Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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For years I never understood why there were roaming charges for data. I go to the UK and get charged 10$ for using BT as guest network, someone from the UK comes to Holland and uses 10$ for using T-Mobile, both companies bill each other for a tenner which is passed on to the customer. Thank feck they got rid of that

That you praising the EU there...?;)
'Waiting for dead men's shoes', how typical of remainers, true colour showing now... but won't embarrass you with a description

Simple truth, the elderly were the reason the vote passed, and the elderly will largely die off before anyone else. Shame you didn't have a cause that offered any kind of better future for young people eh.

Not sure I fully agree with this, true the daily papers are now seen to carry much 'fake news' (Donald isn't completely off the mark with that one)

Ah you have Trump sympathies too? Colour me shocked..

Precisely, that's why Britain needs to be outward looking and not shackled by the EU boundaries... my word I do believe the light bulb may have come on.. just have a quick look over your head!

That's right! We're going to become more outward looking by leaving Europe, locking down our borders and kicking out Jonnie Foreigner! Jesus christ, do you ever actually listen to yourself..
Shame you didn't have a cause that offered any kind of better future for young people eh.

The 'world will be their oyster'! Is that the phrase they used to send youngsters to seek their fortune?..ah those were the days!

Ah you have Trump sympathies too

No not particularly, but he's nailed that one. Newspapers of all ilk's have increasingly become propaganda tools, as far as the headlines stories and editorials are concerned, even more in the last few years since they have been trying to compete with social media... and largely losing out.

That's right! We're going to become more outward looking by leaving Europe

Yes that's true, especially if all you 'doom-monger' remainers are anything to go by, we will have to be!
How is Britain alone more global alone than partnership with EU?

We are then free to trade where and with whom and when we like and tailor make trade agreements that suit us and not necessarily the other EU members. The world is opening up and trying to be part of a large block that is somewhat moribund, largely incompetent (can't even present us with an itemised bill for leaving) and as a history of running the most expensive gravy-train in the world, is not the way forward for a large economy like ours.

You talk about not shackled by EU boundaries, yet with brexit the most obvious outcome is getting more boundaries?

Yes, I'm talking as much about political boundaries as any trade or physical boundaries. The EU's declared aim now is to move to ever closer integration, to do that it needs to have member states who actually want to be part of a USE, we don't, we will always retain the Pound and will therefore not be running with those in the euro-zone. Britain if it remained in the EU will seek even more opt outs, until eventually with a different currency and loads of opt out's of this and that, we become a side show in the EU, since that is the case I rather we were outside making our own way. The EU will need to get a move on now, to try to restrain China and to try to match the US, both of whom will be vying for the world leadership economy by the end of this century.
We are then free to trade where and with whom and when we like and tailor make trade agreements that suit us and not necessarily the other EU members. The world is opening up and trying to be part of a large block that is somewhat moribund, largely incompetent (can't even present us with an itemised bill for leaving) and as a history of running the most expensive gravy-train in the world, is not the way forward for a large economy like ours.

And knowing we'll be desperate to make any said agreements, other countries will be free to try and exploit us if they wish to get deals which work in their favour. Not to mention that any trade deals will likely take a long time to complete and will be conducted over a number of years. Should we leave the EU without a deal then we'll go into any future negotiations appearing quite desperate and in need of help. Other countries will aim to take advantage of that.
other countries will be free to try and exploit us if they wish to get deals which work in their favour.

Yes, I'm told that's how trade deals work, we will have to be wide awake! If I were Theresa I start now on developing a national school for traders and sales personnel and even ask Paul the Wolf to come out of retirement to run it... he knows a lot about trading
We are then free to trade where and with whom and when we like and tailor make trade agreements that suit us and not necessarily the other EU members. The world is opening up and trying to be part of a large block that is somewhat moribund, largely incompetent (can't even present us with an itemised bill for leaving) and as a history of running the most expensive gravy-train in the world, is not the way forward for a large economy like ours.

Yes, I'm talking as much about political boundaries as any trade or physical boundaries. The EU's declared aim now is to move to ever closer integration, to do that it needs to have member states who actually want to be part of a USE, we don't, we will always retain the Pound and will therefore not be running with those in the euro-zone. Britain if it remained in the EU will seek even more opt outs, until eventually with a different currency and loads of opt out's of this and that, we become a side show in the EU, since that is the case I rather we were outside making our own way. The EU will need to get a move on now, to try to restrain China and to try to match the US, both of whom will be vying for the world leadership economy by the end of this century.

So the EU is going to be vying to be the world's top economy, and we are going to be doing what exactly?

Why are you assuming that we are being forced to drop the pound?

What current EU trade agreements do not suit our country's needs?
We are then free to trade where and with whom and when we like and tailor make trade agreements that suit us and not necessarily the other EU members. The world is opening up and trying to be part of a large block that is somewhat moribund, largely incompetent (can't even present us with an itemised bill for leaving) and as a history of running the most expensive gravy-train in the world, is not the way forward for a large economy like ours.

Yes, I'm talking as much about political boundaries as any trade or physical boundaries. The EU's declared aim now is to move to ever closer integration, to do that it needs to have member states who actually want to be part of a USE, we don't, we will always retain the Pound and will therefore not be running with those in the euro-zone. Britain if it remained in the EU will seek even more opt outs, until eventually with a different currency and loads of opt out's of this and that, we become a side show in the EU, since that is the case I rather we were outside making our own way. The EU will need to get a move on now, to try to restrain China and to try to match the US, both of whom will be vying for the world leadership economy by the end of this century.

I believe you have misunderstood the concept of globalization. Being global doesn't mean standing alone and making trade globally.

Globalization definition by Merriam-Webster said:
:the act or process of globalizing :the state of being globalized; especially :the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

It's about integration, synergy and easing of physical and political boundaries to ensure better cooperation. There is absolutely no way anyone can pass of Brexit as a step towards being more global. That's just plain nonsense.

I'm not arguing against the fact that the EU as it stands now is flawed and needs to be fixed. But it needs to be fixed from within. Dollar and Euro are the most traded currencies in the world followed by Japanese Yen and then comes the Pound. I would not be surprised if Pound use shrinks further post Brexit. Imo by retaining the Pound and still remaining in EU, you had best of both worlds.

But then the pro/cons of Brexit have been debated endlessly before and everyone has had a chance to form their opinions either way and I have no interest in going into that.

Just came to point out your incorrect understanding of globalization.
David Davis is exhibiting the typical signs of an idiot who has come up against someone way out of his league and he is trying to cover his incompetence with bluster.

I have seen people try it on me many times and it doesn't work. It won't work this time as well.

In other news, the HO will need 1.2k workers to register 3m EU nationals although if my experience is anything to go by, they'll need closer to 1.2 million with their poor efficiency and lack of training. At least Liverpool will a few jobs though but that will hardly account for the lost ones (e.g. Vauxhall's 400 and today Sainsbury's announcing another 2000).
David Davis is exhibiting the typical signs of an idiot who has come up against someone way out of his league and he is trying to cover his incompetence with bluster.

I have seen people try it on me many times and it doesn't work. It won't work this time as well.

In other news, the HO will need 1.2k workers to register 3m EU nationals although if my experience is anything to go by, they'll need closer to 1.2 million with their poor efficiency and lack of training. At least Liverpool will a few jobs though but that will hardly account for the lost ones (e.g. Vauxhall's 400 and today Sainsbury's announcing another 2000).

So is the timing of MI5's pronouncement regarding the terror threat purely coincidental in how they coincide with how Brexit talks are going? Like how Bush used to raise the terror alert to cover up for bad news.

For years I never understood why there were roaming charges for data. I go to the UK and get charged 10$ for using BT as guest network, someone from the UK comes to Holland and uses 10$ for using T-Mobile, both companies bill each other for a tenner which is passed on to the customer. Thank feck they got rid of that
You're a caricature. :lol:
So the EU is going to be vying to be the world's top economy, and we are going to be doing what exactly?

I didn't say it was aiming to be the top economy, but trying to prevent Chinese domination by the end of the 21st Century. We shall be competing in specific markets which suit us best, we will have formed alliances with various trading blocks around the world, including the EU.

Why are you assuming that we are being forced to drop the pound?

We will not be forced to drop the pound; however that together with our opt outs, (that will surely increase as we fight off further integration) will put us in the second division in the EU. The euro zone will, and quite rightly in an organisation where the vast majority of the countries have adopted the euro, become the main driver for trade, if it doesn't then the EU will disappear like a puff of smoke!

What current EU trade agreements do not suit our country's needs?

None I would hope, but there are a number of potential agreements, some in the past and potentially in the future where could have signed up to a different or better deal, had we not been members of the EU.
None I would hope, but there are a number of potential agreements, some in the past and potentially in the future where could have signed up to a different or better deal, had we not been members of the EU.

Like what? This is all incredibly vague, and basically comes across as an admission that you're not really against any particular deals we had with the EU.
I believe you have misunderstood the concept of globalization. Being global doesn't mean standing alone and making trade globally.

I believe you have misunderstood my concepts, I don't for one minute think we would stand alone, that is a ridiculous assumption on your part. I said we would be free to make our own way, that does not imply standing alone, it means forming our own deals, alliances, the ones that suit us n best.

Imo by retaining the Pound and still remaining in EU, you had best of both worlds.

Yes I suppose if you support both Man Utd and Man City you could bump along in Manchester, until the Derby games, then you have to choose sides.
Yes I suppose if you support both Man Utd and Man City you could bump along in Manchester, until the Derby games, then you have to choose sides.

Well not really. You can be a glory hunter and enjoy the result irrespective of whom wins. That's what the UK was allowed to do within the EU. Using your analogy, now it chose to stop supporting the Manchester clubs and start supporting Brighton. However it still expects the same amount of honours and glory because its mutual beneficial for it to remain happy and successful.
This is all incredibly vague

Yes like the 'divorce bill' we are waiting for the EU to present us with!

and basically comes across as an admission that you're not really against any particular deals we had with the EU.

I don't think I ever claimed that, I think we can and should make more 'customised' deals in the future, that suit Britain with a pound sterling currency, outside the EU, than tag along with deals made essentially to underscore the Euro as well as trade, inside the EU.
Why are people still entertaining that plonk?
If he is a DIM (disinformation merchant) he's not doing his job very well. Sounds like he hasn't really got a coherent argument (par for the course I know) and he's not challenging those he's arguing against. It's embarrassing to see at times...
Simple truth, the elderly were the reason the vote passed, and the elderly will largely die off before anyone else.

Yet the arguments won't die and as more people get laid off, as moped crime and acid attacks increase and the simple logic that in 20 years no party has built enough houses.
all their negotiating positions back in may

If you are referring to TF50(2017) 2/2 Commission to UK, it was dated 12th of June, not May and it was their supposed negotiating position. It was not a 'divorce bill', never looked anything like a divorce bill, so how come their argument is we haven't agreed to anything yet..? Its nonsense, its either a 'bill' we owe they are presenting for payment,(which needs to be itemised) or its an EU platform for negotiation with the UK on what the EU thinks should be settled.

If the EU wants a 'bill' paying it needs to present it, itemised, we can agree (or not) to settle that bill then as part of the negotiations they refer to in the above document. Simples!
Mrs May has already in Florence indicated the 'bill' size we think is correct and the general consensus seemed to be that allowed further progress, but at the moment it doesn't seem likely, so the cliff edge looms nearer!
If you are referring to TF50(2017) 2/2 Commission to UK, it was dated 12th of June, not May and it was their supposed negotiating position.

Well done, not only do you highlight your complete lack of understanding of the negotiations themselves, but of why may is making such a balls up of it.

The negotiating position outlines the pro rate payments for the projects and financial commitments we have made that go beyond the end of our membership. That includes several loans, and things like MEP and British EU worker pensions and severance pay (Farage gets €80K a year non-contributory pension for instance, plus €150K severance pay).

That is all they want to agree, how the final figure will be calculated. May;s response was to say they didn't agree. That was in June. The question then becomes, what part of the calculation do you not agree with. That is the answer we have been waiting for for talks to progress (that and a solution for Northern Ireland, another part of the agreed negotiation timetable).

As you know, May;s response to the question 'what don;t you agree with about the calculations and how would you amend it' was given at a speech in florence. She replies 'I'll send you £20 billion'.

So now they ask what is that £20 billion for? They still don;t know what she disagrees with in the calculations, she hasn't told them what calculations she wants, just a number.

Its like sitting in a restaurant, and when asked what you would like off the menu, replying 968 calories.

The reality is that the delays are down to us, and us alone, because may cannot give an actual answer, because the calculations of our liabilities will be at least €40 billion, €20 for ongoing access to the single market during transition, €20 for our pension and employment liabilities, plus whatever loans and other schemes we have signed up to. And boris and the other headbangers will have her head if she promises to meet those commitments at that much money, despite us already promising to pay for them.
That is all they want to agree,

You really have no idea do you? No its not the final figure to be agreed, but what's involved in reaching that final figure, but it contains nothing about what Britain has already (over)paid for in the past, what assets we hold in joint ownership with the EU, what rebates we would have received, etc.

The EU's position is to say to Britain, first of all you have to agree to all our demands involving areas for payment, to all our assumptions about what you owe us for in the past, (involves pensions etc.) or might in the future owe, if you had remained in the EU, you even need to agree to pay for the things that even we don't currently know how much is involved or when it might fall due and then when you've agreed to everything we say, we can discuss how much you will be charged.

Its rubbish, nonsense and perfectly in keeping with the EU grasp on its own 'Alice in Wonderland' reality.
Yet the arguments won't die and as more people get laid off, as moped crime and acid attacks increase and the simple logic that in 20 years no party has built enough houses.

More people will probably get laid off but that's due to Brexit. There is very low unemployment in the UK. As for acid attacks, are they ordered from Brussels? Is there an EU directive stipulating house building limits?
None of which has anything to do with the EU.

Well prior to Brexit the political media kept telling us we could not stop immigration due to the EU, make no mistake it is not just EU immigration we want drastically lowered.

More people will probably get laid off but that's due to Brexit. There is very low unemployment in the UK. As for acid attacks, are they ordered from Brussels? Is there an EU directive stipulating house building limits?

The laying off is due to globalization, not training current staff and bringing in skilled (trained) workers from abroad on lower salaries. I agree future lay-offs from Brexit might occur in certain sectors.

Re acid attacks see my earlier point to Kentonio.

Housebuilding - the MPs won't significantly reduce it so voters decided for them, cut the demand.
Well prior to Brexit the political media kept telling us we could not stop immigration due to the EU, make no mistake it is not just EU immigration we want drastically lowered.


No it was the Daily Heil and all the associated RW press, you were lied to yet again and you do surprise me that it's not only the EU immigration you want to reduce.

Reminds me of an old advert for Kwik Fit - went something like, "you can't get thicker than a UKIP Brexiter" or something along those lines.