Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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As an American, the word ‘gammon’ isn’t in my lexicon. Would this chap be considered a ‘gammon?’

No, he’s the right age bracket but he speaks fairly calmly. A gammon should be spluttering out his words and red-faced with indignation. It’s strange how someone who has run a successful business and seems reasonably intelligent should have believed the lies from Boris Johnson and co but I guess credulity is his Achilles eel.
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As an American, the word ‘gammon’ isn’t in my lexicon. Would this chap be considered a ‘gammon?’

I wouldn't say so no. I mean he may well be but you can't tell from that clip anyway.

Your gammon is your red faced white male (hence gammon), mostly angry about Schrödinger's foreigner, cartoonishly patriotic and with an unhealthy obsession with 'owning lefties'.

Looks like this sap thought he'd gain customers rather than lose them which is an easy mistake to make when you vote to leave the world's biggest trading block where most of your customers are based.
No, he’s the right age bracket but he speaks fairly calmly. A gammon should be spluttering out his words and red-faced with indignation. Its strange how someone who has run a successful business and seems reasonably intelligent should have believed the lies from Boris Johnson and co but I guess credulity is his Achilles eel.

In France business owners have increased their support to Marine Le Pen during the previous elections. The woman is completely illiterate when it comes to the economy or her understanding of trades national and international. That tells me that many business owners are probably complete morons and entirely rely on underpaid subalterns.
I wouldn't say so no. I mean he may well be but you can't tell from that clip anyway.

Your gammon is your red faced white male (hence gammon), mostly angry about Schrödinger's foreigner, cartoonishly patriotic and with an unhealthy obsession with 'owning lefties'.

Looks like this sap thought he'd gain customers rather than lose them which is an easy mistake to make when you vote to leave the world's biggest trading block where most of your customers are based.
Never knew ‘gammon’ is another name for a cured ham. I totally get why ‘gammon’ is used now. It’s always fun learning something new!

I also now know we have tens of millions of gammons in my country.
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Never knew ‘gammon’ is another name for a cured ham. I totally get why ‘gammon’ is used now. It’s always fun learning something new!

I also now know we have tens of millions of gammons in my country.
These people don't understand one of the most important factors in trade is geography.
"Global market" feel these people still live under an imperialist rock.
Some of them probably thought they could sell their wares over the interweb cables.
In France business owners have increased their support to Marine Le Pen during the previous elections. The woman is completely illiterate when it comes to the economy or her understanding of trades national and international. That tells me that many business owners are probably complete morons and entirely rely on underpaid subalterns.

There’s no reason why someone who is particularly good at making and selling pies should be particularly smart or knowledgable about international trade. People still have an annoying tendency to assume that an ability to make money equals intelligence.
These people don't understand one of the most important factors in trade is geography.
"Global market" feel these people still live under an imperialist rock.

Quite right.

There is another point that nobody seems to have picked up on though.
Scenario 1. The UK is in the EU - he can sell his products all over the world but if he sells to the EU he doesn't have all this red tape and his EU customers can buy from him easily.
Scenario 2. The UK isn't in the EU - he can sell his products all over the world but all of his customers have the red tape to deal with and will buy where it's easier to buy.

It makes zero sense. How is this possible , how can millions of people be this stupid?
There’s no reason why someone who is particularly good at making and selling pies should be particularly smart or knowledgable about international trade. People still have an annoying tendency to assume that an ability to make money equals intelligence.

You are right but I was thinking about larger structures and pretending to be diplomatic.
These people don't understand one of the most important factors in trade is geography.
"Global market" feel these people still live under an imperialist rock.

I had a call earlier from our MD. We're going to setup an EU office to make our businesses easier to support in countries we already have customers in but were previously handled by the UK. This will be a nominal office by the sounds of it and from a UK point of view will do nothing apart from divert taxes to another country and lose money...

Mention of Starmer only makes me think of:

Starmer’s six tests for the Brexit deal are:

1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?

2. Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?

3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?

4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?

5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?

6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?

No.2 was always moronic but can't really give him more than zero out of six.
Mention of Starmer only makes me think of:

Starmer’s six tests for the Brexit deal are:

1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?

2. Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?

3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?

4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?

5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?

6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?

No.2 was always moronic but can't really give him more than zero out of six.

Point 2 on its own was out of the question if we left. My problem is with point 4, as that's where we are going to have issues over the next few years.

I do understand his point of view in voting for it now because going WTO would be a bigger risk than the deal shown.
Point 2 on its own was out of the question if we left. My problem is with point 4, as that's where we are going to have issues over the next few years.

I do understand his point of view in voting for it now because going WTO would be a bigger risk than the deal shown.

Yes WTO would be complete disaster now for the UK - but back then really Labour should have been far more resilient to the Tories but Corbyn and Starmer came across as Brexiters anyway , while Theresa May was more of a Remainer, ironic really.
Yes WTO would be complete disaster now for the UK - but back then really Labour should have been far more resilient to the Tories but Corbyn and Starmer came across as Brexiters anyway , while Theresa May was more of a Remainer, ironic really.

I don't think Starmer is or was a Brexiter (whereas Corbyn couldn't get his point across at all really). He's actually decent in my opinion and pro-EU, but his lawyer background doesn't help sometimes as he can come across as middle ground very easily. At least he's got some intelligence and knowledge of the world unlike some recent leaders.
I don't think Starmer is or was a Brexiter (whereas Corbyn couldn't get his point across at all really). He's actually decent in my opinion and pro-EU, but his lawyer background doesn't help sometimes as he can come across as middle ground very easily. At least he's got some intelligence and knowledge of the world unlike some recent leaders.
Starmer has, disappointingly, minimal charisma, has been unable to get a grip on the divides in his own party and seems to struggle to know when to support the government and when to attack. He's been underwhelming tbh, plus he always looks slightly surprised and confused.
He has inherited a shitty hand, but it really does feel now that the Tories could steal the nation's first borns and still get 40% of the vote.
Can anyone up to date inform me as to what this means for Northern Ireland and the border in general terms?
When the reality of the deal sinks in, the Brexiters will be the first to campaign to rejoin.:smirk:
No way... they will be more than happy with the 350 mil per week the NHS will benefit from.
To be honest I don't really get the schadenfreude... as remain we failed to get our message over to enough people like him and to be honest I'd rather not point a finger and say I told you so but actually engage with them and get them to see the sense in rejoining sooner rather than later
Rejoining :lol: . You must be re-joking. No one is letting this country back in the EU in the next 50 years.
To be honest I don't really get the schadenfreude... as remain we failed to get our message over to enough people like him and to be honest I'd rather not point a finger and say I told you so but actually engage with them and get them to see the sense in rejoining sooner rather than later

He won, he needs to get over it

What sickens me is he will have undoubtedly influenced 20+ people to vote Leave with his b***sh*t bravado. Deserves everything that comes to him
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Starmer has, disappointingly, minimal charisma, has been unable to get a grip on the divides in his own party and seems to struggle to know when to support the government and when to attack. He's been underwhelming tbh, plus he always looks slightly surprised and confused.
He has inherited a shitty hand, but it really does feel now that the Tories could steal the nation's first borns and still get 40% of the vote.

My only hope is that by the time the next election comes round, leave voters will realise that Brexit hasn’t actually improved anything and we can have an election based on actual issues we face, rather than one side screaming about sovereignty or immigration to win it.

Saying that, I’m sure the right will find something else to use.
I don't think Starmer is or was a Brexiter (whereas Corbyn couldn't get his point across at all really). He's actually decent in my opinion and pro-EU, but his lawyer background doesn't help sometimes as he can come across as middle ground very easily. At least he's got some intelligence and knowledge of the world unlike some recent leaders.

The deal was always going to pass anyway, every single Tory voted for it (edit: except 2 ERG abstainers I believe) so it didn't matter what the others did in respect of it going through.

The question now is, although people don't expect Brexit will be an issue at the next election which is in less than four years time, unless Labour get a charismatic leader to win the people over , they're not getting in at the next electon. Their only chance is a total complete failure of Brexit , which although highly likely, the current and recent Labour have not opposed it in any significant way in the time leading up to it and Starmer is part and parcel of that. Labour's mistake is not now, it's the past 5 years.
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This is going to come back and bite him on the arse...

Post-Brexit trade: UK having its cake and eating it, says Boris Johnson

Presumably Brexiters will believe this pile of crap.

"But from the point of view of UK exporters, for instance, they'll now have the advantage, that they'll only have one set of forms they have to fill out for export to around the whole world. "

Just selecting this one point as the biggest load of b*ll*x ever, try filling out the forms to ship to Australia and send them to the EU
Additionally they didn't have to fill out any forms to export to the EU.

He really is a moron.

Another 28 hours and reality finally takes over.
This is going to come back and bite him on the arse...

Post-Brexit trade: UK having its cake and eating it, says Boris Johnson

Sadly Johnson seems to have a free pass to tell outrageous lies without consequences. And his supporters are hardly likely to find serious scrutiny of these new trading arrangements in The Sun, Mail, Express or Telegraph.
Sadly Johnson seems to have a free pass to tell outrageous lies without consequences. And his supporters are hardly likely to find serious scrutiny of these new trading arrangements in The Sun, Mail, Express or Telegraph.

He's got away with it so far because he could say anything and there were no consequences. Almost all of what he said was untrue but it doesn't matter whether the RW press scrutinise it, the reality will reveal the truth.
He's got away with it so far because he could say anything and there were no consequences. Almost all of what he said was untrue but it doesn't matter whether the RW press scrutinise it, the reality will reveal the truth.
Is there a belief in the UK that the media is very left wing, just like the lie that is constantly bandied about here in the states?