No I agree.. IN MY OPINION, its a gamble to prevent things getting worse.
That's why people millions listened to Farage (and you could argue to Trump).
Brexit means different things to different people, personally I don't want to stay on a bus that is going where I don't think the country should go and it seems the majority in the country also don't want it to go, so we have to get off!
Referendums rarely solve anything in a fair and just manner, they just settle things!
To me this is not about losing some business, over a short period, its about where we expect to be in 30 or even 40 years time. One of the things that is of great advantage to the Chinese system is they don't have fundamental changes of government, every five years, so they can think and plan in fifty or even a hundred year cycles, they know on their present pathways, they will be leading the US in economic terms by the end of this Century, unless Trump pulls the plug (intentionally or by accident), its done now, or it won't get done.
Despite the EU's aim to develop towards an integrated super-state and towards being an economic block to rival the US and China and/or South East Asia, it can't do it, because its own inertia as much as anything stops it happening, it needs a superpower (like Germany) to grab it by the scruff of the neck and make it work, but even if it were to get there, I suspect it will be too late, the US may slip back bit but there will be no stopping China.
You may be enjoying the good life, in France I take it, and others on here, are in other EU countries, well good luck to you \all, I have no gripe about that, you've left Britain, presumably from choice, if you were thrown out or forced out then perhaps a different story emerges, but you've made your choice, so now have 17.4 m others.