I still stand by my economic predictions which is not going to help the UK or even the EU, even if it is to a lesser extent. Not everyone is racist, but there is certainly a large xenophobic nature to Brexit. There is also the misinformation about how the EU controls the UK.
When the legal side of it was referred to the Uk courts, judges were labelled as traitors, when the sovereignty issue comes up, Brexiters don't want parliament , which is sovereign, to vote on A50, when the House of Lords vote, they are threatened with being expunged if they don't comply.
What exactly do Brexiters want?
If the Uk goes down the tube economically it is not going to affect me. If the Uk throw out all EU citizens and the EU reciprocates it's not going to affect me either.
Globalisation is here, as said Boris - Can you remember when the UK was so divided