Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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There needs to be serious pressure on a second referendum should the terms of the deal be rejected.

Leaving without any sort of deal is absolutely fecking mental and not what people voted for.
There needs to be serious pressure on a second referendum should the terms of the deal be rejected.

Leaving without any sort of deal is absolutely fecking mental and not what people voted for.

There wouldn't really be any time for it though.
There wouldn't really be any time for it though.

Yeah, we're pretty much at the point where we either get a deal negotiated by the current joke of a government or we got no deal at all. Embarrassing.
Not if we cancel it during the winter. The average Bexit voter will be in weatherspoons taking advantage of the heating.

A lot of them think the Uk's already left so they won't notice the difference.

Alternatively, assuming the brilliant negotiating team of Davis and co. don't cough up with what the EU want, which is almost certain, the tough decisions will start being made by manufacturing companies , banks and so on in the early part of 2018 and stage 2 of the economic decline will begin, there'll still be a year to reverse the decision , towards the end of 2018 it might dawn on the Brexiters that maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
There needs to be serious pressure on a second referendum should the terms of the deal be rejected.

Leaving without any sort of deal is absolutely fecking mental and not what people voted for.

It's exactly what people voted for.

The majority of those that voted out wanted us to sever ties with Europe, they wanted us to leave yesterday, not in 2019/20 with some kind of soft deal. They hate the EU, they hate the idea of Brussels controlling anything and everything, they want us floating in the ocean on our own free to do deals with everyone else.

They're fecking idiots.
Remainers still bitter I see.

Get over it.

Oh grow up you twat.

It’s going to feck up the economy and set us back god knows how many years. I also happen to like foreigners and welcome them into our country. I like how the EU looked after human rights. I liked being able to travel through Europe and have the option to work without thinking about a VISA.

As long as we have sovereignty or something right?
Blair at it yet again, this time Radio4 with Nick. Listen up Blair, we voted out and this is 'meant' to be a democracy, so no revoting just because you got the wrong one for you and your rich pals/bosses.
Oh grow up you twat.

It’s going to feck up the economy and set us back god knows how many years. I also happen to like foreigners and welcome them into our country. I like how the EU looked after human rights. I liked being able to travel through Europe and have the option to work without thinking about a VISA.

As long as we have sovereignty or something right?

Yeah sounds a good opinion but it matters not as the public voted out, so you're wrong. Nevermind Pex...
Yeah sounds a good opinion but it matters not as the public voted out, so you're wrong. Nevermind Pex...

Oh aye mate the brexiteers have all reminded us that that’s how politics works. You’re on the losing side of a vote so that’s the end of it.
Oh grow up you twat.

It’s going to feck up the economy and set us back god knows how many years. I also happen to like foreigners and welcome them into our country. I like how the EU looked after human rights. I liked being able to travel through Europe and have the option to work without thinking about a VISA.

As long as we have sovereignty or something right?


Blair at it yet again, this time Radio4 with Nick. Listen up Blair, we voted out and this is 'meant' to be a democracy, so no revoting just because you got the wrong one for you and your rich pals/bosses.

What nonsense is this? You do realise that when big businesses fail, they take out the little businesses that depend on them too... Then we all fail. Would love to know what you do for a living that can survive an economic crash.

All the intellect and maturity I’d expect of a turkey that was gullible enough to be convinced to vote for Christmas.

The only comfort is the knowledge that it’s your future that is equally fecked, you’re just too dumb to realise it.
Blair at it yet again, this time Radio4 with Nick. Listen up Blair, we voted out and this is 'meant' to be a democracy, so no revoting just because you got the wrong one for you and your rich pals/bosses.
A democracy is allowed to change it's mind. It doesn't mean that a majority of 2% can dictate for eternity. Especially a majority so decrepit it's dying minute by minute.
Evidently some Brexiters have gotten beyond actually arguing their case and so just resort to "We won, get over it."

Would be alright if it was a sporting contest or something. Alas...
Evidently some Brexiters have gotten beyond actually arguing their case and so just resort to "We won, get over it."

Would be alright if it was a sporting contest or something. Alas...
Typical remoaner. We beat Arsenal 8-2 in 2011, why wouldn't we just automatically get the 3 points again?
Theresa May actually called out Russian meddling in a speech tonight and indicated that they knew its extent. Expect them to buy time now while the truth of their involvement leaks through the press in order to discredit the first referendum in the public conscious.
Evidently some Brexiters have gotten beyond actually arguing their case and so just resort to "We won, get over it."

Would be alright if it was a sporting contest or something. Alas...


Just on this page alone leavers have been called decrepit, twat, fecking idiots, dumb. I don't come here often, but when I do it's always the same. Remainer prams and toys on the floor.

Just on this page alone leavers have been called decrepit, twat, fecking idiots, dumb. I don't come here often, but when I do it's always the same. Remainer prams and toys on the floor.

Because the problem is that whenever Remainers point out legitimate problems concerning Brexit, typically response don't actually address the issues at hand and instead divert the discussion onto something else. People are right to point out that this has massive ramifications that the government aren't handling well and saying "get over it," as if we're discussing a football match, isn't particularly helpful.

Just on this page alone leavers have been called decrepit, twat, fecking idiots, dumb. I don't come here often, but when I do it's always the same. Remainer prams and toys on the floor.

So what’s your hopes and dreams when it comes to Brexit? What do you think you will have achieved when all is said and done?

Just on this page alone leavers have been called decrepit, twat, fecking idiots, dumb. I don't come here often, but when I do it's always the same. Remainer prams and toys on the floor.

You come here to troll and post inane comments. You get exactly what you asked for. Get over it.
There's literally no scenario where this ends well.

Many people said that the only outcome would be damage control, the EU custom union is better with the UK and vice versa. But that's scaremongering, EU meddling and remoaner nonsense.
Because the problem is that whenever Remainers point out legitimate problems concerning Brexit, typically response don't actually address the issues at hand and instead divert the discussion onto something else. People are right to point out that this has massive ramifications that the government aren't handling well and saying "get over it," as if we're discussing a football match, isn't particularly helpful.

What a lot of people do not accept is that there is too much that is unknown. There are no experts here who have all the answers, although some like to think they are.
If people accept WE ARE LEAVING, then discussions would be more fruitful. We'd be discussing the best outcome when we leave, instead of watching a mockfest from people who can't accept any possibility of a decent outcome and bright future.
What a lot of people do not accept is that there is too much that is unknown. There are no experts here who have all the answers, although some like to think they are.
If people accept WE ARE LEAVING, then discussions would be more fruitful. We'd be discussing the best outcome when we leave, instead of watching a mockfest from people who can't accept any possibility of a decent outcome and bright future.
We realise that article 50 has been triggered and that we are leaving. But given the task at hand, and the sheer incompetence of the people leading the negotiation it's hard to see anything other than abject failure. That's why a lot of are pointing out it's not too late to scrap the whole thing. But if you know something we don't, please enlighten us.
A democracy is allowed to change it's mind. It doesn't mean that a majority of 2% can dictate for eternity. Especially a majority so decrepit it's dying minute by minute.

Yes, it is but unless I'm mistaken you would need either a new referendum to change the result or a party against leaving to win a majority in a general election.

How long would a new referendum voting remain ( if that was the new result and we all know how cocksure everyone was about the outcome of the first one) stand until it is challenged? Do we do it annually or every two years, five years every decade?

The second didn't happen and we have only just had one in which 80% of people voted for parties saying they would leave.

It is not clear to me that anyone has changed their mind and that isn't surprising given we haven't left.

I voted remain, I didn't agree with holding the referendum but I can't see how any sensible person can seriously suggest we don't leave the EU following the result.
Yes, it is but unless I'm mistaken you would need either a new referendum to change the result or a party against leaving to win a majority in a general election.

How long would a new referendum voting remain ( if that was the new result and we all know how cocksure everyone was about the outcome of the first one) stand until it is challenged? Do we do it annually or every two years, five years every decade?

The second didn't happen and we have only just had one in which 80% of people voted for parties saying they would leave.

It is not clear to me that anyone has changed their mind and that isn't surprising given we haven't left.

I voted remain, I didn't agree with holding the referendum but I can't see how any sensible person can seriously suggest we don't leave the EU following the result.
You'd only need one referendum and anything other than a conservative majority. It won't be long until most leave voters die of old age. The referendum wasn't a blowout, it was incredibly close. I find the supposed finality of it astonishing.
What a lot of people do not accept is that there is too much that is unknown. There are no experts here who have all the answers, although some like to think they are.
If people accept WE ARE LEAVING, then discussions would be more fruitful. We'd be discussing the best outcome when we leave, instead of watching a mockfest from people who can't accept any possibility of a decent outcome and bright future.

You want a fruitful discussion, feel free to answer my question and I’ll be happy to entertain you with one:

So what’s your hopes and dreams when it comes to Brexit? What do you think you will have achieved when all is said and done?
What a lot of people do not accept is that there is too much that is unknown. There are no experts here who have all the answers, although some like to think they are.
If people accept WE ARE LEAVING, then discussions would be more fruitful. We'd be discussing the best outcome when we leave, instead of watching a mockfest from people who can't accept any possibility of a decent outcome and bright future.

But the problem is that the current government in charge of Brexit doesn't know what they're doing. They're a government currently barely sustaining itself on a slim deal with the DUP as they try to work their way through infighting, a widespread harassment scandal, a now-resigned cabinet minister meeting up with a foreign power and not doing so, and a Foreign Secretary who has endangered a British citizen abroad.

Any speech given by Theresa May on Brexit tends to fall into vague platitudes like saying we'll have an "imaginative and creative" Brexit because she's weak on actual, substantial comment.

I've accepted we're leaving the EU. But I'm more affirmed than ever that it's going to be a bad move because our politicians don't have a clue what they're doing. The "no deal" talk reeks of this; economically it'd be a suicidal move and yet it's being peddled as a possible political option. Why?

I want some actual talk of post-Brexit policy from the UK government. They want to reduce immigration; by how much will we be reducing EU migration? How is this likely to affect sectors like the NHS which largely depend on foreign workers coming in from the EU? How are we going to afford subsidising sectors which were previously helped significantly by the EU, when according to the government we are already strapped for cash? Why will £350m per week not be given to the NHS when this was a direct campaign promise made by the campaign who advocated for Brexit? If this is not going to be something that happens, then why was a campaign conducted in which the Leave campaign just made unsubstantiated bollocks up without repercussions?

If you can answer that, or are interested in proposing viable solutions to some of the above questions, then fair enough - I don't necessarily agree with your views, but there's interesting discussion to be had. But if you can't even begin to discuss those questions or don't want to then don't be baffled when people are bemused by your decision to treat the referendum like a football match.
You'd only need one referendum and anything other than a conservative majority. It won't be long until most leave voters die of old age. The referendum wasn't a blowout, it was incredibly close. I find the supposed finality of it astonishing.

I don't agree, and we don't have a conservative majority in this parliament but Labour committed to leaving in the general election anyway so I don't see how you think things would end in us staying even if they were the majority. The only party committed to a second referendum and staying in the EU were trounced at the last general election.