Stanley Road
Renaissance Man
Don't bother with him, I've yet to read a post with substance from him in this thread. It mostly goes like that:
"There has been an increase in hate crime in Britain since the referendum."
"Well, there have always been unpleasent people, Referendum or not."
"But this increase is actually recorded"
"Tosh, it was far worse in the old days"
"My industrial sector is struggling because of Brexit and my job is at risk."
"Shit happens, I've lost my job 5 times already, just move on."
Add his favorite "All politicians are liars" line and when someone gives a detailed post to counter his 'arguments' he barely answers with a 'we see things differently' answer if not at all.

I'm sorry I don't feel the need to pigeon hole every event in life into a certain category
I'm might be one of the few that hopes the UK becomes a success story a few years down the line, not one of the many that want it to fail so you can say "I told you so"
Where I used to live had the first mosque in Britain so I might have seen a bit of 'Hate Crime' in my time or punch up's as we called them
Did you not experience the same in the 70's and 80's?