It's not me who mentioned it but in case you hadn't noticed I live in France and will be in the EU, I should also be a French citizen soon.
Germany have the biggest say because they have the biggest population but only marginally ahead of France and the UK, they do not have an unelected dictator as head of government and not an unelected House of Lords either .
From your previous posts I take it you want to stay in France and not return to the UK even if the UK will be the utopia outside the grasp of those nasty Europeans.
Been here since 1979 and absolutely no way I'll be going back to the UK now - the country's fecked, I tell you, fecked.
Wouldn't be able to buy anything as it's all imported and what with the arsed out £ plus tariffs, we'd have to survive on grass from the back garden....
And the millions of unemployed racists who'll be looting Aldi and Lidl in revenge inbetween kicking the shit out of anyone with a sun tan....
And we'd have to bike it to to Costa del Fleetwood for our holidays cause we couldn't afford a car - even one made in the UK cause all the parts are imported....
And the EU Defence Force, led by the Spanish army will be handing out food parcels to everyone, sent to them by donations from the Somalian version of Comic Relief....
And there'll be no doctors and nurses in the hospitals except a few remaining Eastern European builders turned doctors but who are wizzo with a saw and a nail gun even if you've only got a bad case of dandruff....
And when I've gone through all that for 10 years, the UK will have to rejoin the EU, and I'd just be back where I started.
Well....Thats according to most you guys on here, anyway....
By the way - why are you going for full citizenship ? No intention of returning to the UK yourself ? I've thought about the citizenship thing myself from time to time, but my wife's German and when we were trying to agree on which country to live in, she didn't like the UK, I wasn't too keen on NRW where she was living, so we sort of settled on France as we both liked the lifestyle, the climate, and nice property was stupidly cheap. If the shit hits the fan and Macron decides to kick out the English, I'll apply for German citizenship - if Le Pen wins, my wife will probably have to apply for UK citizenship, lol.
And almost forgot about the UK - it rains every day and Stockport County will still be in National League North.
I'll leave you guys in peace now - going on holiday for a month or so tomorrow. Hope you've got it all sorted by the time we get back.