Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
Best performing economy at 9.9% according to the Economist in January 2019 is Syria. Good luck.
What is your evidence for any of your speculations and on what timescale are they supposed to happen.
That is just a Brexit fantasy wet dream. Leaving will be a very expensive disaster. How we leave will only determine just how big a disaster.
I wasn't asking you to ask me a question, I was asking if your earlier ad homienem post has a question
I will give you the courtesy of an answer as your request was polite.
If you are asking if I would want to sign up to an agreement of freedom of movement with a large body of nations of Europe - then its a no. Control over immigration is key to prosperity, some will call it selfish, but I want the following two things:
A) The ability of the UK to select skilled labour (or our specific labour needs at that time) that directly benefits our economy. This is along with the side benefits of enriching our culture and sustaining ageing communities with new people (across the Isles preferably, not in concentrated areas like the current situation)
B) The ability to control 'dependents' on the welfare state, so as to maintain or increase the standard of services offered
That is just a Brexit fantasy wet dream. Leaving will be a very expensive disaster. How we leave will only determine just how big a disaster.
It already is an expensive disaster.
I presume you have high hopes for the economic prosperity of the EU for the next 80 - 100 years. Or Is that too long term?
the equivalent is brextremist
But that is YOUR Brexit. Not other's people brexit. Shouldn't the government asked for which kind of brexit?
And Gammon should get a mention
They could also ask for which type of Remain as well.
Then whoever wins, the losing side can moan
Then have another referendum
And do the same again
Hence my viewpoint on neverendums and what amounts to national indecision
So, you are saying that this referendum didn't have to be done
Yes you did.
Yes you did.
You are saying with the neveredum that you can't go asking people all the option. And one of the options is remain or leave so the referendum is part of the neverendum that you don't want.
You claim that remainers want to try till it goes their way
Aren't you doing the same as you just want to stop now because it goes your way?
Circumstances brought the country to a referendum. Leave was voted in.
To revisit the result so soon undermines democracy and incubates the disease of a neverendum
I really have no more to say to you on this particular matter.
Is shown that the leave campaign was financed with illicit money. That lies were told like the 350 millions for the NHS and many other lies. They didn't take in account the GFA, the delays on customs, losing the FTA and many others
You claim that circumstances brought wht country to a referemdum. Leave was voted in
Many others claims that the circumstances I state above are circumstances that should bring the country to a referendum
Don't you think you are waving another referendum under the same circumstances and reasons?
Is a pitty that you are leaving this way. One might thought you don't like solid arguments
I feel sorry for the amount of tin foil wasted in the production of this post
Do you think you are some sort of radical free thinker?It's seems this echo chamber does not like alternate views, plenty of sheep for the EU sausage machine
Who said that? Farage and Mogg both proposed further votes if they lost.
Do you think you are some sort of radical free thinker?
I expected as much from a remoaner
The absolute state of you.Is it as bad as just using a post for pure ad homienems, instead of trying to discuss or refute a point?
A question. The referendum said that exiting the EU would mean ending free of Movement? what means brexit?
Given that neither won a majority you can argue both of those manifestos were rejected by the will of the people and therefore are as relavant as nick cleggs manifesto on tuition feesFurthermore, in 2017 both the Tories and Labour were explicit in their manifestos that they would enact Brexit
The absolute state of you.
David Cameron, the Prime Minister when he announced the vote. The referendum was a manifesto promise in 2015 when he won a majority of seats.
He also said "“I am absolutely clear a referendum is a referendum, it’s a once in a generation, once in a lifetime opportunity and the result determines the outcome"
Furthermore, in 2017 both the Tories and Labour were explicit in their manifestos that they would enact Brexit
You are struggling to form an opinion when presented with an alternate viewpoint, an understandable condition. Unfortunate but understandable
Given that neither won a majority you can argue both of those manifestos were rejected by the will of the people and therefore are as relavant as nick cleggs manifesto on tuition fees
You are contradicting yourself within a few post. Desperate times.
These fairytale versions of Brexit, why is there never a roadmap? It's always 'I believe thing is going to happen and its going to be a success... I don't know how it's going to happen but trust me... I believe!'
And they have the nerve not to expect any pushback...
that chip on your shoulder...
Given that neither won a majority you can argue both of those manifestos were rejected by the will of the people and therefore are as relavant as nick cleggs manifesto on tuition fees
Have you a roadmap of how the EU will take Britain to continued prosperity until at least 2100 please? As i've not seen one presented
I'd also be interested in how that roadmap to a utopian existence will address the problem of discrimination against ethnic groups and the use of racial based terminology in everyday language. As an example, using a term such as 'White Crusaders' to describe a perceived negative issue of western/ European people offering charity to deprived areas of Africa, even though such a 'problem' could be conducted by people of multiple ethnicities
If you hadn't noticed, this thread had already slowed to a crawl due to no new news. It only picked up once you started talking shite.Nothing to add as usual. Well I won't derail this thread by sustained tit for tat. I'm sure people will be interested when you decide to offer an opinion on the topic of this thread
You: We've got to jump off this perfectly fine ship and swim out into the sea looking for land. For reasons...
Me: Do you have a map, location or destination?
You: ...Do you have a map, location or destination?
Me: ......I don't need one, this ship knows where its going...
You: ..........Blows raspberry...
But seriously, it's amazing that you keep playing that (white people) victim card...
Leave is very clear. It means that the UK would no loner be a party to the Treaty of Rome, as amended at Maastrict and Lisbon.
Anything contained in those treaties would cease to apply, that's what "leave the european union" means.
So not wanting the freedom of Movement is something extra that the May added on quitting the EU, because FoM is about the EEA and not the EU.
So why you don't leave the EU staying on the EEA is beyond my comprehension. The Referendum said nothing about the EEA and the four freedoms
Do you agree?