Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's basically a summary of what the remoaners have been saying in this thread.
If I do a survey/poll in England, what would be the results?

% happy
% unhappy
% I don't know
Any answers Bretards?

Not sure why particular discussion lasts this long. It is glaringly obvious that vote was all about immigration in vast majority of cases or people with nothing to lose already just going for it in a hope that a massive shock might turn out to be a success (that's actually sad state of affairs), since any other point is either very weak or completely wrong no matter how hard people are trying to spin it.
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Knock yourself out, they posted it and all their negotiating positions back in may, free for anyone to download and look at.

It must take real effort to be this uninformed.

Thank god you are here to explain it all we have been wading through pages and pages of bullshitters to find someone who can finally put this question to bed.

How many billions of Euros does the EU say the UK should pay it in order to be allowed to leave it?

I don't want to be willfully misinformed anymore, you have your link which explains it all so clearly that you would have to be an enormous ass not to be able to answer that question even if you are just Joe Normal.

Anyone who can assert that not being able to come up with a number based on the obvious facts spelled out in your link is willfully misinforming themselves, well they would make short work of the issues.

So childhood cartoon evil character,

The EU wants the UK to pay the EU how many billion Euros to be allowed to leave?
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Thank god you are here to explain it all we have been wading through pages and pages of bullshitters to find someone who can finally put this question to bed.

How many billions of Euros does the EU say the UK should pay it in order to be allowed to leave it?

I don't want to be willfully misinformed anymore, you have your link which explains it all so clearly that you would have to be an enormous ass not to be able to answer that question even if you are just Joe Normal.

Anyone who can assert that not being able to come up with a number based on the obvious facts spelled out in your link is willfully misinforming themselves, well they would make short work of the issues.

So childhood cartoon evil character,

The EU wants the UK to pay the EU how many billion Euros to be allowed to leave?

You can leave whenever and however you want, you don't need the EU permission and the EU never said anything close to that.
The EU wants the UK to pay the EU how many billion Euros to be allowed to leave?

The UK isn't paying to leave the EU. The UK will pay it's obligations to have any hope of it's politicians being taken seriously again at some point in the future. The final amount will be decided by a process that adds up all the obligations, i'm sure this isn't news to you... I'm convinced the EU already knows how much it thinks the UK committed to, and is keeping its lips tight out of courtesy to Ms. May.

Brexiteers complaining about the EU has become amusing though. They still think they should have a say about the EU's actions, watching them on Sky news is great entertainment at the moment. The other night there was a tory saying: "We've moved enough now... bla bla Lancaster... bla bla Florence... It's time the EU moves now". Still hasn't understood that it's his governments job to get the EU to move, still hasn't understood how the EU works. As sad as I am to see the British leave... these tories can get lost.
The EU wants the UK to pay the EU how many billion Euros to be allowed to leave?

Ah that's for free and you can leave now. The trouble is that the UK wants to leave the Union and yet it still wants to keep doing unrestricted business with this 'undemocratic' union. Well that's not going to happen unless the UK settles the so called three big issues
The UK isn't paying to leave the EU. The UK will pay it's obligations to have any hope of it's politicians being taken seriously again at some point in the future. The final amount will be decided by a process that adds up all the obligations, i'm sure this isn't news to you... I'm convinced the EU already knows how much it thinks the UK committed to, and is keeping its lips tight out of courtesy to Ms. May.

Brexiteers complaining about the EU has become amusing though. They still think they should have a say about the EU's actions, watching them on Sky news is great entertainment at the moment. The other night there was a tory saying: "We've moved enough now... bla bla Lancaster... bla bla Florence... It's time the EU moves now". Still hasn't understood that it's his governments job to get the EU to move, still hasn't understood how the EU works. As sad as I am to see the British leave... these tories can get lost.

What I do find funny is for Brexiters to expect a trade deal from the EU after they previously demonised it and they had worked so hard to leave the union. You would expect them to be itching to leave and yet here they are, in Brussels, begging for a trade deal.

Which makes you wonder. Can the UK really thrive without the EU?
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What I do find funny is for Brexiters to expect a trade deal from the EU after they previously demonised it and they had worked so hard to leave the union. You would expect them to be itching to leave and yet here they are, in Brussels, begging for a trade deal.

Which makes you wonder. Can the UK really thrive without the EU?

The other hilarious position Brexiters take is “well of course the EU will ensure a deal because it would harm them economically not to”

Rather forgetting that they are themselves evidence that people don’t act rationally, and make decisions based on emotion and feeling rather than economic reality.

Again it’s this British exceptionalism at work: “We can lash out at the EU in an emotional and irrational way, but there will be no backlash, only logical responses”
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Which makes you wonder. Can the UK really thrive without the EU?

Since the banking crisis not many sectors have thrived, I would say leaving is about surviving rather than thriving and having the freedom to make our own decisions.
Since the banking crisis not many sectors have thrived, I would say leaving is about surviving rather than thriving and having the freedom to make our own decisions.

Surviving by crippling the financial industry which bankrolls a large part of the countries finances? That's some 4 dimensional chess shit you're playing there.

Since the banking crisis not many sectors have thrived, I would say leaving is about surviving rather than thriving and having the freedom to make our own decisions.

That's fair enough, however will 'surviving' suffice to the UK public including Brexiteers? You see, the Brexit campaign was mostly about getting rid of the 'wasteful' EU which 'kept the UK down'. It promised a much better standard of living, complete control over the fishing industry, millions injected in the NHS which is literally dying, control over immigration and the prospect of a truly global Britain who will be a financial superpower in the world. The Brexiteers portrayed a world were countries will be queuing to get a trade deal with the UK and most of those trade deals will be heavily staked towards the UK and are way better to the ones currently negotiated by the EU. Trade deals such as the TTIP were heavily criticised by the UK as yet, another restrictive deal, done by the incompetent EU, which will end up screwing the UK out.

Which makes me wonder. What if the UK ends up way worse off then it is now? What if, surviving would mean accepting more immigration rather then less immigration? What these so called trade deals leave the UK battered and humiliated as concessions will be made (ex fishing or farming) which will leave the very industry who voted for Brexit feel cheated? What if the very idea of a tactical retreat is not an option anymore or will leave the UK part of the EU (either through EEA or even EU member) but worse off (ie no rebates)?

As I said before, I worked in politics (local not EU) and I assure you that from a political perspective that's suicide. The party I was part of did something similar when they foolishly promised to get rid of the VAT only to introduce a messy replacement instead. That government collapsed after just 2 years and it took the labour party 15 years to win another GE. Now, the British people might be far more forgiving then us Maltesers. However the VAT's mess up is nothing compared to Brexit.
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It's a good thing I am not negotiating because at this point I would have told them all that we're clearly not going to arrive at a deal that everyone is going to sign off on - so we might as well save our oxygen and just walk away. There will be no divorce payment and we will go to WTO rules. I probably would have brought up the war as well and sounded like the little Englander I am, so a good thing for all involved that I am nowhere near it!
Surviving by crippling the financial industry which bankrolls a large part of the countries finances? That's some 4 dimensional chess shit you're playing there.

I could not be bothered responding. I am giving up arguing with three people in this thread. You don't argue with the bloke with a can of Special Brew at the bus stop, do you?

Latest I heard through (a long seties of) Chinese whispers is that the EU is stonewalling the trade deal while coming up with a new approach to immigration policy (across the EU). The idea being that the UK government can present staying (in some shape or form) as avoiding economic catastrophe while addressing the big issue from last year's referendum.
It's a good thing I am not negotiating because at this point I would have told them all that we're clearly not going to arrive at a deal that everyone is going to sign off on - so we might as well save our oxygen and just walk away. There will be no divorce payment and we will go to WTO rules. I probably would have brought up the war as well and sounded like the little Englander I am, so a good thing for all involved that I am nowhere near it!

It's not a divorce payment, it's just that the money the UK owes. it can run away but it's international reputation will be shot to pieces. Secondly the UK cannot go to WTO rules, because it does not belong to the WTO without reapplying which takes time which is why the UK is asking for a transition period - hence the expression falling off a cliff-edge - ie UK paralysed.
Thirdly what the hell has the war got to do with it.
I could not be bothered responding. I am giving up arguing with three people in this thread. You don't argue with the bloke with a can of Special Brew at the bus stop, do you?

Latest I heard through (a long seties of) Chinese whispers is that the EU is stonewalling the trade deal while coming up with a new approach to immigration policy (across the EU). The idea being that the UK government can present staying (in some shape or form) as avoiding economic catastrophe while addressing the big issue from last year's referendum.

feck I hope that's true. It would have genuine long term effects on my life plans.
Surviving by crippling the financial industry which bankrolls a large part of the countries finances? That's some 4 dimensional chess shit you're playing there.

The same interest which has massively increased our national debt via QE to the extent that if we don't have austerity we will become like Greece.
A friend of a friend was at an event where one of the speakers appeared to have good contacts in Brussels. But it could all be wishful thinking.

Is that Macron's proposition concerning a revamp of border controls with a EU border police and a EU immigration administration? I don't think that the brexiters will like that.

You think this is just going to get back in it's box?

Disgraceful stuff. But I've learnt to expect nothing else from the GBP with regard to blaming others for their misery.

What's more galling is Brexiters baaing that Europeans are going to be rational yet they are happy to turn their anger and aggression on Europe when they feel like it and behave in any other way but rationally.

Do what I say not what I do. But the UK is not the US - it just doesn't have the economic power to take this hypocritical stance and get away with it.
"99% of them are in prison", who's she talking about?
I don't want to sound snobbish or intolerant of other people's views, but this for me is why it should never have been open to a public vote in the first place. I don't pretend to know enough about it to make a well enough informed decision, and I read up about it a lot before the referendum. Isn't that why we pay people, whose job it is to know about this stuff, to make these decisions for us? You know, elected people who act in the public interest, on behalf of the voters?