I agree totally with
Yes I expect you would as he was largely agreeing with you.
You keep ignoring facts - you only see what you want to see.
Nope. Simply linked to a variety of research that debunks your false statement
Theresa May has said the UK voted to leave the EU and the UK will be leaving the EU on 29th March and it is the will of the people, you had better send a letter quickly to her to say that Barca84 is not leaving the EU, didn't vote to leave and it's not your will.
I'm sure she'll be sympathetic to your pedantic semantics.
A childish suggestion. Writing to the PM won't make any difference and if this is a course of action you take yourself I suggest an approach more effective. Hopefully there'll be something more substantial put in place. Re semantics - I refer you to my previous thoughts on this. Words and detail are important even if they create you difficulty - it's tempting to simplify but it impoverishes the debate as we've seen.
You quote some survey which has radically different results and even quotes exactly what I said.
No it doesn't, anywhere, say that "The British don't want foreigners".
This survey has only a marginal relevance to EU immigration as the majority is about overall immigration.
This debate is about your statement above. You did not state "the British don't want foreigners from the EU". That would be a similar but significantly different debate.
Does your argument about the 53% means that it is only European immigrants that are objected to and what is the objection, what's wrong with them.
Let everybody in , eh?
Nowhere have I said this, Are you confusing me with someone else?
You can answer one of my polls:
5 people go for a job interview.
Let's say yourself , let's say you're a local lad from Manchester.
4 other people, one from Scotland with a deep scottish accent, one from Norwich with a broad accent, one from Holland with a slight Dutch accent, one from Bulgaria with a Bulgarian accent.
Each are equally qualified and would all be paid the same salary.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how upset would you be if
1. The Scottish guy got the job
2. The guy from Norwich got the job
3. The Dutch guy got the job.
4. The Bulgarian guy got the job
No thanks. Your poll is infantile and as irrelevant to the discussion as your poll of your family. However the presence of xenophobic attitude and/or racism in your family relationships could possibly be a significant predeterminant of your continued insistence that such attitudes largely drove the leave vote. In simpler terms could you have extrapolated from a study of two people the voting incentives of 17 million? If so it's a risky calculation to make.
You don't like people's personal experiences, how about we pool them all together. If I recall correctly you don't like experience of people on social media, comments on newspapers because they don't represent real life ,only your survey counts even though it is largely off subject.
I love to hear about people's experiences. Just not as anectodal and unverifiable evidence to support an inaccurate statement.
And you still can't prove that I'm wrong.
Your statement above has been disproved.
You still can't disprove a thing I've said.
You're repeating yourself.
Here's another one for you, I've personally travelled in and out of the UK hundreds of times and not once I have walked straight through the border.
How unlucky am I, it's only a personal anecdote so therefore the UK borders must be open, take control of our borders because the only person who is stopped is Paul the Wolf, do all the rest just walk through unchallenged?
We're not debating this. We're debating your statement above. Stop deflecting.
Remember the only 2% approx that has swayed the result despite the drastic warnings by the government what will happen to the economy. Can we safely assume that the rubbish spouted about how the economy will be better off outside the EU can be dispelled, another lie possibly? One other reason ruled out? No-one still come up with any rules that devastate their lives, and I saw yesterday on the BBC that the proportion of people who voted Leave as a protest vote was negligible. If people understood how the EU worked then they wouldn't be talking about how much more democratic the UK system is.
Don't seem to have many reasons left.
Not relevant to the debate re your false statement.
Your words:
"British people don't want foreigners in the UK"
These were your words. You'll find them in your posting history.
It is provably false and has been upthread.
Those are mine.
Therefore you are saying that British people do want foreigners in the UK, problem solved, no need for HOPE/HATE, no need to stop FoM, everyone's welcome.
No that's not what I've said is it? It's Hope Not Hate and it's not what they say either. Neither does the executive summary of the National Conversation on Immigration. See my previous post for further detail or read the survey report again. If the summary is not clear enough perhaps you should read the whole thing?
I think we've made some progress injecting some solid independent research into the Brexit vote and on immigration in general into this discussion. It's good to challenge stereotypes and entrenched positions particularly ones built on suspect foundations of purely personal experience.