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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Why is it these twats can't keep their mouths shut when someone has the floor? There's better manners in primary school reception classes.
In reality, all the options are still quite a long way from a majority once the cabinet members vote.
I admit I'm not privvy to Corbyn's inner psyche and I can't determine what he does/or doesn't think - nevertheless I don't think he's either particularly for or against Brexit. He's too much of a historical Bennite type stuck in the past to ever support it, but he's also not really a rabid Brexiteer either. He'd like to see the UK outside the EU but likely knows his ideal model died about 40 years ago.

But he doesn't need to be a rabid brexiteer that's for me the determining point. He can get what he personally wants and believe in without having to campaign for it, he just has to sit and let the Tories dig deeper. He probably wouldn't have campaigned for it but surely you have to admit that when the tories made him that gift, he would be tempted to take it and it matches with what he has done since brexit which is absolutely nothing.
Wow Nick Boles quits live on air to a round of applause. Bravo sir
Just goes to show you, years may pass but you can always rid yourself of that terrible Tory affliction.
Said it before but Clarke's head and shoulders above the rest of them, as old as he is.

He is. I've gained a fair bit of respect for a handful of Tories and he's been one of them.
Ken Clarke said:
The father of the house says: "We cannot go on with everyone voting against every proposal.

"There were people who wanted Common Market 2, so wouldn't vote for mine, but all of them have nothing against mine,

"If they continue to do that, they will fail.

"If you add people's vote to mine, you lose votes all over the place, and in the Labour Party. You should see there isn't a majority for a people's vote and should vote for something you have nothing against.

"That is politics and this house has nothing political now and that confounds me."
No doubt.

I guess I am responding to the many posts here which pine for a SNP-like party to vote for in England. They would be hostage to a new set of electoral pressures, and this episode shows how they'd respond.

They’re a one policy party and given that policy is gaining independence from the UK I’m not sure what use they’d be in England. People fetishise them on here because they posture as being die hard EUrophiles. They make impassioned speeches asking the EU to rescue them recently but when Indyref actually happened they didn’t even want to join the Eurozone.
So when is mv4...
Gut feel she tries it again and if (when) it fails she calls a ge and says she hopes that's sufficient to get an extension from the EU (in reality she hopes the EU tell her to do one we get a hard brexit and she can spend all the election campaign saying how nasty the EU are)
They’re a one policy party and given that policy is gaining independence from the UK I’m not sure what use they’d be in England. People fetishise them on here because they posture as being die hard EUrophiles. They make impassioned speeches asking the EU to rescue them recently but when Indyref actually happened they didn’t even want to join the Eurozone.

That's...not even remotely true.
Why just mention them and not SNP?

Considering the amount of Remainers up here and the lack of competent competition, not sure this'll be too detrimental to the SNP, all in. Hard to tell though at the moment.
Why just mention them and not SNP?

I thought they supported it? At least that's what i heard earlier in the day.

Notable though given CUKs pitch as a party. Anyway Soubry seemed to suggest they'd vote for it 3rd time for some reason