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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Specially when it's a lie. In november was signed the RCEP trade deal that include China and Australia

I don't think it's a lie as such. My understanding is that Australia and China have very close trade links and had signed a free trade agreement in 2015 already but increasing tensions have led to escalating economic actions from China towards Australia.

Not that the UK could ever hope to replace the losses that Australia would feel from loss of trade with China.
I don't think it's a lie as such. My understanding is that Australia and China have very close trade links and had signed a free trade agreement in 2015 already but increasing tensions have led to escalating economic actions from China towards Australia.

Not that the UK could ever hope to replace the losses that Australia would feel from loss of trade with China.

Another massive own goal by our Federal incompetents. It never occurred to them that a bit of chest beating for domestic consumption might piss the Chinese off.
Not sure where you are seeing that tbh. The main thrust of public statements and media coverage for a bit now has been the 'don't back down on sovereignty' line.
I've not seen the 'it'll hurt them more than us' guff being trotted out for a while. That was wearing thin, so rely on emotional nationalism to blindside people.
Any lad bible/BBC post on Facebook relating to the matter will show you the goons spouting such rubbish.
You and me both mate! Previously having an affair used to be a resignation certainty, now you can shag, lie, bully, fraud and do basically anything you want and nobody gives a feck. Worst thing is we haven't got an election for years yet so we are stuck with these idiots.
If he was Italian or French his face would be on our front pages every day with headlines like "Sleazy Primey" or "Boris the Sex Goblin" - I'm not very good with headlines - but because he's Boris, lovable prat who used to mumble funny stuff on HIGNFY, it either gets brushed to the side with a "That's Boris! *comical trumpet plays*" or completely swept under the carpet.

I have no doubt in my mind that Boris Johnson is a lying, cheating, backstabbing, disgusting little man. I wonder what his children think of him. He probably wonders that as well but he doesn't know where they all are.
If he was Italian or French his face would be on our front pages every day with headlines like "Sleazy Primey" or "Boris the Sex Goblin" - I'm not very good with headlines - but because he's Boris, lovable prat who used to mumble funny stuff on HIGNFY, it either gets brushed to the side with a "That's Boris! *comical trumpet plays*" or completely swept under the carpet.

I have no doubt in my mind that Boris Johnson is a lying, cheating, backstabbing, disgusting little man. I wonder what his children think of him. He probably wonders that as well but he doesn't know where they all are.
Johnson prorogued parliament last year, which was deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court. A few months later he won a landslide majority. Aided and abetted and indulged by sections of our press and broadcasters.
Johnson prorogued parliament last year, which was deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court. A few months later he won a landslide majority. Aided and abetted and indulged by sections of our press and broadcasters.
He's probably partied and went to school with the majority of them. His mates will always have BoJo's back.

I find this kind tweets interesting because I assume that for many people it somehow makes sense, it takes more than a month to ship something port to port from the UK to Australia.

Am I missing something or that guy replying has 3 followers?
I don't think it's a lie as such. My understanding is that Australia and China have very close trade links and had signed a free trade agreement in 2015 already but increasing tensions have led to escalating economic actions from China towards Australia.

Not that the UK could ever hope to replace the losses that Australia would feel from loss of trade with China.

Yes. Had been tensions due to COVID investigations demands from Australia, but the trade deal that they have, still there without any changes and the commercial ties had been strenghtened by the signature of around 20 countries (the RCEP) in the region in november that is the biggest market in the world. So yeah, lots of trash talk from China, but Australia is a useful tool as image for the west that they can trade with them. Also, Australia has a lot of resources that China needs to keep growing

Whats interesting is that this signing with Singapore is seen as a prelude to entry into the TPP. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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I find this kind tweets interesting because I assume that for many people it somehow makes sense, it takes more than a month to ship something port to port from the UK to Australia.

Am I missing something? An "Australia-style" deal between the UK and the EU surely has nothing to do with trade between Australia and the UK?
Am I missing something? An "Australia-style" deal between the UK and the EU surely has nothing to do with trade between Australia and the UK?
Just means you’ll still be allowed to compete in the Eurovision. It’s sometimes also called an Israeli style deal.
You and me both mate! Previously having an affair used to be a resignation certainty, now you can shag, lie, bully, fraud and do basically anything you want and nobody gives a feck. Worst thing is we haven't got an election for years yet so we are stuck with these idiots.
We used to have men like John Profumo. He resigned for lying to Parliament (how many times has that been done by Boris?) and then spent the rest of his life atoning for it by working as a volunteer for a charity and raising loads of money for them.
Might as well say Ghana deal. These people don't have a scintilla of shame.
It’s the accountability that does my head in the most. Why aren’t politicians held to account for anything? They can literally lie and millions lap it up. I can’t fathom it
So so true. When there are no consequences for lying, then we will be breeding a whole generation of liars and lies will inevitably be mistaken for truth. Look at Fox, OAN, Brexit campaigners, anti vaxxers, climate change deniers. The works. We've somehow been manipulated into accepting lies as a virtuous, profitable industry based on freedom of speech. Lies with no consequences.
Johnson prorogued parliament last year, which was deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court. A few months later he won a landslide majority. Aided and abetted and indulged by sections of our press and broadcasters.
It really makes you wonder, right? Who is sponsoring all this manipulation? The fact is, there are certain people who would benefit from this and are bribing people to have their way.
The EU is better off waiting this out and I believe that they had realised it. Let the UK's economy and its people feel the brunt of a no deal Brexit which will lead to the Tory party to either come back crawling for any deal really or to crush and burn . which would therefore give space to adults to go around the negotiation table with the EU.

Meanwhile contingency plans can be set out to mitigate disruption for the EU's end. For example if the UK wants to fly a plane over the EU then it must give sound concessions on fishing. Money can be spent helping Ireland as well. It would be a war of attrition really and I am confident that the EU will win that out.
Am I missing something? An "Australia-style" deal between the UK and the EU surely has nothing to do with trade between Australia and the UK?

Yes, they are completely unrelated but the context of that type of ideas is now almost forgotten, it's the CANZUK trade agreement dream that some brexiteers have.
Above everything else this referendum should never have passed through without the requirement of a big majority (60% minimum), that's the most galling thing in play here, a 4% swing for such a life altering decision is scandalous.
It really makes you wonder, right? Who is sponsoring all this manipulation? The fact is, there are certain people who would benefit from this and are bribing people to have their way.

Russia basically. Destabilising the US and breaking up the EU have been Russian objectives for ages. Look around, what do you see happening? It's so corrupt Boris's 'Russia Report' was instructed specifically NOT to investigate Russian interference! There is a tsunami of criminality going on right now that we won't hear about for another generation.
Yes. Had been tensions due to COVID investigations demands from Australia, but the trade deal that they have, still there without any changes and the commercial ties had been strenghtened by the signature of around 20 countries (the RCEP) in the region in november that is the biggest market in the world. So yeah, lots of trash talk from China, but Australia is a useful tool as image for the west that they can trade with them. Also, Australia has a lot of resources that China needs to keep growing

Well yes the trade deal is there but the Australians are claiming the Chinese are breaking the terms of it:

In its latest blow, China has blocked timber exports from two more Australian states, South Australia and Tasmania, after bans on Queensland and Victorian timber were introduced in the past two months.

Australian coal, barley, copper ore and concentre, sugar, wine and lobster have already suffered a similar fate.

One little snippet for instance.

These articles are all very contemporaneous, for a trade dispute that only seems to be getting worse at present.

As I said, the UK could never hope to replace China's trade with Australia, especially as we wouldn't necessarily want the same things China does. But it is not inaccurate to say that China has imposed restrictions on certain imports from Australia, as well as new tariffs on others and is threatening to put in more.

Indeed, some Aussies, including their trade minister, have stated they believe China to be in breach of ChAFTA.
Russia basically. Destabilising the US and breaking up the EU have been Russian objectives for ages. Look around, what do you see happening? It's so corrupt Boris's 'Russia Report' was instructed specifically NOT to investigate Russian interference! There is a tsunami of criminality going on right now that we won't hear about for another generation.
I don't know who the culprits are. You might be right, but I get the feeling there is more than one. Whoever it is, it is likely we will never see justice be done. We can only hope that eventually we can claw our way back from the lies back to the truth and fix this stupid loophole of a lying industrial complex. Freedom is not without consequences and responsibility. How hard is it for people understand that? Everyone knows it. But no one is speaking up or doing something about it. As some others here have mentioned, only when the full impact has hit the Brexiters, will there be any chance of gathering enough political will to fix this.

I think there was a scientific research on it. The more people are viewing a crime, the more responsibility is shared, the less likely people are going to take action. Especially if it doesn't affect them directly. And it shows how well they understand how to manipulate people when we see all that is happening around the world.