I don't know, I just have minimal faith in him tbh. I don't think that neither Davis nor the hardcore Brexit voters want to remain in the common market, so we can 'take back control'. You what the regions think of London and the City- they'd rather we all wallow in collective penury than have financial services continue to be a success.
This is what I believe. You're free to agree or disagree
I think that there are four type of Brexiters. I am talking here about politicians here
a- Those who campaigned in favour of Brexit because they thought its their best chance to cripple Cameron. In reality they are not pro Brexit and they seriously thought that that the remain will win (ex Boris)
b- Those who made a living out of populism and thought they will keep on doing that for the rest of their lives (ie Farage)
c- Those who truly believed that Brexit would do good for the UK (ex Davis)
d- Those who are not in favour of Brexit but now the it had been voted in and there's no turning back.
Most of C believed that the UK was simply too big for the EU for it to close the door at its face. Some,were totally ignorant of how the EU work. For example Davis thought that it was possible to make a deal with the individual 4-5 EU rich countries while closing the door at the face of the others. That will allow the UK to have unrestricted access to the German, French, Dutch and possibly the Italian and Spanish market while keeping the pesky Romanians and Bulgarians out. It turned out that it doesn't work like that.
So imagine yourself as one of these guys. They promised heaven on earth while basing themselves on a strategy which was completely wrong. What would they do now? Plan B would be to try to get the best deal possible, something that can link what they promised to what it can be achieved. Yet what would happen if that is just not possible? An honourable man with some integrity would just resign but we all know that these people do not exist especially in the Tory party.
The other option would be to threaten to sever ties and hope that the opposing party will be scared shit to offer something. If they dont call bluff then simply sever all ties and come out with the brilliant idea that that what was planned from day 1. Sure the economy may go tits up. However who cares? Davis is 67, May is 60, and Boris Johnson/Farage will be in their mid 50s by the time shit hits fan. The latter can even rely on an MEP pension.