Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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It's a weird one for me, I've seen too much hatred now and think cancelling Brexit will cause uproar and the hatred will reach another level, it could possibly even lead to a Farage return to UKIP and a huge surge in votes for them. Sadly what these idiots need is to realise how shit things have become due to their stupidity.

Unfortunately even if Brexit turned out to be a disaster, these people would blame everyone but themselves. They'll blame the EU for not making it work, they'll still blame all the immigrants and they'll blame remainers for not accepting the result and working with the leavers to make it the best brexit. They'll also make it out like none of the problems are due to brexit. Every positive is because of brexit, any negatives are certainly not due to brexit, impossible.

I honestly believe terrorism had a major part to play in leave winning, I don't think everyone that voted leave was a racist arsehole but I do think the majority voted leave because of immigration & the terrorism factor oh and the 350mill for the NHS.
Problem is finding a job with an actual income like that I imagine but feck it, climate is glorious.
Ideally I'd freelance for UK mags and earn sterling, keep the flat and rent it out too. Replacing the wife's income is the big problem as she's the breadwinner.

EDIT: Nice climate, too many in-laws, high crime and healthcare all expensive/private. Mixed bag tbh. Plus don't speak creole except licky mama.
Ideally I'd freelance for UK mags and earn sterling, keep the flat and rent it out too. Replacing the wife's income is the big problem as she's the breadwinner.

Depends on which standar of living you keep to aim. As long as you don't need an expensive car and some villa, I guess you will be fine on Mauritius without earning as much money as in the UK. You don't really need to go on vacation anymore as well :D
I honestly believe terrorism had a major part to play in leave winning, I don't think everyone that voted leave was a racist arsehole but I do think the majority voted leave because of immigration & the terrorism factor oh and the 350mill for the NHS.

Really, the only major attack in recent times before the referendum was 7/7 that I recall over 10 years ago.
There has been since though after the referendum.

I admit this may be a regional thing though from my way this is what I have heard:
  • Housing shortages.
  • Globalisation outsourcing jobs and not retraining staff.
  • High crime rates from foreign born residents or their children.
  • People being concerned they don't hear English voices when they go shopping (local facebook).
  • Social housing prioritisation for 'vulnerable' foreigners when low income Brits are on the streets and sleeping on night buses.
  • Undercutting of advertised job rates by foreign born workers.
Depends on which standar of living you keep to aim. As long as you don't need an expensive car and some villa, I guess you will be fine on Mauritius without earning as much money as in the UK. You don't really need to go on vacation anymore as well :D
I think it's 100% import duty on non-Japenese cars, so Id have a shit Nissan:(
Anyone of a nervous disposition should probably avoid reading this one.

Don't know who that guy is or how much he knows but that one:
22/ EU also fears Gov won't walk away, but just let clock tick - a no-deal by accident or incapacity. Followed by 'bloody unreasonable EU'.
seems to become increasingly likely to happen.
If there's any truth to that guy's tweets, May is as clueless and delusional as I always thought her to be. I will point to this example when someone tries to suggest I exaggerate in the future.

Initial response from those who seem to back Brexit is along the lines of 'stop being so negative', as if stating the cold facts of how many trade deals we have to negotiate and the number of days between now and 29 March 2019 is now considered negative.
What habe the Japanese done to get that exemption? Pretty interesting, especially considering it's such a small market and shouldn't benefit the country in any way. Do you know anything about it?
I don't know and could be wrong that, but virtually all cars are Japanese. Cars are seen as reliable and spare parts cheap and available.
Seems there is VAT on top of the import duty!
Toyota are the best non luxury cars in the world.
According to El País today the EU is preparing a document for Brexit which includes among other things rules about preventing the UK from becoming a tax haven or offering "unfair" conditions, environmental or fiscal, to attract businesses to the UK.

Also nothing will happen with relation to Gibraltar without Spain's consent although that's hardly news.
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Meanwhile Brexit has just 51% support in Grimsby, down from 70% on referendum. Is it still the will of the people?
By your own figures... technically... yes

By his own figures it's the will of Grimbsy. "The People" he is referring to is the British Public.

If Grimbsy has seen a 19% swing, I'd like to see the national figures now.
By his own figures it's the will of Grimbsy. "The People" he is referring to is the British Public.

If Grimbsy has seen a 19% swing, I'd like to see the national figures now.

If you looked at the figures before the referendum then all indications were for remain... so who knows what another xenaphobic, lie ridden campaign of blaming the EU for everything would do for the figures - but the truth is thats the campaign that would happen and its likley we would see a swing back to leave again - Id love a 2nd referendum though and Id be voting remain again but it looks at best unlikely we will get the opportunity.
No vote Leave person that I know would change their vote, I'm from the London suburbs.
We want our Brexit cash boost - NHS boss -

He told delegates in Birmingham: "The NHS wasn't on the ballot paper, but it was on the ballot bus, 'Vote Leave for a better funded health service, £350m a week.'

"Rather than our criticising these clear Brexit funding commitments to NHS patients - promises entered into by cabinet ministers and by MPs - the public want to see them honoured.
No vote Leave person that I know would change their vote, I'm from the London suburbs.

My mum and her fella would @The Outsider, they live in the North West. I can't even tell you my shock horror last week when she told me and said "we were lied to"; I was like, no shit you were, I told you that again and again and again.

She thinks there should be another vote now people are more clued up, my reply was, why the hell would you ever vote on something so important that you aren't clued about?

It isn't that strange. Nearly everyone I know doesn't give a crap about Brexit, it isn't in the consciousness.

What is interesting to me is how NI are so content given the fractious political landscape and the high levels of relative poverty there.

Perhaps to do with the homogeneous communities with very strong cultural identities, similar to how Israel always appear so high up on these kinds of indexes?

Some ideas
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Didn't migrants in N.I get attacked a few years ago, maybe why they are so homogenous?

Not strange at all. Just continuation of an ongoing long-term trend that began long before the referendum and has persisted since. What really will be interesting is what these data show after Brexit actually happens because up until that point it’s been business as usual. Something else that isn’t strange is the uptick in anxiety that coincides with the referendum and the absolute shambles since.

What really is strange is why so many people felt the need for radical change when data like these show a steady improvement in psychological wellbeing over the last several years.
What really is strange is why so many people felt the need for radical change when data like these show a steady improvement in psychological wellbeing over the last several years.
It's the age divide innit. Older people are far more xenophobic than younger people and essentially voted to kick out the foreigners. Maybe the people reporting higher levels of happiness are just less likely to vote, but the age divide is much better supported by stats.