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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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So, a no-deal Brexit now looks likely.

The UK has given up a whole raft of actual, concrete benefits within the EU - freedom of travel and work, trade benefits, shared policing intelligence etc etc etc - for a single abstract benefit called "sovereignty" which in practice is a ghost.

Congratulations to all the stupid people who voted for Brexit, sold on the basis of lies.

The UK will now start to break up, starting with Scotland, who will re-join the EU within 10-15 years.
So, a no-deal Brexit now looks likely.

The UK has given up a whole raft of actual, concrete benefits within the EU - freedom of travel and work, trade benefits, shared policing intelligence etc etc etc - for a single abstract benefit called "sovereignty" which in practice is a ghost.

Congratulations to all the stupid people who voted for Brexit, sold on the basis of lies.

The UK will now start to break up, starting with Scotland, who will re-join the EU within 10-15 years.
Maybe we can go to India together this time? :lol:
Serious question though, is anyone going to be stock piling with brexit in mind? If so what?
Serious question though, is anyone going to be stock piling with brexit in mind? If so what?
Isn't fresh food going to be the biggest problem?

It's quite to stockpile, I suppose you could freeze your fruit and veg.

We'll be pickling our veg again, just like the good ol' days.
Isn't fresh food going to be the biggest problem?

It's quite to stockpile, I suppose you could freeze your fruit and veg.

We'll be pickling our veg again, just like the good ol' days.
Yeah that’s true, am I right in saying we import a lot of our toilet paper? Although I don’t want to be part of that problem :lol:

Russia basically. Destabilising the US and breaking up the EU have been Russian objectives for ages. Look around, what do you see happening? It's so corrupt Boris's 'Russia Report' was instructed specifically NOT to investigate Russian interference! There is a tsunami of criminality going on right now that we won't hear about for another generation.

Russia has nothing to do with this. England's policy of destabilising a unified Europe has been existing since Henry Tudor left the RCC so he can crown any courtesan he wanted. King Henry came to a conclusion that a destabilised Europe would be too busy killing one another to organize a crusade to bring England back to the fold. That's been England and later on the UK's policy for centuries. It's even been joked about on yes minister.
Russia has nothing to do with this. England's policy of destabilising a unified Europe has been existing since Henry Tudor left the RCC so he can crown any courtesan he wanted. King Henry came to a conclusion that a destabilised Europe would be too busy killing one another to organize a crusade to bring England back to the fold. That's been England and later on the UK's policy for centuries. It's even been joked about on yes minister.

Russia has spent years exacerbating internal divisions in the West. They have a lot to do with it. Follow the money.
Russia has spent years exacerbating internal divisions in the West. They have a lot to do with it. Follow the money.

Did it crossed your mind that by helping financing this suicide called Brexit, Russia was actually trying to destabilise the UK instead? The UK is after all the US chihuahua, its very vocal against Russia and its historical hatred towards the EU + its innate love towards the capitalist party makes it an easy target.

After Brexit most of Europe will still be in NATO and the US will find a new EU country to turn into its darling and have it push its agenda. The only country who will be isolated between two juggernauts will be......
Looks like Boris attempting to go around Barnier and negotiate directly with Macron and Merkel has been well and truly shut down.

Did it crossed your mind that by helping financing this suicide called Brexit, Russia was actually trying to destabilise the UK instead? The UK is after all the US chihuahua, its very vocal against Russia and its historical hatred towards the EU + its innate love towards the capitalist party makes it an easy target.

After Brexit most of Europe will still be in NATO and the US will find a new EU country to turn into its darling and have it push its agenda. The only country who will be isolated between two juggernauts will be......

It is , of course , your prerogative to ignore all the warnings.
Did it crossed your mind that by helping financing this suicide called Brexit, Russia was actually trying to destabilise the UK instead? ...

Did it cross your mind that Russia was trying to both destabilise the UK and shrink down the EU? And they succeeded in both aims.
When did no deal start being dressed up as 'an Australian-style deal'?
Looks like Boris attempting to go around Barnier and negotiate directly with Macron and Merkel has been well and truly shut down.

That's one of the things that I really don't get, I have always felt that it was very disrepectful towards other member states to focus on France and Germany. In this case it's even worse when France and Germany aren't the ones that have the most to lose and needs to be convinced. Also I have a theory when it comes to France veto regarding fishing rights, I think that France doesn't care about being the bad guys from the UK's pov but they care about being the "nice" guys from the pov of the smaller member states that rely more on fishing which is why they are the most vocal member of that group.
When did no deal start being dressed up as 'an Australian-style deal'?

When it became inevitable. "No deal" doesn't sound like policy, it sounds like failure.

An "Australian style deal" makes it sound like we can look forward to sunny weather and BBQs for years to come, when actually what we'll be doing is toasting rats over a barrel bin fire as we huddle together for warmth in the ruins of what used to be our country. Well done, Boris ('well done' is also how I'll be having my rats cooked, please).
When did no deal start being dressed up as 'an Australian-style deal'?

When Boris or his advisers decided that the British people were sufficiently dim to be taken in by more lies.
Interesting that the Australian PM is not at all enamored by their arrangements with the EU. So we will no doubt love it.
about a year ago I think
started to be used more when they decided not to extend the transition
Now its pretty much obligatory for any government spokesperson
When it became inevitable. "No deal" doesn't sound like policy, it sounds like failure.

An "Australian style deal" makes it sound like we can look forward to sunny weather and BBQs for years to come, when actually what we'll be doing is toasting rats over a barrel bin fire as we huddle together for warmth in the ruins of what used to be our country. Well done, Boris ('well done' is also how I'll be having my rats cooked, please).
Makes sense. Just feel like I've heard the phrase more in the last week or so than I have in the past four years.
I guess the Australia deal sounds better than the North Korea deal.
Did it cross your mind that Russia was trying to both destabilise the UK and shrink down the EU? And they succeeded in both aims.

Is it really the case though? There's no doubt that Brexit will hurt the EU from a financial POV. However it will, most certainly, hurt the UK more. Business will probably flee the UK and into the EU, the EU sceptics will get a hit (it might spell the end of the Tory party) and the union might end with countries like Scotland and Northern Ireland returning to the EU. Such a disaster might serve a lesson to all those EU sceptics who want to leave the EU. Support for the project is in fact at an already record high while EU sceptics like Salvini and Le Pen are on the retreat.

Brexit helped getting rid of the biggest obstacle to an ever closer union, the EU army and rules/regulations that would have allowed little to no control for 'financial services' :cough: money laundering :cough:. In fact Malta whose very 'creative' in accommodating 'businesses' like the UK does is already feeling the noose tightening. The US will also have to switch mates to a more EU friendly nation (probably France or Germany) as the UK will slowly but surely lose influence in Europe. That's another plus for the EU.

The Russians might have helped Brexit to happen but their plan wouldn't have succeeded if there wasn't fertile ground to work with in the first place. That means a hugely European sceptic population, a political elite who had been blaming the EU for everything under the sun for decades and a financial elite who are banking that the pound will tank so they can make a real killing out of it. Also by helping Brexiteers winning the referendum, Russia had revealed itself which means that everyone is on alert now.

I lived in the UK for enough time to know that a big chunk of young British people are bright, cynical and would keep politicians into account. If it hits them hard which it will then they wouldn't mind a U-Turn. Meanwhile the older people are proud, they love their freedom (including the freedom to retire elsewhere) and they love that their country is respected across the world. They voted Brexit precisely because they thought that the EU was diminishing the UK's power in the world. If it turns that Brexit is actually making things worse then rest assured that they would support a U-Turn as well. So I won't be surprised if we see the UK (or England) being back in the EU/EEA in our lifetime.
Makes sense. Just feel like I've heard the phrase more in the last week or so than I have in the past four years.
I guess the Australia deal sounds better than the North Korea deal.
In a way, I do understand why they would phrase it this way. 'No deal' sounds like you're heading into the great unknown, 'Australia-type deal' sounds like you're getting into a known situation. And it's true in that sense: the EU wouldn't be the only place on earth with which the UK has to trade on WHO terms, so it's not like everyone is completely in the dark as to what a 'no deal' situation means. I think it makes sense that a government would want to build that aspect into its messaging.

But yeah, of course, the way it's being done now also suggests that everything is fine and under control, completely downplaying the huge economic disadvantages of a no-deal situation, the enormous change it situation would bring about, and the UK's level of unpreparedness for that change. There's spin and then there's full-on bullshitting.
In a way, I do understand why they would phrase it this way. 'No deal' sounds like you're heading into the great unknown, 'Australia-type deal' sounds like you're getting into a known situation. And it's true in that sense: the EU wouldn't be the only place on earth with which the UK has to trade on WHO terms, so it's not like everyone is completely in the dark as to what a 'no deal' situation means. I think it makes sense that a government would want to build that aspect into its messaging.

But yeah, of course, the way it's being done now also suggests that everything is fine and under control, completely downplaying the huge economic disadvantages of a no-deal situation, the enormous change it situation would bring about, and the UK's level of unpreparedness for that change. There's spin and then there's full-on bullshitting.

I really think that it's a narrative built around the CANZUK idea, it's not much about the fact that "No deal" sounds terrible but that they are actively targeting a certain demographic and selling the dream of an Anglosphere led by the UK.
It's almost like he's a serial bullshitter! Who knew?
I can't believe Boris Johnson, who has been in the public eye for over 2 decades and who only last year prorogued parliament which was deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court, is the way he is. How many times have you seen our free press and media factcheck his claims and lies during and after the election? Too many people got their wallet inspected
I really think that it's a narrative built around the CANZUK idea, it's not much about the fact that "No deal" sounds terrible but that they are actively targeting a certain demographic and selling the dream of an Anglosphere led by the UK.
As in Empire 2.0? Surely no-one will fall for that:wenger:
We won the war, dammit!