Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Is as simply as before Bosman law my friend. The more restriccions you have because of your origin, the more difficult is that they hire you. I went to an interview, and they liked me enough to go right away with the second interview. What he would be my boss said that they really liked me but they didn´t want to hire me bcause I only had 1 year visa. It didn´t matter that I explain them about visa rules, sponsorization, lied that I had a fianceé. They simply were not sure of the legal implications and they had other candidates that they might not like as much but they knew they could remain in the country

I really do not know how you are so stubborn. Of course, if you are a fecking master of the universe in your job, you will never have a problem, but sorry, some people are more mundane at what we do and changes in our visa situation might mean that we can lose everything that we fought for.

And yes, now be a cnut and say: "it is hyour fault to not be better and that your company didn´t want you enough"

Guess what, some companies wants you enough in determinate conditions, if that conditions changes, the company might not have a choice or they might have a choice but you are less valueable. So blaming the change of conditions is completely fair, because @Kentonio would be perfectly fine without Brexit

You could try and be more empathic, would make you a better person

First paragraph says it all. I could tell you what would have happened here but you wont listen so no point.
First paragraph says it all. I could tell you what would have happened here but you wont listen so no point.

is you that don't listen. Companies want it easy and for them, 99% of people is expendable, they can find a replacement
Dear Prime Minister,

The hardest thing in politics is to bring about lasting change for the better, and I believe in co-operation across parties to achieve it.

In this spirit I was glad to accept reappointment last year as Chair of the independent National Infrastructure Commission, when you also reaffirmed your support for HS2, which will help overcome England's north-south divide when it opens in just eight years time. I would like to thank you for your courtesy in our personal dealings.

The Commission has done good work in the past 27 months, thanks to dedicated public servants and commissioners. Sir John Armitt, my deputy chair, and Phil Graham, chief executive, have been brilliant throughout. I am particularly proud of our plans for equipping the UK with world-class 4G and 5G mobile systems; for Crossrail 2 in London and HS3 to link the Northern cities; and for transformational housing growth in the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge corridor.

I hope these plans are implemented without delay. However, my work at the Commission has become increasingly clouded by disagreement with the Government, and after much consideration I am writing to resign because of fundamental differences which simply cannot be bridged.

The European Union Withdrawal Bill is the worst legislation of my lifetime. It arrives soon in the House of Lords and I feel duty bound to oppose it relentlessly from the Labour benches.

Brexit is a populist and nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump. After the narrow referendum vote, a form of associate membership of the EU might have been attempted without rupturing Britain's key trading and political alliances. Instead, by allying with UKIP and the Tory hard right to wrench Britain out of the key economic and political institutions of modern Europe, you are pursuing a course fraught with danger. Even within Ireland, there are set to be barriers between people and trade.

If Brexit happens, taking us back into Europe will become the mission of our children's generation, who will marvel at your acts of destruction.

A responsible government would be leading the British people to stay in Europe while also tackling, with massive vigour, the social and economic problems within Britain which contributed to the Brexit vote. Unfortunately, your policy is the reverse. The Government is hurtling towards the EU's emergency exit with no credible plan for the future of British trade and European co-operation, all the while ignoring - beyond soundbites and inadequate programmes - the crises of housing, education, the NHS, and social and regional inequality which are undermining the fabric of our nation and feeding a populist surge.

What Britain needs in 2018 is a radically reforming government in the tradition of Attlee, working tirelessly to eradicate social problems while strengthening Britain's international alliances. This is a cause I have long advocated, and acted upon in government, and I intend to pursue it with all the energy I can muster.

Britain must be deeply engaged, responsible and consistent as a European power. When in times past we have isolated ourselves from the Continent in the name of 'empire' or 'sovereignty,' we were soon sucked back in. This will inevitably happen again, given our power, trade, democratic values and sheer geography. Putin and the rise of authoritarian nationalism in Poland and Hungry are flashing red lights. As Edmund Burke so wisely wrote, 'people will not look forwards to posterity who do not look backwards to their ancestors.'

However, I would have been obliged to resign from the Commission at this point anyway because of the Transport Secretary's indefensible decision to bail-out the Stagecoach/Virgin East Coast rail franchise. The bailout will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds, possibly billions if other loss-making rail companies demand equal treatment. It benefits only the billionaire owners of these companies and their shareholders, while pushing rail fares still higher and threatening national infrastructure investment. It is even more inexcusable given the Brexit squeeze on public spending.

The only rationale I can discern for the bailout is as a cynical political manoeuvre by Chris Grayling, a hard right Brexiteer, to avoid following my 2009 precedent when National Express defaulted on its obligations to the state for the same East Coast franchise because it too had overbid for the contract. I set up a successful public operator to take over East Coast services and banned National Express from bidding for new contracts. The same should have been done in this case. Yet, astonishingly, Stagecoach has not only been bailed out: it remains on the shortlist for the next three rail franchises.

The East Coast affair will inevitably come under close scrutiny by the National Audit Office and the Public Accounts Committee, and I need to be free to set out serious public interest concerns. I hope the PAC calls Sir Richard Branson and Sir Brian Souter to give evidence. I am ready to share troubling evidence with the PAC and other parliamentary committees investigating the bailout.

As you know, I raised these concerns with the Chancellor and the Transport Secretary as soon as the bailout became apparent from the small print of an odd policy statement on 29 November majoring on reversing Beeching rail closures of the 1960s. I received no response from either Minister beyond inappropriate requests to desist.

Brexit is causing a nervous breakdown across Whitehall and conduct unworthy of Her Majesty's Government. I am told, by those of longer experience, that it resembles Suez and the bitter industrial strife of the 1970s, both of which endangered not only national integrity but the authority of the state itself.

You occupy one of the most powerful offices in the history of the world, the heir of Churchill, Attlee and Gladstone. Whatever our differences, I wish you well in guiding our national destiny at this critical time.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Adonis.
I can see that... and in 25 years I wouldn't at all be surprised to see us back in Europe.. . But with no rebates or opt outs (ie paying more and using the euro)... but demographically so many of those that voted to leave will be dead and it's such a divisive issue I can't see that many remainers switching sides or the young vote moving to leave so yeah I can see that potentially playing out
I can see that... and in 25 years I wouldn't at all be surprised to see us back in Europe.. . But with no rebates or opt outs (ie paying more and using the euro)... but demographically so many of those that voted to leave will be dead and it's such a divisive issue I can't see that many remainers switching sides or the young vote moving to leave so yeah I can see that potentially playing out
Yes. That's why a faux-Brexit is the only that makes sense in the long term. Let the pensioners have their little xenophobic dream and the younger generations have an easier clean up when we're in charge.
More shit from Micron and his vision of France and the EU

However, his speech came against the backdrop of a planned clampdown on illegal migrantion in France. Macron pointed to a France with problems such as discrimination on housing estates and warned against a country that was “too long divided”, urging for more harmony. He promised a large-scale social project for 2018, without giving details.
Foreign Secretary to Business Secretary would be a major demotion no matter how much they try to sugar coat it. I doubt May has the political capital to pull it off.
I don't know how Boris Johnson has the political capital to be within a hundred miles of Westminster. He's been so disastrous that he shouldn't even be allowed to go in with the tourists.
Surely even hardcore Remainers would agree that this is outrageous!!

Although politically stupid, Farage was ready to call for a third referendum (including the one in 1973) if his side lost. People forget this and forget the incessant whingeing by euphobes over the last 40 years.
Although politically stupid, Farage was ready to call for a third referendum (including the one in 1973) if his side lost. People forget this and forget the incessant whingeing by euphobes over the last 40 years.
I think Farage was talking about the £9m of public money the Govt spent on trying to convince the country to Remain....
I think Farage was talking about the £9m of public money the Govt spent on trying to convince the country to Remain....

At least it was the government and not some dodgy outsider, such as Murdoch, who has been on a crusade to get the country to leave the EU for decades.

Funny how that piece of information never enters the conversation on democracy and undue influence. But anything is allowed, including lying, so the end goal can be achieved. Farage has a history of this that's for sure.
Gove has announced that British farmers will be paid to plant meadows. That'll teach the EU how to deal with milk lakes and butter mountains. The subsidies will end just after the next general election - what a canny coincidence.

I think you mean TTIP, TPP was more of an American electoral concern back then.

You do realise democracy is about continually voting on issues as the facts and times change rather than 1 vote at 1 time being the rule for all eternity?

Did you vote in the UK's referendum on the Lisbon Treaty then, or the one we held for our policy toward the Accession states?

You get out what you put in, and Remainer MPs didn't care a damn in those days.
You do realise democracy is about continually voting on issues as the facts and times change rather than 1 vote at 1 time being the rule for all eternity?
Are you serious? So continual referendums on the same subject?!

Switzerland has loads of referendums doesn’t it, how do they deal with it?
At least it was the government and not some dodgy outsider, such as Murdoch, who has been on a crusade to get the country to leave the EU for decades.

Funny how that piece of information never enters the conversation on democracy and undue influence. But anything is allowed, including lying, so the end goal can be achieved. Farage has a history of this that's for sure.
Forget the issue, don’t you think it was morally devious of the Govt to spend public money (not private money, not donations etc) on collateral for a particular side for a question put to the people?
You do realise democracy is about continually voting on issues as the facts and times change rather than 1 vote at 1 time being the rule for all eternity?

So it should be 41 years till the next EU referendum?
Or do you think the recent referendum should have been a lot earlier than 2016?
Theresa May set to appoint 'Cabinet minister for No Deal'
