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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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I’ll be honest, I’m completely biased here but only one of these parties is an anti-gay, racist and xenophobic bunch of lunatics who amongst other scandals cost the public purse hundreds of millions in a fecking scheme for protestant farmers to heat empty chicken houses.

Sinn Fein are far from perfect, but I can only speak from experience, any of the local elected officals were I am are absolute gentlemen who couldn’t do enough for constituents in my experience.

In short, there’s no comparison between the two.

Why? Theres endless evidence of them murdering people amongst other pretty grim stuff. They have no place in a peaceful, decent society
The withdrawal agreement is just a transition phase, everything has to be negotiated over the next two years. The uncertainty is what is hurting businesses and forcing them to move.

No-deal could lead to two possibilities.
1) The economy tanks, people unrest leading to joining the EU again.
2) somehow they negotiate some deal and the economy doesn't tank and people move on with their lives.

As I said, the uncertainty is the main issue here. May's deal is not going to make it any better.

No uncertainty is one issue. The main issue is if we leave with no deal we will be royally screwed. Not maybe screwed absolutely screwed.
Why? Theres endless evidence of them murdering people amongst other pretty grim stuff. They have no place in a peaceful, decent society
Number one, we’re getting off topic in this thread but go to another one if you wish, number two that was during an armed conflict, number three you are confusing Sinn Fein with the IRA, and four plenty of those killings were right plenty were wrong, but killings were happening on both sides.
I’ll be honest, I’m completely biased here but only one of these parties is an anti-gay, racist and xenophobic bunch of lunatics who amongst other scandals cost the public purse hundreds of millions in a fecking scheme for protestant farmers to heat empty chicken houses.

Sinn Fein are far from perfect, but I can only speak from experience, any of the local elected officals were I am are absolute gentlemen who couldn’t do enough for constituents in my experience.

In short, there’s no comparison between the two.
I'm going off topic here, but by all accounts, I've heard Paisley was a fantastic constituency politician, who would have gone to all lengths to help any Catholic that came to him with an individual case, while still going out to preach Never Never Never about the Anti-Christ Pope the very next day.
We all know how completely fecked the Tories are with all of this, but I'm still utterly dumbfounded at how poorly Labour have handled this as the opposition.

Corbyn has been a complete doormat during the whole thing, and surely has lost the vast majority of the support he once had by failing to do literally anything? There have been multiple stages during this that Labour could have come out and completely opposed Brexit, offering a real alternative to the shitshow we're currently, and are likely to continue enduring.

The referendum being advisory only has barely been mentioned.
The proven underhandedness of the Leave campaign has barely been mentioned.
The swinging poll numbers on the matter have barely been mentioned.
The closeness of the actual vote has barely been mentioned.
The option of revoking Article 50, even to do some proper, in-depth impact assessments on the various possible outcomes, has barely been mentioned.
The fact that even those that want to leave, can't even agree on how has barely been mentioned.

They've just been a bunch of nodding dogs, occasionally piping up with something vaguely resembling a dissenting voice, but not really, once a month.

Most infuriatingly, there has also barely been any challenge to the stubborn, bone-headedness of the "we need to get on with it, it's the will of the people" nonsense that keeps being spouted, not just by known garbage mouth-pieces like Farage, but by May herself. It's infuriating.

We've currently got one of the worst sitting governments ever, propped up by a band of bought, shithouse, religious lunatics, and somehow Labour can't leave a scratch on them because they're being led by a man who now seems more concerned with trying to become PM himself than the imminent shitstorm the country is about to find itself in.

We've seen from that farce of a march Farage 'organised' that there won't be riots if we don't leave, so why has no one got the backbone to just acknowledge that we can actually pump the brakes on this?

Being an advisory referendum, surely the result was actually, "Leave if it's best for the country" and not, "Leave whatever"?
We all know how completely fecked the Tories are with all of this, but I'm still utterly dumbfounded at how poorly Labour have handled this as the opposition.

Corbyn has been a complete doormat during the whole thing, and surely has lost the vast majority of the support he once had by failing to do literally anything? There have been multiple stages during this that Labour could have come out and completely opposed Brexit, offering a real alternative to the shitshow we're currently, and are likely to continue enduring.

The referendum being advisory only has barely been mentioned.
The proven underhandedness of the Leave campaign has barely been mentioned.
The swinging poll numbers on the matter have barely been mentioned.
The closeness of the actual vote has barely been mentioned.
The option of revoking Article 50, even to do some proper, in-depth impact assessments on the various possible outcomes, has barely been mentioned.
The fact that even those that want to leave, can't even agree on how has barely been mentioned.

They've just been a bunch of nodding dogs, occasionally piping up with something vaguely resembling a dissenting voice, but not really, once a month.

Most infuriatingly, there has also barely been any challenge to the stubborn, bone-headedness of the "we need to get on with it, it's the will of the people" nonsense that keeps being spouted, not just by known garbage mouth-pieces like Farage, but by May herself. It's infuriating.

We've currently got one of the worst sitting governments ever, propped up by a band of bought, shithouse, religious lunatics, and somehow Labour can't leave a scratch on them because they're being led by a man who now seems more concerned with trying to become PM himself than the imminent shitstorm the country is about to find itself in.

We've seen from that farce of a march Farage 'organised' that there won't be riots if we don't leave, so why has no one got the backbone to just acknowledge that we can actually pump the brakes on this?

Being an advisory referendum, surely the result was actually, "Leave if it's best for the country" and not, "Leave whatever"?

I agree and I wonder what the thinking is. I'd still much much much rather have him in charge though.
We all know how completely fecked the Tories are with all of this, but I'm still utterly dumbfounded at how poorly Labour have handled this as the opposition.

Corbyn has been a complete doormat during the whole thing, and surely has lost the vast majority of the support he once had by failing to do literally anything? There have been multiple stages during this that Labour could have come out and completely opposed Brexit, offering a real alternative to the shitshow we're currently, and are likely to continue enduring.

The referendum being advisory only has barely been mentioned.
The proven underhandedness of the Leave campaign has barely been mentioned.
The swinging poll numbers on the matter have barely been mentioned.
The closeness of the actual vote has barely been mentioned.
The option of revoking Article 50, even to do some proper, in-depth impact assessments on the various possible outcomes, has barely been mentioned.
The fact that even those that want to leave, can't even agree on how has barely been mentioned.

They've just been a bunch of nodding dogs, occasionally piping up with something vaguely resembling a dissenting voice, but not really, once a month.

Most infuriatingly, there has also barely been any challenge to the stubborn, bone-headedness of the "we need to get on with it, it's the will of the people" nonsense that keeps being spouted, not just by known garbage mouth-pieces like Farage, but by May herself. It's infuriating.

We've currently got one of the worst sitting governments ever, propped up by a band of bought, shithouse, religious lunatics, and somehow Labour can't leave a scratch on them because they're being led by a man who now seems more concerned with trying to become PM himself than the imminent shitstorm the country is about to find itself in.

We've seen from that farce of a march Farage 'organised' that there won't be riots if we don't leave, so why has no one got the backbone to just acknowledge that we can actually pump the brakes on this?

Being an advisory referendum, surely the result was actually, "Leave if it's best for the country" and not, "Leave whatever"?

Pretty much.
I agree and I wonder what the thinking is. I'd still much much much rather have him in charge though.

Oh absolutely. At least he doesn't hate the poor or the disabled. May's got a lot of blood on her hands.

I was a big fan of his for quite a while, but he's lost me a fair bit with this. It's too big for him to have just shrugged off.
Petition will hit 2m by the end of the night, very impressive (although meaningless).
Sheffield voted to leave mate. Lie in your bed.

That's totally how it works. Sheffield people are stupid, majority labour city (in fact I think all areas are red at the moment, apart from Hallam which was red till O'Mara left) but voted leave. Morons.
well at least we've got the strasbourg agreement, which google tells me was something to do with the holy roman empire and poisoned bullets in 1675. thanks tezza.
So a small extension for May to try to get her deal through (which absolutely everyone knows isn't going to happen) and a slightly longer one for May to be ousted and some sort of change in direction to occur?
So a small extension for May to try to get her deal through (which absolutely everyone knows isn't going to happen) and a slightly longer one for May to be ousted and some sort of change in direction to occur?

Other way round. Long extension if May gets her deal through, or a small extension if she doesn't for us to find some other way.
First thought is that the extension to April 12 is bad news for May. Her entire strategy has been to force a choice on 28th March. The chances of her resigning or being overthrown following a third vote have have increased, I suspect.
First thought is that the extension to April 12 is bad news for May. Her entire strategy has been to force a choice on 28th March. The chances of her resigning or being overthrown following a third vote have have increased, I suspect.

I think she fully expects to go at this point it's all about one last push next week.

I'd say since December everyone has known she'd go and then we'd have the fight for the next direction. She's just delayed that not wanting to give up her place in history
So assuming the deal either gets voted down again or isn't changed so no vote can take place what then happens on 12th April?

We agree to a long extension including taking part in European elections?
