Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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I see No-deal as the best case scenario now.

Even if May's deal goes through, she is going to resign and whoever is going to take her position, will screw up the negotiations over the next two years and it will be again a clusterfeck, without even considering the Irish border problem, which supposedly can be fixed through some mythical technology.

The withdrawal agreement is just a transition phase, everything has to be negotiated over the next two years. The uncertainty is what is hurting businesses and forcing them to move.

No-deal could lead to two possibilities.
1) The economy tanks, people unrest leading to joining the EU again.
2) somehow they negotiate some deal and the economy doesn't tank and people move on with their lives.

As I said, the uncertainty is the main issue here. May's deal is not going to make it any better.

Surely the best outcome now from a business perspective would be the UK unilaterally revoking A50 and cancelling Brexit this week. No more uncertainty and none of the chaos of a no deal crash out?
I don't believe so. Say, if the instructions were clear from Day 1 that it was going to be a no deal, there would have been preparations in place now.

I would prefer a soft brexit/no brexit at all, but the parliament has been so callous and incompetent, which makes me think that we are never going to get a deal which the majority likes and the negotiations keep prolonging the inevitable.
That's arguable I guess. But as of now, we are not really prepared for it, which is why no deal looks like worst case scenario. I mean, for example, the threat of supply chains grinding to a halt in the next few weeks is bad for Business; but it is surely not as bad as the actuality of it, is it?
Surely the best outcome now from a business perspective would be the UK unilaterally revoking A50 and cancelling Brexit this week. No more uncertainty and none of the chaos of a no deal crash out?

Yes. But that's not happening. I am sorry, people expecting a second referendum or another GE to make this better are living in fantasy land.
Do you think it's valuable to say the same thing over and over and over again, to the same group of people, who have no influence whatsoever on the thing you're obsessing over?

I think that's the first time I've said that but if you want to close the thread then ask the mods. What's the point. Jesus.
That's arguable I guess. But as of now, we are not really prepared for it, which is why no deal looks like worst case scenario. I mean, for example, the threat of supply chains grinding to a halt in the next few weeks is bad for Business; but it is surely not as bad as the actuality of it, is it?

Every scenario except no brexit is worst case scenario. To me, No deal is the better than another round of negotiations, and we end up with the same position every three months.
Yes. But that's not happening. I am sorry, people expecting a second referendum or another GE to make this better are living in fantasy land.

So it's not really that you think crashing out with no deal is the "best case scenario", as you originally said. It's just that you think it is inevitable.
A lot of people have been impressed by Mrs May doggedness and I was initially one of those.

However, what is very evident is that while she is the PM, she is not free to make all the decisions on her own and ignore the HoC votes and rules.

She has isolated herself, made terrible decisions, completely failed to get cross party consensus and is now blaming every one else for her stunning mismanagement of the whole Brexit process.

I initially felt a little sorry for her.
Not any more. Her incompetence is being laid bare.

The wheels have absolutely come off and she is flailing around being driven uncontrollably by events.
Good post. Staggeringly poor leadership.
Surely not.

She doesn't know yet, and neither do we. Her plan hasn't changed for a good while, take it to the wire so there's a binary choice and no alternative. Only then will we know whether her plan has been successful or not.

She does seem to have wound up some of the MPs who were ready to switch to her side, but come that last vote their choicesd will be the same, wound up or not, deal or no deal. I reckon she still has a good chance, but I might be the last one to think so.

I mean as far as she's concerned he has completed her task in getting the WA with her red lines. What happens next is incidental. Not saying she's right.
In short: because if we don't vote for us ones, themmuns will definitely vote for themmuns (can't have that).

It's a narrow-minded voting system but it's very real. Put it this way, I wouldn't bank on any person who votes for either DUP or Sinn Fein buying into their political agenda beyond being a stick to beat the other with.

Meanwhile our economy, schools, hospitals etc go without a care because this is who we're left with.

Both of them need to feck off.
I’ll be honest, I’m completely biased here but only one of these parties is an anti-gay, racist and xenophobic bunch of lunatics who amongst other scandals cost the public purse hundreds of millions in a fecking scheme for protestant farmers to heat empty chicken houses.

Sinn Fein are far from perfect, but I can only speak from experience, any of the local elected officals were I am are absolute gentlemen who couldn’t do enough for constituents in my experience.

In short, there’s no comparison between the two.
I’ll be honest, I’m completely biased here but only one of these parties is an anti-gay, racist and xenophobic bunch of lunatics who amongst other scandals cost the public purse hundreds of millions in a fecking scheme for protestant farmers to heat empty chicken houses.

Sinn Fein are far from perfect, but I can only speak from experience, any of the local elected officals were I am are absolute gentlemen who couldn’t do enough for constituents in my experience.

In short, there’s no comparison between the two.

That's obvious. Sinn Fein are scum.
Do you think it's valuable to say the same thing over and over and over again, to the same group of people, who have no influence whatsoever on the thing you're obsessing over?

God help us if that’s the bar we’re setting for worthwhile posting on redcafe. You’d have to delete most of the threads in the football forum. You should start with the Messi vs Ronaldo one.
so we only get an extension if we pass May's deal next week, right? But didn't matey in parliament say they couldn't have another vote on May's deal unless its significantly changed?
But apparently MP’s can tell him to pipe down if a majority are going to back the deal.
A part of me hopes we just leave on the 29th March and be done with it, even if it is no deal. Deal with the fallout however bad it may be and then focus on the campaign to rejoin the EU at whatever point in the future
If folks don't want to Brexit then why not stage some mass protests or the majority truly want to Brexit?
I'll be honest, I'm dumbfounded. From what you guys have to say about both parties and the way they act, voting for them makes no sense.

Very few things about Northern Ireland Politics make sense.
There are reports around of an increasingly strained relationship between the prime minister and her chief whip, Julian Smith. According to ITV News’ Paul Brand, Smith “has been openly admitting today that he found last night’s statement in Downing Street ‘appalling’.”

On Wednesday evening, May delivered a televised address from Downing Street, in which she said the planned delay to Brexit was not her fault but that of MPs, adding that it was time for them to make a decision.

ITV quote Smith as telling a fellow MP the prime minister “just won’t listen” to him.
A part of me hopes we just leave on the 29th March and be done with it, even if it is no deal. Deal with the fallout however bad it may be and then focus on the campaign to rejoin the EU at whatever point in the future

I've seen a few people say this but the reality is that things won't come to any sort of conclusion with a no deal exit, as if that settles things. It would keep rumbling on and on, just from a more bitter and divided position with the UK suffering much worse.

Even after a no deal exit, the UK will still ultimately need to establish some sort of relationship with the EU and do something about the border in NI. Both of which will require yet more negotiations with the EU. A no deal exit won't bring relief from that shitshow.
I've seen a few people say this but the reality is that things won't come to any sort of conclusion with a no deal exit, as if that settles things. It would keep rumbling on and on, just from a more bitter and divided position with the UK suffering much worse.

Even after a no deal exit, the UK will still ultimately need to establish some sort of relationship with the EU and do something about the border in NI. Both of which will require yet more negotiations with the EU. A no deal exit won't bring relief from that shitshow.

True :(
A part of me hopes we just leave on the 29th March and be done with it, even if it is no deal. Deal with the fallout however bad it may be and then focus on the campaign to rejoin the EU at whatever point in the future

You offering to pay my mortgage when Automotive manufacturing dies on it's arse?
Kent pupils could be left stranded by no-deal Brexit gridlock, warns council
Teachers told they may have to ‘adopt carer role’ if traffic stops parents picking children up

Apologies if this has been posted but even if only a fraction of this is true then it's incredible. This is Kent Council, their main interest is in keeping essential services running.

I blame May for this national crisis. She's had 2 years to find a cross party consensus, not just one that appeases the ERG and stops the Tory Party from imploding. Her stubbornness in clinging to her deal as the only possible middle ground between Remain and Brexit is ludicrous and beyond hubris.

To some extent I also blame Brexiters as they can't agree on what kind of Brexit they want, hard or soft.

What also hacks me off is the safety precautions MPs are having to take to avoid alterations from disaffected Leave voters. If the positions were reversed, I bet MPs wouldn't have to avoid assault from disaffected Remain voters.

I don't give a shit about the Blitz spirit, Brexit is just fecking madness.
A part of me hopes we just leave on the 29th March and be done with it, even if it is no deal. Deal with the fallout however bad it may be and then focus on the campaign to rejoin the EU at whatever point in the future

A big part of me wishes the EU were the adults in this relationship and they had a contingency plan where they let us go to shit for the next 6 months, let there be a real, tangible feeling of regret, remorse and realisation and then open the door to let us back in on the basis we tell the ERG to feck off out of politics.

Happy to give up sterling and our privileged position within the EU for that scenario to play out.
You should keep pushing tbh. Write to you local MP's and just tell them that revoking A50 is preferable to no deal. Or that staying in the EU and forgetting the whole sorry mess is preferable, or not. Just exercise any and every bit of control you have to get the outcome you actually want and be specific. It was a tiny majority 2 years ago based on a spectacularly dishonest campaign. Do what you can to make it clear that there's as many unwilling participants as possible. Go through the motions and do your part, it'll encourage MP's to do their part and vote for the best outcome for their citizens.
You know SF could play a blinder here and take their seats in London to vote on the biggest issue in UKs recent history. Could fcuk up the UK for years without doing anything other than vote

Cmon man you know they arent going to do that. It would devalue them as a political entity instantly. They were voted for as an abstention party. Besides the UK is doing a good enough job wrecking itself. :lol:
Just read the average Flemish person would lose 149€ per year in case of a No deal brexit.

Give me my money back!

If this is real, I think either;

a) May scares enough MPs into voting for her deal.
b) It fails, May is forced out of No. 10. And then...? The stat posted today that 70ish% of Tories now prefer a no deal outcome terrifies in all honesty. Could be dreadful at this point.
A big part of me wishes the EU were the adults in this relationship and they had a contingency plan where they let us go to shit for the next 6 months, let there be a real, tangible feeling of regret, remorse and realisation and then open the door to let us back in on the basis we tell the ERG to feck off out of politics.

Happy to give up sterling and our privileged position within the EU for that scenario to play out.

Me too mate! The whole thing is a shower of shite.