a romantic notion to become reality, they will have to pay for it economically. Bigly. A recent study by Trinity college shows that the cost required per year to take on the North would be 11bn. Ireland don’t have that and the UK won’t want to fund it without it being part of the UK.
That’s before we get into how to untangle the civil service, healthcare, policing etc.
There would need to be a huge handover period, an expensive one. Would every ROI resident want to pay an additional 10% or more tax per month to fund it? I doubt it
I actually think it would be like Brexit in that the people would vote for it and then afterwards the “oh shit what have we done?” realization would kick in
Anything’s possible if someone is willing to pay for it. That’s the question for me.It would be an absolute shit show. Though I guess it is possible.
Not as easy as just giving it back before brexit. First there would have to be public consultations and referendums, to convince the people on both sides of the border that if they want what is a romantic notion to become reality, they will have to pay for it economically. Bigly. A recent study by Trinity college shows that the cost required per year to take on the North would be 11bn. Ireland don’t have that and the UK won’t want to fund it without it being part of the UK.
That’s before we get into how to untangle the civil service, healthcare, policing etc.
There would need to be a huge handover period, an expensive one. Would every ROI resident want to pay an additional 10% or more tax per month to fund it? I doubt it
I actually think it would be like Brexit in that the people would vote for it and then afterwards the “oh shit what have we done?” realization would kick in
Not as easy as just giving it back before brexit. First there would have to be public consultations and referendums, to convince the people on both sides of the border that if they want what is a romantic notion to become reality, they will have to pay for it economically. Bigly. A recent study by Trinity college shows that the cost required per year to take on the North would be 11bn. Ireland don’t have that and the UK won’t want to fund it without it being part of the UK.
That’s before we get into how to untangle the civil service, healthcare, policing etc.
There would need to be a huge handover period, an expensive one. Would every ROI resident want to pay an additional 10% or more tax per month to fund it? I doubt it
I actually think it would be like Brexit in that the people would vote for it and then afterwards the “oh shit what have we done?” realization would kick in
We should threaten to pay them in pounds not euros... That should scare the pants off them regarding a no deal
We should pay them in Initiative Q.
A fool would state otherwise.
However you have completely misunderstood the reason for my interjection. I called this following statement to be patently false:
"British people don't want foreigners in the UK"
It is provably false and has been upthread.
It would be true to state that "some British people don't want some foreigners in the UK" This we know and it is absurd to argue otherwise.
Your definition of xenophobia does not equate to the accepted which would encompass a broad spectrum of accepted linguistic definitions to include irrational fear or hatred, dislike and/ore prejudice against foreigners.
"Most people want EU migration to be managed" does not meet this definition. What this tells us is that most people want EU migration to be managed. Their reasons for doing so are explored in the research and will no doubt include, but not be wholly concerned with, xenophobic attitudes
"In contrast 53% of Leave voters believed that the UK should not offer a preferential immigration deal to the EU, even if business would lose out, compared with 16% of Remain voters"
As above. A percentage of that 53% will no doubt be voting due to their xenophobia, as meets accepted definition, but all that we are sure of is that 53% are saying that the UK should not offer a preferential deal to the EU.
This is not semantics - this is simple and fundamental interpretation of really basic data.
Added to this we have the linked substantial research into why people voted a certain way with the summary findings seemingly at odds with your own and with Paul's. That's your prerogative but personally I'll take that summary at face value rather than stick my fingers in my ears, claim people are lying, and produce a poll of two members of my family as some sort of counter argument
May as well just stay in the EU, best for everyone.![]()
You are 100% wrong. Once you treat (or want to treat) someone differently because is from somewhere else, you are xenophobic. That 53% is not neutral to EU, they want to treat them differently because they don't like them or they fear that they will do something to them while others that they are from the same area, they don't mention them and they might do the same (basically competing with them for jobs)
And yeah, basically and fundamental interpretation of really basic data says that 53% are xenophobic against EU immigrants, that is absolute majority, there is no other interpretation. Thanks for agreeing with me
Is your own link mate, is you that you put your fingers in your ears
How did you get into Canada? Was it xenophobic of them to impose rules and stipulations for you to enter and live in the country. And is it xenophobic for them to impose one set of rules for you, and another for people who were born in Canada?
How did you get into Canada? Was it xenophobic of them to impose rules and stipulations for you to enter and live in the country. And is it xenophobic for them to impose one set of rules for you, and another for people who were born in Canada?
At the core it is as in an ideal world shouldn't be borders. But I am not naive
Also, you are wrong in the last part. Now as a resident I have exactly the same rules as a canadian born except voting and in 1 year and half I will be able even to do that
But in essence, is not comparable in the sense that if we consider all Europeans with the same rights, you shouldn't ask for different rules. That is why asking control from other countries of the EU, when had been established that shouldn't be like that, is xenophobic.
As I have been saying, there are several levels of xenophobia. You can even have them with your neighbouring town. I am xenophobic to a certain degree, I am tribal like many other people. The problem is when xenophobia reach high levels of intolerance, and Brexit is in my opinion a result of this
Unless you never agreed with the new rules introduced without your consent and when given a democratic vote you decline to extend those rights as per the question about your instructions which your politicians asked you for, to steer their actions.
Its not that hard to understand it is just most people in this thread want the opposite and they thrash about trying to justify why their view is more important and wiser, better and more modern. The people who disagree about the priorities are racist xenophobic or stupid.
Here you are a guy living in Canada from Spain thinking your view about a country you will never live in, on a continent you decided to leave, owes you something?
It doesn't and your opinion about ideals without borders are not just naïve but dangerous and ill thought out. There will always be borders of authority. those who think that is backward do so because they have never seen how badly run non democratic countries are. That's why we have so many people trying desperately to get in to democratic countries in the first place.
Its not that I agree with Brexit voters about voting leave because I didn't. It's that I agreed to vote and a I feel bound by that vote even though it went against me. Isn't that democracy? Or are we only allowing certain outcomes because our superiors and there is no end to those in this thread who feel they are just that, want every one else they feel are inferior to vote the way they think benefits them.
They might be right but god does the hypocrisy stick in my craw, half of them voted for Cameron but now they want to run away from the consequences.
We should have a peoples vote on the final outcome...
But hang on it took 40 odd years to get a vote on the current state of the EU which does not resemble the EEC we voted to join.
We didn't know what we were voting on...
If we vote to stay in the EU we don't know what that is going to turn out to be either. It not like voting leave is the first thing we ever did without certainty of outcome because we do that every election if we are honest.
Unless you never agreed with the new rules introduced without your consent and when given a democratic vote you decline to extend those rights as per the question about your instructions which your politicians asked you for, to steer their actions.
Its not that hard to understand it is just most people in this thread want the opposite and they thrash about trying to justify why their view is more important and wiser, better and more modern. The people who disagree about the priorities are racist xenophobic or stupid.
We didn't know what we were voting on...
If we vote to stay in the EU we don't know what that is going to turn out to be either. It not like voting leave is the first thing we ever did without certainty of outcome because we do that every election if we are honest.
Brexit: Raab admits in past he did not fully understand importance of Dover-Calais border for trade
The RussiansAfter listening to Raab and Davis, the only conclusion is that someone is intentionally trying to crash this country.
The Russians
And the UK has enough simpletons to go with it
Yes off course greed comes into it, always will. But look who had been funding brexit. Who has been communicating with the Russians? The Russians have form. Don’t know what their long term plan is but destabilizing Europe and the US is obviously a big part off it.I'm not comfortable with that, when I look at a party like FN in France, they are the ones who reached to the russians and tried to seduce them in exchange of money, russian leaders are obviously perfectly happy with it but it's too easy to solely blame russia when we kind of know that in reality it's our own politicians and entrepreneurs who are trying to further their personal financial ambitions.
After listening to Raab and Davis, the only conclusion is that someone is intentionally trying to crash this country.
The Russians
And the UK has enough simpletons to go with it
I can only say: sorry, folks, but it doesn’t work to declare the government a kind of foreign power, whose rise can’t really be explained. We Germans have tried to pull this nifty trick a few times ourselves. Unfortunately, in a democracy any government that has come into office not through a coup but through free elections is regarded as an expression of the will of the people. That is why we are talking about representative democracy.
Yes off course greed comes into it, always will. But look who had been funding brexit. Who has been communicating with the Russians? The Russians have form. Don’t know what their long term plan is but destabilizing Europe and the US is obviously a big part off it.
The Russians
And the UK has enough simpletons to go with it
Reminds me of this comment sadly:
We only have ourselves to blame
Well i didnt, but the country did yeah.Yep. The UK voted Tory, Tory, Brexit, Tory in succession. You can't do that and then blame other people when things go to shit.
It would be more accurate, and in some cases more honest, to say the UK voted Tory, Tory, Brexit, Tory and Labour in succession, as at the last general election both Tory and Labour promised Brexit in their manifestos. I get Labour can say they wanted a different sort of Brexit, but they campaigned on Brexit nonetheless.Yep. The UK voted Tory, Tory, Brexit, Tory in succession. You can't do that and then blame other people when things go to shit.
Exactly, they say you get the govt you deserve and the people have it.Yep. The UK voted Tory, Tory, Brexit, Tory in succession. You can't do that and then blame other people when things go to shit.