I won't argue with what you say about percentages. I was merely pointing out that 88% voted for the two parties now committed to leaving the EU - I never said 88% of people voted to leave or support leaving. Subtle difference. Any really deeply committed Remainer could have voted LIbDem / Green or SNP, even, but they didn't, so can I suggest that the time for Remoaning is over. They've had a second chance to right what they believe was a wrong decision, but decided against it, or, again, were in a minority.
How many more times / opportunities to vote do they want ? Best of five, best of seven ?
The other bit about 'In ' and 'Out' probably sums it all up. More people decided that the uncertainities of 'Out' were better than the certainties of 'In'. For whatever reason(s) they decided that as the EU will not change, then it was time to change the UK's position within the EU. Genuinely like a divorce, I suppose, you ask the person to change, the answer is a No, so you have to decide whether to be unhappy the rest of your life or quit, run, and try something else.
Well that's how I see it....
Risky ? Certainly....
Disaster ? Who knows....Could be a disaster for both the UK and the EU, or just the UK, or just the EU. All of us on here think we know the answer, but do any of us really know the answer ? No we don't, and it's madness and arrogance to pretend we do.
And finally....All-in-all, I'd rather have someone tell me to merely 'Suck it up' rather than be accused by someone who has never met me of being a xenophobic, ignorant, poorly educated, UKIP voting, racist ( don't mind the OAP bit. cause I am drawing a couple of pensions in addition to working ) just because I don't agree with them about BREXIT. Maybe you're just more easily offended than me.....