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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Looking forward to 2046, when the government announces the return of burgundy passports to appeal to the nostalgia of 90s and 00s kids.
When a company wants you, they will keep you using any means they can. I'm afraid that's the bottom line and why around 40% of my colleagues are non eu passport holders.

We have absolutely no idea at the moment what the post Brexit rules will be. People like yourself keep talking about how it'll just be ok, but you're assuming things that you have no basis to assume. Chiefly that a deal will be made prior to the exit date, which puts in place the kinds of standards countries largely take for granted. The reality is that you're almost certainly correct, but there's a small but still significant possibility that there won't be deal and that we could still crash out of the EU with no agreements in place. If that happens then some very crazy shit is going to happen, and that includes millions of UK and EU citizens getting fecked. You might consider that small possibility to be insignificant, but as long as its out there its something I can't be calm about. Especially when I see the government screwing up the process so badly, and refusing to accept simple truths about what the outcome has to be.
We have absolutely no idea at the moment what the post Brexit rules will be. People like yourself keep talking about how it'll just be ok, but you're assuming things that you have no basis to assume. Chiefly that a deal will be made prior to the exit date, which puts in place the kinds of standards countries largely take for granted. The reality is that you're almost certainly correct, but there's a small but still significant possibility that there won't be deal and that we could still crash out of the EU with no agreements in place. If that happens then some very crazy shit is going to happen, and that includes millions of UK and EU citizens getting fecked. You might consider that small possibility to be insignificant, but as long as its out there its something I can't be calm about. Especially when I see the government screwing up the process so badly, and refusing to accept simple truths about what the outcome has to be.

No deal is not a small or insignificant possibility at all, it's still a distinctly possible outcome.
That would be badass, you have the best national anthem.

Its way better then the crappy british/italian hymn (although malta is the worst). However nothing beats the russian anthem
We have absolutely no idea at the moment what the post Brexit rules will be. People like yourself keep talking about how it'll just be ok, but you're assuming things that you have no basis to assume. Chiefly that a deal will be made prior to the exit date, which puts in place the kinds of standards countries largely take for granted.
This is just overreaction. I know for certain non eu citizens are working here. I know for certain they will remain here so long as they have work with no break longer than 3 months between jobs. I know companies desperately want them and the measures they have gone thru to keep them.

Tell me now, why has a UK citizen outside the eu got less chance than them?? They don't speak the language, don't integrate but the companies find them highly valuable.

It's like you believe that you are a shit uk person outside the eu and your company will fire you over another person outside the eu cos your british. This is how you come across and its feckin mind boggling. Some of my non eu colleagues have worked allover the world, but not uk johnny, he cant go anywhere without the burgundy passport.

Fukk me
This is just overreaction. I know for certain non eu citizens are working here. I know for certain they will remain here so long as they have work with no break longer than 3 months between jobs. I know companies desperately want them and the measures they have gone thru to keep them.

Tell me now, why has a UK citizen outside the eu got less chance than them?? They don't speak the language, don't integrate but the companies find them highly valuable.

It's like you believe that you are a shit uk person outside the eu and your company will fire you over another person outside the eu cos your british. This is how you come across and its feckin mind boggling. Some of my non eu colleagues have worked allover the world, but not uk johnny, he cant go anywhere without the burgundy passport.

Fukk me

You're missing the point and making exactly the assumption I said. If there's no Brexit deal then we don't suddenly revert to a situation where normal rules apply. All this stuff has to be negotiated and agreed on and it'd have to happen in the time between the government deciding there would be no deal and the timescale of Article 50 running out.

Do you genuinely not understand how short that timescale is? All that supposed fear-mongering about UK planes not flying into EU airspace and suchlike is EXACTLY what happens if we suddenly drop out without any deals. So when do the government decide on no deal given they only have 15 months left? What happens if they agree a deal a month before and parliament refuse it? We could quite realistically be left with little more than weeks or a few months to agree some extremely complicated and difficult issues. So no, I don't think I'm being particularly melodramatic. Glad you have so much faith in this governments abilities though.
You're missing the point and making exactly the assumption I said. If there's no Brexit deal then we don't suddenly revert to a situation where normal rules apply. All this stuff has to be negotiated and agreed on and it'd have to happen in the time between the government deciding there would be no deal and the timescale of Article 50 running out.

Do you genuinely not understand how short that timescale is? All that supposed fear-mongering about UK planes not flying into EU airspace and suchlike is EXACTLY what happens if we suddenly drop out without any deals. So when do the government decide on no deal given they only have 15 months left? What happens if they agree a deal a month before and parliament refuse it? We could quite realistically be left with little more than weeks or a few months to agree some extremely complicated and difficult issues. So no, I don't think I'm being particularly melodramatic. Glad you have so much faith in this governments abilities though.
The point your missing is that my point has nothing to do with uk and brexit as........oh dear, i have to repeat it for the 90th time...!

You dont need an eu passport to work in the eu, yes crazy as it sounds, that's the truth.
The point your missing is that my point has nothing to do with uk and brexit as........oh dear, i have to repeat it for the 90th time...!

You dont need an eu passport to work in the eu, yes crazy as it sounds, that's the truth.

Of course you don't, but countries still have to agree to visa conditions and arrangements, especially when it comes to working visas. There isn't just some magic default state.
How do you explain all my colleagues then? I can guarantee in Europe that I am 100% correct.

Because you only know those who have been succesful. Those who haven't aren't working with you. You have to get a via. Which have regulations. And no matter how much you try to bend the rules and/or design a job description you don't always get that visa. Plus it take 100% longer. A friend of mine is in just such a situation trying to start his new job in London. He has to pass the pre-visa check and only then can his prospective employer apply for the visa. It will take a minimum of 6 months in total, probably more, and isn't guaranteed. This will become the reality for UK firms trying employ EU citizens and UK citizens trying to work in Europe.
@Stanley Road

What you say about "the company only needs to want you" . That is none sense. Every country has different regulations and some even the final decision does not depend on the company but the government. Some jobs fall in some categories that are not elegible.

Here in Canada I was lucky to get a 1 year vias, with that I could manage to find a job that they were willing to sponsorize me. When I found the job I had 6 months left, the process was more or less that 6 months. If I would find that job 2 months later, most likely I would not get it. To be able to be elegible, I had to change the naming of my position, and even if they were willing to sponsorize me (not speaking paying money for it) the last call was for the government. It doesn´t matter how much the company would be willing.

Rules from outside EU workers are different in Netherlands than France and Spain and so on. As well visas and citizenship requirements.

So no, is not "if your company wants you" blabblah.

Also, in my visa, I am tied, for now with my current company. I can´t work with any other company, so if for whatever reason I have a problem with them, I have to swallow up, or if they fire me, I am screwed. Also I can´t look for better opportunities. If a company comes with a better position and salary I think I could change but it would be a hassle and would jeopardize my Permanent Resident application that is ongoing

Thinks like that could happen as well in europe for non EU citizens. @Kentonio , inside the EU is free to changes jobs and do as any other frenchman, so don´t picture it as it would be easy peasy because most likely, it will be, in the best case scenario, a bureaucratic nightmare with an unknown results for him
Second day in and I'm still questioning if that actually happened. It's like the next five Christmas days rolled into one. Blue passports! We're special.
@Stanley Road

What you say about "the company only needs to want you" . That is none sense. Every country has different regulations and some even the final decision does not depend on the company but the government. Some jobs fall in some categories that are not elegible.

Here in Canada I was lucky to get a 1 year vias, with that I could manage to find a job that they were willing to sponsorize me. When I found the job I had 6 months left, the process was more or less that 6 months. If I would find that job 2 months later, most likely I would not get it. To be able to be elegible, I had to change the naming of my position, and even if they were willing to sponsorize me (not speaking paying money for it) the last call was for the government. It doesn´t matter how much the company would be willing.

Rules from outside EU workers are different in Netherlands than France and Spain and so on. As well visas and citizenship requirements.

So no, is not "if your company wants you" blabblah.

Also, in my visa, I am tied, for now with my current company. I can´t work with any other company, so if for whatever reason I have a problem with them, I have to swallow up, or if they fire me, I am screwed. Also I can´t look for better opportunities. If a company comes with a better position and salary I think I could change but it would be a hassle and would jeopardize my Permanent Resident application that is ongoing

Thinks like that could happen as well in europe for non EU citizens. @Kentonio , inside the EU is free to changes jobs and do as any other frenchman, so don´t picture it as it would be easy peasy because most likely, it will be, in the best case scenario, a bureaucratic nightmare with an unknown results for him
Preech brother
Because you only know those who have been succesful. Those who haven't aren't working with you. You have to get a via. Which have regulations. And no matter how much you try to bend the rules and/or design a job description you don't always get that visa. Plus it take 100% longer. A friend of mine is in just such a situation trying to start his new job in London. He has to pass the pre-visa check and only then can his prospective employer apply for the visa. It will take a minimum of 6 months in total, probably more, and isn't guaranteed. This will become the reality for UK firms trying employ EU citizens and UK citizens trying to work in Europe.
I got a thousand cases to counter any of those situations. Remember how simply my mrs bro and his chinese wife easily became oz citizens? My german mate threatened with deportation fron nl for losing his job? The pont is and will always be this, your eu passport is not made of magic dust, you will not be given a job over a better qualified non eu candidate that the company wants. Your eu passport does not guarantee you anything but entry, entry yiu dont actually need to apply for a job these days as a lot of interviews are done on skype.
What you say about "the company only needs to want you" . That is none sense. Every country has different regulations and some even the final decision does not depend on the company but the government. Some jobs fall in some categories that are not elegible.
I'm afraid it's not, there is a process the company has to follow which is exactly as you describe in your paragraphs but in NL the company will only follow that process if......

A) The company really wants you
B) The company really wants you
C) The company really wants you

so yes, I am very correct in what I say, I have looked into it in depth over the last 20 years.
I got a thousand cases to counter any of those situations. Remember how simply my mrs bro and his chinese wife easily became oz citizens?

They must have ticket the right boxes as it is far from easy to get in these days.

My german mate threatened with deportation fron nl for losing his job? The pont is and will always be this, your eu passport is not made of magic dust, you will not be given a job over a better qualified non eu candidate that the company wants. Your eu passport does not guarantee you anything but entry, entry yiu dont actually need to apply for a job these days as a lot of interviews are done on skype.

Magic dust? No. Unnecessary cost, time and inefficiency, yes.
They must have ticket the right boxes as it is far from easy to get in these days.

Magic dust? No. Unnecessary cost, time and inefficiency, yes.
I'm merely pointing out that the grapes of wrath scenario that some of you expect on here is simply in your head, some would find negativity in eutopia. I'm extremely positive about the coming year especially, yes me, one of the few in this argument that has really lost his job.
I'm merely pointing out that the grapes of wrath scenario that some of you expect on here is simply in your head, some would find negativity in eutopia. I'm extremely positive about the coming year especially, yes me, one of the few in this argument that has really lost his job.

Tell me eutopia was deliberate Stan, I love it.
I'm merely pointing out that the grapes of wrath scenario that some of you expect on here is simply in your head, some would find negativity in eutopia. I'm extremely positive about the coming year especially, yes me, one of the few in this argument that has really lost his job.

You've lost your job, not your right to live and work in 27 nations
You've lost your job, not your right to live and work in 27 nations
As I may or may not have mentioned about x posts ago. If you don't find something else in a period of time you can be threatened with deportation, the same way non eu nationals would be. I have an actual scenario that I am not going to post again but yeah, at the end of the day I can go and live anywhere in the world if there is a job and the company wants me, I am not limited to 27 like you.
As I may or may not have mentioned about x posts ago. If you don't find something else in a period of time you can be threatened with deportation, the same way non eu nationals would be. I have an actual scenario that I am not going to post again but yeah, at the end of the day I can go and live anywhere in the world if there is a job and the company wants me, I am not limited to 27 like you.

Right now you could go to 27 countries tomorrow, you are not limited to 'if a company wants you'
I'm afraid it's not, there is a process the company has to follow which is exactly as you describe in your paragraphs but in NL the company will only follow that process if......

A) The company really wants you
B) The company really wants you
C) The company really wants you

so yes, I am very correct in what I say, I have looked into it in depth over the last 20 years.

The company will follow the process:

A) The company really wants you
B) The company really wants you
C) The company really wants you

The government at the ultimate instance can:

A) Give a feck or not give a feck
B) Give a feck or not give a feck
C) Give a feck or not give a feck


A) NL regulations are not FR Regulations for non EU
B) NL regulations are not FR Regulations for non EU
C) NL regulations are not FR Regulations for non EU


A) Not only afects NL and Kentonio
B) Not only afects NL and Kentonio
C) Not only afects NL and Kentonio

Making comments like, don´t cry if you lose your job and you need to sell your house and basically lose all what you fought for because "Hey, is your fault because your company does not want you enough" it ranges from insensitivity to being a cnut
This is just overreaction. I know for certain non eu citizens are working here. I know for certain they will remain here so long as they have work with no break longer than 3 months between jobs. I know companies desperately want them and the measures they have gone thru to keep them.

In Dublin we’ve had nonEU people working here, that we’ve had to let go because their visa expired
The blue passport fiasco shows how easy people are deceived and it is to stoke up nationalism.
In Dublin we’ve had nonEU people working here, that we’ve had to let go because their visa expired
Non EU's come here with a visa on limited time, same as in Dublin I guess?

They get employed cos hey, guess what, the company really wants them right?

The company has by then written to the authorities explaining that they have advertised the job nationally and there were no suitable candidates right?

Then they have advertised it Europe wide and have found a candidate outside the eu, not only is this candidate perfect but with us having to force them from their country they also qualify for the 70% tax ruling right? Wrong, that's how it works in NL and thats how it can work anywhere depending on how much your company wants you( did i mention that yet ). The guage on how much they want you depends on how much of that beurocratic bullshit they are prepared to do for you. If they aren't then they don't want you that much.
Non EU's come here with a visa on limited time, same as in Dublin I guess?

They get employed cos hey, guess what, the company really wants them right?

The company has by then written to the authorities explaining that they have advertised the job nationally and there were no suitable candidates right?

Then they have advertised it Europe wide and have found a candidate outside the eu, not only is this candidate perfect but with us having to force them from their country they also qualify for the 70% tax ruling right? Wrong, that's how it works in NL and thats how it can work anywhere depending on how much your company wants you( did i mention that yet ). The guage on how much they want you depends on how much of that beurocratic bullshit they are prepared to do for you. If they aren't then they don't want you that much.

Is as simply as before Bosman law my friend. The more restriccions you have because of your origin, the more difficult is that they hire you. I went to an interview, and they liked me enough to go right away with the second interview. What he would be my boss said that they really liked me but they didn´t want to hire me bcause I only had 1 year visa. It didn´t matter that I explain them about visa rules, sponsorization, lied that I had a fianceé. They simply were not sure of the legal implications and they had other candidates that they might not like as much but they knew they could remain in the country

I really do not know how you are so stubborn. Of course, if you are a fecking master of the universe in your job, you will never have a problem, but sorry, some people are more mundane at what we do and changes in our visa situation might mean that we can lose everything that we fought for.

And yes, now be a cnut and say: "it is hyour fault to not be better and that your company didn´t want you enough"

Guess what, some companies wants you enough in determinate conditions, if that conditions changes, the company might not have a choice or they might have a choice but you are less valueable. So blaming the change of conditions is completely fair, because @Kentonio would be perfectly fine without Brexit

You could try and be more empathic, would make you a better person
Non EU's come here with a visa on limited time, same as in Dublin I guess?

They get employed cos hey, guess what, the company really wants them right?

The company has by then written to the authorities explaining that they have advertised the job nationally and there were no suitable candidates right?

Then they have advertised it Europe wide and have found a candidate outside the eu, not only is this candidate perfect but with us having to force them from their country they also qualify for the 70% tax ruling right? Wrong, that's how it works in NL and thats how it can work anywhere depending on how much your company wants you( did i mention that yet ). The guage on how much they want you depends on how much of that beurocratic bullshit they are prepared to do for you. If they aren't then they don't want you that much.

Cites bureaucratic bullshit, wants to enact a load of through Brexit
It's quite a testament to how far we'd go to appease the dumbest person in the room when we're actually going to spend billions and billions of pounds to extract ourselves from an organisation we belong to, then even more money enshrining pretty much every rule we had to abide by within that organisation into law to get to a stage where we were before only without having any direct say or influence over which rules we now have to oblige ourselves to follow.

But hey - blue passports! Woot!