Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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I agree. But I also think there's a difference, and xenophobia isn't the same as outright racism. Which is why these people don't like being told they're racist, because I genuinely don't think they are. Xenophobic? Definitely.

Yep, I also think another factor was people wanted to shake things up. Did you see the video from the days after the result broke? People who voted leave were stunned they actually won. They genuinely didn't think we would leave, but on some level it was new and exciting and they wanted to see the fallout I guess. The same might be said for Trump voters. They also said they would vote to remain if given another chance. These are the people who narrowly decided that the other 48% of the country would be dragged out of Europe against their will.

I hope so. I honestly think if they held another referendum next month, we'd see a massive majority for remain (and not just because a lot of leavers will have died off since last June). I don't think people realised what they were voting for until it was too late to go back, which again is another point about the electorate not being fit to decide I guess. Is there a theme emerging in my posts? :lol:

On the whole British people have never liked anything that's different and that includes foreigners , being an island nation doesn't help but it's not a new thing. Slowly people get used to differences but it will still be a long time before this xenophobia reduces significantly.
If a referendum was held tomorrow it may be close one way or the other but people like those in the video still have no more clue now than they did 16 months ago.
Until the full implications slap them in the face it will be difficult to change their minds.

If the UK leaves and in a few years decide to come back , significant damage will already have been done and it would take many years to repair that damage.
I'd say they have three months to sort themselves out - banks, companies, investors want a clear idea what is going to happen by the latest early 2018, they have to decide their future and soon.
Many voted for accountability and transparency.

We see with Catalonia trying to escape from Spain and Britain before it can change anything in the EU needs the agreement of 27 other nations!
Many voted for accountability and transparency.

We see with Catalonia trying to escape from Spain and Britain before it can change anything in the EU needs the agreement of 27 other nations!

What has catalonia got to do with the EU?
Finally, I struggle to see how this situation appeases ANYONE

It probably won't, but then no other solution is likely to either! The extreme 'brexiteers' and the extreme 're-moaners' will have to 'bite the bullet', that's what all the politicians EU/Britain are banking on.

I still feel there will be casualties in terms of politicians/administrators. May will go because of the cost, Juncker and possibly Tusk because they let it get this far, they could have placated Cameron, but they didn't believe for one minute a) he would hold a referendum and b) the vote would be to leave. Cameron has already paid the price. Can't see Merkel and Macron (assuming he gets his reforms through in France) going forward trusting Juncker, may be they will allow Tusk some latitude, but I suspect Claude's a goner!
Many voted for accountability and transparency.

We see with Catalonia trying to escape from Spain and Britain before it can change anything in the EU needs the agreement of 27 other nations!

What is transparent about the way the government rules the UK, the details of the EU negotiations are available on the EU website, May wants to cover everything up.
The Catalonia/Spain problem is not the same thing.
Maybe Chipping Sodbury wants to break away from the UK, everyone can break away from each other, sounds like something from the Dark Ages.
Well Catalonia needs to get the agreement of all the other provinces of Spain before it can constitutionally secede, so there is a parallel.

No, there is no parallel. You can leave unilaterally and that's what you decided to do, the current negotiations are about the type of relationship that the UK and the EU will have in the future.
This government will go down as the least competent in at least 40-50 years. The scary part for Brits is, that May looks okay if we compare her to Johnson or Davis.
I start to wonder if they sit in front of a empty page of paper for over a year now, trying to figure out what to do.
May: "Any ideas?"
Boris: "let's be tough! French panties, Italian wine and German cars need our market. Ha"
Davis: "no deal is great" *lalalalalalal*
May: "......." *Cries*

To be fair to May (not easy to type), she is trying to square a circle - as PM, to avoid trashing the economy, she needs to maintain some reasonable level of access to the EU zone (which naturally involves compromise, especially on the part of the UK as the one with more to lose) while, as leader of the Conservative Party, she needs to keep some credit with the lunatic elements in Cabinet, parliament and the party membership who live in their own Brexit fantasy land. The first concern should take priority over the second but she lacks the authority to take direct action against egomaniacal cynics like Johnson and fanatics like Fox. Despite being wholly unsuited for the role of PM, she is probably the least worst realistic option at the moment even if that sounds like Liverpool fans discussing their options at GK or central defence.
To be fair to May (not easy to type), she is trying to square a circle - as PM, to avoid trashing the economy, she needs to maintain some reasonable level of access to the EU zone (which naturally involves compromise, especially on the part of the UK as the one with more to lose) while, as leader of the Conservative Party, she needs to keep some credit with the lunatic elements in Cabinet, parliament and the party membership who live in their own Brexit fantasy land. The first concern should take priority over the second but she lacks the authority to take direct action against egomaniacal cynics like Johnson and fanatics like Fox. Despite being wholly unsuited for the role of PM, she is probably the least worst realistic option at the moment even if that sounds like Liverpool fans discussing their options at GK or central defence.

She is trying to keep the Tory Party together, Cameron only offered a referendum as the Tories had the biggest margin of voters (from the LibLabCon) that wanted to leave the EU and risked the most if these voters decided to switch to UKIP or abstain.
Well Catalonia needs to get the agreement of all the other provinces of Spain before it can constitutionally secede, so there is a parallel.

NO parallel at all imo.

UK can decide to leave, catalonia no. UK is an existing entity that is part of organizations like WTA, EU, OTAN, Common wealth, etc...and has state structures and many other things. EU can't oppose the UK to leave

Catalonia has nothing of that and Spain can oppose and is backed by the international community

The EU negotiators are pretty pissed off about the begging leak. But neither the EU or no.10 are denying the specifics of what faz reported. It also appears they're implying the UK side was responsible for said leak. Not sure why they're pissed all of a sudden, they've been responsible for the majority of leaks so far. And long may the leaks continue I say, if we're getting fecked we might as well get something out of it.
NO parallel at all imo.

UK can decide to leave, catalonia no. UK is an existing entity that is part of organizations like WTA, EU, OTAN, Common wealth, etc...and has state structures and many other things. EU can't oppose the UK to leave

Catalonia has nothing of that and Spain can oppose and is backed by the international community
Go Catalonia. The eu chooses their sides, at the moment they are trying to interfere in eastern europe, now spain but they have no say in what goes on in sovereign states, they are such wankers its unreal.
Crikey, big brother stalking the uni corridors.

Or he simply realised that he was missing out on some of the fundamentals regarding the whole issue and decided to seek further education. ;)
Another Donald Trump wannabe Brexiter. Surprise, surprise.
Go Catalonia. The eu chooses their sides, at the moment they are trying to interfere in eastern europe, now spain but they have no say in what goes on in sovereign states, they are such wankers its unreal.

I only had been a fan of the EU for the economic system, most of the things I would care we could get with the EFTA (and not even need Spain's permission), but EU morals are disgusting, not because of catalonia, but because how they boast their high morals and at the moment of the truth they are despicable as shown with the refugee crisis, Greece, CETA, etc...I would definitely would not like to be there further than the 4 Freedoms
I only had been a fan of the EU for the economic system, most of the things I would care we could get with the EFTA (and not even need Spain's permission), but EU morals are disgusting, not because of catalonia, but because how they boast their high morals and at the moment of the truth they are despicable as shown with the refugee crisis, Greece, CETA, etc...I would definitely would not like to be there further than the 4 Freedoms

Realistically what would you have them do? Tell one of their main members that they are acting like assholes? It does feel hypocritical at times, but if you're going to hold together a union of quite diverse countries with a long and colourful history of killing each other, then at times you're going to have to be pragmatic about it. No multinational union or even national government manages to always be completely moral, because the world of geopolitics isn't a particularly moral place. Compared to pretty much all the others though, the EU manages to maintain a focus on some pretty damn positive things.
Realistically what would you have them do? Tell one of their main members that they are acting like assholes? It does feel hypocritical at times, but if you're going to hold together a union of quite diverse countries with a long and colourful history of killing each other, then at times you're going to have to be pragmatic about it. No multinational union or even national government manages to always be completely moral, because the world of geopolitics isn't a particularly moral place. Compared to pretty much all the others though, the EU manages to maintain a focus on some pretty damn positive things.

And it's just a really bad reading of the situation, the EU is nothing else than a cooperation of countries why/how would that cooperation be morally better than its members? People need to stop with this idea that the EU isn't its members.
And it's just a really bad reading of the situation, the EU is nothing else than a cooperation of countries why/how would that cooperation be morally better than its members? People need to stop with this idea that the EU isn't its members.
Cooperation? Is that being told by a powerful few how to run your ship?
Cooperation? Is that being told by a powerful few how to run your ship?

No, it's choosing if you want to be part of an union and having a voice and a veto. If you don't like it, don't join or just leave.
Realistically what would you have them do? Tell one of their main members that they are acting like assholes? It does feel hypocritical at times, but if you're going to hold together a union of quite diverse countries with a long and colourful history of killing each other, then at times you're going to have to be pragmatic about it. No multinational union or even national government manages to always be completely moral, because the world of geopolitics isn't a particularly moral place. Compared to pretty much all the others though, the EU manages to maintain a focus on some pretty damn positive things.

Well, if my european taxes goes in paying pirates in the lybian coast to size ships of immigrants to turn them back and put them in private third world prisons (managed by the pirates themselves that call themselves saviours of europe), mixed women and men with no beds, walls, showers when women continuously bleed because are being rape constantly by hundreds of men.

When we provoke wars and sell military armament to countries to earn money that generates taxes that we enjoy but then we do not want to know anything about the consequences when the refugees comes here.

When you accept CETA, luckily Walonia could hold a bit some of the parts. A treaty that protects private companies over states and prople, being able to force to change the legislation, importing products that are not safe, just because greed.

I am sorry, I want better than that

Catalonia? I fully understand the reasons of the EU. Is not the problem. My problem with the EU is other things as mentioned and it goes way back of what is happening now. When they say"if you get independent you will get out of the EU" I say:"oh, it comes with a prize'? don't mind to get business with them, but I do not want to be more involved than necessarily, and now, even more for personal reasons.
I question that, Wallonia veto'd and got a German visitor, then conformed. coincidence? you choose, you probably have a very good pro eu explanation for it.

Well, they obtained at least three things first in case of litigation between a member state and a company based in Canada, the EU will have the power to name the european judges and in case of crisis the commission will have the possiblity to create subsidies without Canada's approval and they also obtained the right for member states to legislate for public interest.

I don't know if it's pro or anti EU since you can consider that those additions should have been in CETA from the beginning but the EU tried to follow the wishes of one of its members?
Well, they obtained at least three things first in case of litigation between a member state and a company based in Canada, the EU will have the power to name the european judges and in case of crisis the commission will have the possiblity to create subsidies without Canada's approval and they also obtained the right for member states to legislate for public interest.

I don't know if it's pro or anti EU since you can consider that those additions should have been in CETA from the beginning but the EU tried to follow the wishes of one of its members?
Well its not a response to my answer for starters. It was about veto and german visitor. You decided ti post something uninteresting :p
Well its not a response to my answer for starters. It was about veto and german visitor. You decided ti post something uninteresting :p

It's exactly about what you wrote, they vetoed because they had grievances and said grievances have been listened and answered with a few additions in CETA. If I were you, I would have used the fact that a bunch of farmers showed more sense than the suits in Brussels but that's only me.;)
Not really paid much attention to this whole so called 'brexit' stuff, not troughout anyway. Where are we now, are we out yet, I mean the British people voted out and these clowns are meant to be working for us as we are constantly told, you know, we're told daily in the papers taxpayer this, taxpayer that, so why aren't we out yet?

From what I have heard it seems the establishment and their puppet MP's, who they control with money or have stuff on anyway, are not a happy bunch that the common working people have upset the apple cart. Now Tony Blair the war criminal is being wheeled out by his paymasters (banks like JP Morgan pay him £2m a year) to persuade people to have another vote on it, conning us with things like special deals or rules can be made. No mate, we voted out, get us out, you lieing snake, you lied of the wars, we ain't trusting you. Scumbag.

When Rothchild (Sir Evelyn) is interviewed on tv, the rare time he goes on it, and says he sees one day us moving towards a world currency and then in the states you have Rockefeller family saying in their books that the world is more prepared to accept a world union, then that is what we'll be getting. They rich familys and big corportations will HATE it that we voted out, after all they give us this poxy vote every 4 years to keep us tax SLAVES happy. Keep the worker ants happy. Football dare I say it, crappy tv shows like Xfactor and events they can go to, to be distracted will do the rest.

If only we actually grew a spine, connected together for once and said enough is enough. That is the hard part, the easy part to beat them and get a better world is just to stop doing, stop paying. Non compliance. But then we've all been to rich peoples schools they funded and set up to program us over years in the classroom to do as we're told, follow the rules, follow the signs and pay pay pay havent we.

How about we all in the UK who want it, which is most of us, all refuse to go to work, refuse to pay our council tax until the pull us out of the EU? Yeah it would be mad for ages but they'd soon sit up and think. Tuition feeds too high you say? Stop going to uni en mass then, they'd soon sort it. Mcdonalds serving people poor quality food and paying low wages? Stop going in to the lazy drive thrus, shut them all down without doing a thing, its easy, in principle. The NHS should have loads of money, we don't need these wars and bullets, we should have a better country and world but these MP's are all controlled and non of them, well very little are from our backgrounds.

People throw out the defense mechanism term 'conpsiracy theory' when anyone thinks or has ideas outside the box, they've been programed to do it, but come on, this same old, tired method of labour conservative labour conservate, the voting system, banking and loans at interest etc etc, its just not working is it and never did.

Theresa May is on like a poxy£150k a year, she does NOT run anything, she'll soon, if she's also a good girl and does as she's told will be doing talks and cushy jobs just like Blair or even Thacter for the cigarette companies. They aren't in charge and never were, we're seeing this now.
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This government will go down as the least competent in at least 40-50 years. The scary part for Brits is, that May looks okay if we compare her to Johnson or Davis.
I start to wonder if they sit in front of a empty page of paper for over a year now, trying to figure out what to do.
May: "Any ideas?"
Boris: "let's be tough! French panties, Italian wine and German cars need our market. Ha"
Davis: "no deal is great" *lalalalalalal*
May: "......." *Cries*
What an utter shambles it’s turned out to be, shocking!
:lol: what the feck did I just read?

LOL. See what I mean? You keep voting mate. Be a good boy. Go to work and pay your taxes, you'll either get your precious brexit and they'll get us straight back into some other kind of Union or back into the EU, or they'll say get lost and run another vote for what we've already voted on. Heavily influenced by all their people in the papers and tv who'll target you every day to make sure you vote the right way this time.
There's this lad at work who cracks me up, quite an intelligent guy, well, knowledgeable at least for sure, and every day he browses his phone and reads the main stream channels, like BBC news, ITV, Sky-McFoxMerdoch etc etc. He always goes on about Trump or May and puts so much effort into this crappy setup, polictical system in the western world. I just sit back and laugh inside. He actually thinks he has a say and actually thinks they give a stuff about what we want. He's always tripping on about 'brexit'. and god do I hate that term.He doesn't actually realise it yet, and hopefullly he will do one day, but he just spits back out to us whatever strories they put on the mainstream news, he never looks into things, just hoovers it all up like Tony Montana and belives it all. I think most people do this sadly.

Still, he enjoys it so guess he's not hurting anyone.
Many voted for accountability and transparency.

We see with Catalonia trying to escape from Spain and Britain before it can change anything in the EU needs the agreement of 27 other nations!
Breaks out the violin, roisins the bow.
LOL. See what I mean? You keep voting mate. Be a good boy. Go to work and pay your taxes, you'll either get your precious brexit and they'll get us straight back into some other kind of Union or back into the EU, or they'll say get lost and run another vote for what we've already voted on. Heavily influenced by all their people in the papers and tv who'll target you every day to make sure you vote the right way this time.
I'm in Ireland, I didn't vote.