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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Too many of the establishment have their fingers in EU pies, they are hoping they do not have to leave with sticky fingers.

The fact posts like this are intended to be an actual response to a thoroughly thought out piece like the one Silva posted is a huge part of the problem.
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Tbf, Royal Dutch Shell is weird in being an anglo-dutch company which til recently had split boards with one in the UK and one in the Netherlands. Not many other companies have that structure. It's also one of the biggest dividend payers in the FTSE 100 and would get crucified by investors if it cut it, even if they are paying it out of debt, so it's in a bit of a unique position and not really indicative of wider trends.
According to El País today the EU is preparing a document for Brexit which includes among other things rules about preventing the UK from becoming a tax haven or offering "unfair" conditions, environmental or fiscal, to attract businesses to the UK.

Also nothing will happen with relation to Gibraltar without Spain's consent although that's hardly news.

With reference the above posts maybe this kind of thing is what was discussed at this meeting which took palce on Wednesday ?
I suspect the colonies would have given a kidney for half the autonomy Scotland has.

And I guess Scotland will now give a kidney to have the financial autonomy the likes of Malta, India and co has.

Its no co-incidence that the likes of N Ireland and Scotland are financially hooked to England. If they ever leave the UK then they will be heading for a hell of a ride just like we did.
Lord Kerr, architect of article 50, reiterates that it is reversible.

Not after Theresa enshrines our leaving date in Law?

Its taken Lord Kerr along time to find his voice, why didn't he speak up before parliament voted for article 50?;)
Tbf, Royal Dutch Shell is weird in being an anglo-dutch company which til recently had split boards with one in the UK and one in the Netherlands. Not many other companies have that structure. It's also one of the biggest dividend payers in the FTSE 100 and would get crucified by investors if it cut it, even if they are paying it out of debt, so it's in a bit of a unique position and not really indicative of wider trends.
Unilever too
I find this ironic and suggests an EU army, the very thing UKIP was accused of scaremongering.
This has been openly discussed for years (Eurofor was set up in 1995) but was held up by the UK. Not really a good idea to change the foreign policy we'd had for over 300 years. We are now more isolated as a military forcé, with a 500 million strong nuclear power on our doorstep.
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Well we know with NATO that we have not been forced to get involved in wars though Britain decided to support Iraq and Afghanistan yet not Syria.
If we are in a Euro army would the EU send British troops to fight somewhere lie Ukraine without first our parliament being able to debate it?
Well we know with NATO that we have not been forced to get involved in wars though Britain decided to support Iraq and Afghanistan yet not Syria.
If we are in a Euro army would the EU send British troops to fight somewhere lie Ukraine without first our parliament being able to debate it?

There is no EU army or plan for a EU army, read the article again.
He's been saying this every few months and I have posted it here every few months. Keep up granddad.

Must have had my hearing aid switched off!

Sorry been tending to ignore most of your recent posts as they just refer us to reading what someone else has written, perhaps you can't find your own words? Sad in one so young!;)
Well we know with NATO that we have not been forced to get involved in wars though Britain decided to support Iraq and Afghanistan yet not Syria.
If we are in a Euro army would the EU send British troops to fight somewhere lie Ukraine without first our parliament being able to debate it?

Have you fecking read the article?

Proposals for PESCO include work on a European medical command and a network of logistic hubs in Europe, creation of a European Crisis Response centre, and joint training of military officers.

One of the goals is to reduce the numbers of weapons systems and prevent duplication to save money and improve joint operations.
Parliament will get a vote on the final Brexit deal before the country leaves EU, minister David Davis has told MPs.

He said the terms of the UK's exit, including any transition deal and agreement on citizen rights, would have to become law via new legislation.

And he said MPs would have the opportunity to reject or amend such legislation, saying "the agreement will only hold if Parliament approves it".

The concession comes as MPs prepare to debate key Brexit legislation.
Basically means we will leave the EU without a deal if Parliament shoots it down.