Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Are Tweedledee and Tweedledum going to debate Brexit, or just carry on pretending it's not destroying the economy?

UK clothing sales to EU plummet as Brexit red tape deters exporters

Small and medium-sized firms badly hit as huge drop in apparel sales helps fuel 18% slide in all-non food exports
In the end, it was a huge success for who campaigned for brexit and we call them stupid.

All the time that i here about these news is mostly small and medium industries. Sure some big will be affected but most of them temporarly while they will take over the market vaccum that the small business will leave


Full Member
May 9, 2015
'The Office for Budgetary Responsibility has estimated that Brexit will reduce GDP by 4 per cent over 15 years from 2016 – swiping around £100bn from the economy.'

How is that, in any way shape or form, a success?


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
'The Office for Budgetary Responsibility has estimated that Brexit will reduce GDP by 4 per cent over 15 years from 2016 – swiping around £100bn from the economy.'

How is that, in any way shape or form, a success?
They will just tell people that's a good thing, and they're too thick to know otherwise. Rinse and repeat.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Are Tweedledee and Tweedledum going to debate Brexit, or just carry on pretending it's not destroying the economy?

UK clothing sales to EU plummet as Brexit red tape deters exporters

Small and medium-sized firms badly hit as huge drop in apparel sales helps fuel 18% slide in all-non food exports
From that article;

Newton-Smith called for a “bold pitch” to international investors and said Britain and the EU should use a review of their trade deal in 2026.

“That will be a moment for us to think about how do we improve and how do we minimise some of those trading frictions that are having an impact on business,” she told Bloomberg.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has said he will align with the EU on food and agricultural products if he becomes prime minister. But he has ruled out rejoining the single market or allowing freedom of movement between Britain and the EU.

It's just prolonging the stupidity. There's no change in 2026 (or very very very minor) and the UK are already too far gone to align to the EU. When will Keir tell the countries that the UK have made deals with that those deals are cancelled. Has Keir Starmer signed up for the course on how a Customs union and Single Market works yet?

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips

The point here is that he was for FoM in 2019 - after the UK had handed in their resignation of the EU in 2017 - nearly three years previously, so saying that it was during the negotiations is complete rubbish. He knew the UK was leaving. FoM comes with staying in the Single Market with the four freedoms.

He's just sh!t scared of Brexiteers or lied about being pro-EU.
Or just thick.

This is the whole interview with Nick Robinson.
Starmer is definitely just so ignorant on Brexit. The Shadow Brexit Secretary!!!!!! 10:50 on Brexit

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Full Member
Aug 16, 2007
'The Office for Budgetary Responsibility has estimated that Brexit will reduce GDP by 4 per cent over 15 years from 2016 – swiping around £100bn from the economy.'

How is that, in any way shape or form, a success?
Got are cuntree back


Full Member
Sep 7, 2022
Got are cuntree back
We stopped all them immigrants coming in and fixed the NHS. Thankfully, we got the guy that lead the brexit campaign in as PM to push through the brexit Farage and the ERG wanted. And now we're living in the utopia they promised.


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
Keep digging Keir...

Starmer’s growth plan ‘doomed’ without access to EU markets, warn economists

Labour leader told if elected he will have to rejoin the customs union to meet party’s manifesto pledges, while 56% of voters say Brexit was bad for economy
I wouldn’t put it past him planning on this.

“Our plans are going well, but the Elephant in the room is blocking us from reaching our growth potential. This is why I…

- aim to begin negotiations with the EU toreturn to the single market and/or customs union
- aim to put another referendum to the people regarding rejoining the EU

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Looking at the press this morning and it's plastered with articles about Brexit which nobody supposedly wants to talk about, especially Starmer.

But it's back to fantasy menu time and picking and choosing which type of Brexit they would like, none of which are possible. The Uk got the soft brexit one with the trade deal and grace periods.

Healing non-existent wounds that are only invented in the UK. The EU have no intention of rediscussing any deal which has been repeatedly said over and over again including to Starmer.

You're in or you're out. But the UK could have a worse deal by infringing ECHR, the Northern ireland issue and/or not having any trade deal at all and a really hard border. Wake up Starmer!

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
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Logical and sensible but turns women gay
Jan 11, 2007
Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Have you tried believing more?
I am now convinced.

Having listened to Starmer over the last few interviews, he's getting more confident that he's going to win. Everybody knows Labour are going to win.
But within his incessant waffling, I am now convinced the "botched deal" he refers to is actually the Withdrawal Agreement and not the Trade Agreement, as I have thought all along.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips

Not watching the debate but:

The next question comes from Julie, who says she has lost 90% of her business with Europe since Brexit. How will they improve that?

Both these two fools are so full of sh!te.

One day a British journalist will ask the question to Starmer - which "botched" deal is he referring to?

Sunak says he has negotiated deals with the EU - The Windsor Framework was obligatory if the DUP continued their nonsense and the Horizon Associate (not full) membership was already part of the deal , at a cost, provided that the UK complied with their requirements regarding Northern Ireland.

Starmer is not going to get a different deal.

What a pair of hopeless cases.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips

Labour to seek ‘stable position’ with Europe rather than reopen Brexit debate
Shadow business secretary says trying to rejoin single market or customs union would cause ‘more difficulties’

Addressing the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) conference on Thursday, Jonathan Reynolds acknowledged that Brexit had been “very difficult for businesses” because it had erected trade barriers, but said reopening the debate would be worse.

“The practical, trade-based agreements that we put forward, rather than the constitutional arguments around customs unions or single markets, are a genuinely better way to do that.”

Shevaun Haviland, the BCC’s director general, told the conference that the political parties must stop “walking on eggshells” and try to improve the UK’s relationship with Europe, notably on aligning food and drink regulations, VAT and mutual recognition of professional qualifications. However, she added that Reynolds was right that “businesses don’t want a renegotiation”.

In summary, you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. The barriers are not being in the Single Market and the Customs Union.

Why does nobody in the Labour Party understand this? Or do they have to parrot the nonsense from Starmer?

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips

‘Disbelief’ as US-UK trade deals under threat after Britain axes negotiators
Business community decries ‘act of arson’ as one-sixth of trade posts within British consulates in the US are scrapped

The Tories have given up the pretence of being able to do trade deals with the USA. With individual states, ho ho ho.

Lots more stupidity to come under Labour.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips


More sheds (and tiles) than you, probably
Feb 12, 2014
@Paul the Wolf I really don't know why you care so much?

Hear France is racist now? Do you think that Le Pen women will try Frexit?
Because he has effectively lost the right to move back to his own country due to being retired and having a foreign wife? Does that seem right to you?

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Because he has effectively lost the right to move back to his own country due to being retired and having a foreign wife? Does that seem right to you?
The wife who lived in the UK for 32 years and has no possibility of returning. (hooray!) .More worried that the value of my pension keeps reducing.


I pity the poor fool who stinks like I do!
Apr 15, 2015
Le Pen isn't in power.
No, she talked of it years before but she's ruled it out since. Probably a bit to the left of Starmer.
Im sorry lad, you have some wild takes here. I’ve had plenty of dumb shit comments too.

But honestly, get off the internet and go for a walk if you think that Le Pen is to the left of Starmer.

It’s not stupid. It’s insulting.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Im sorry lad, you have some wild takes here. I’ve had plenty of dumb shit comments too.

But honestly, get off the internet and go for a walk if you think that Le Pen is to the left of Starmer.

It’s not stupid. It’s insulting.
He's been doing his best to keep the racists and Brexiters happy. You think Starmer will be good for the UK? That's a wild take if I heard one.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Because he has effectively lost the right to move back to his own country due to being retired and having a foreign wife? Does that seem right to you?
Did I even asking anything about @Paul the Wolf moving back?

I asked why HE cares so much, both my parents live abroad they wouldn't be allowed in the country they are in if they wasn't citizens.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Did I even asking anything about @Paul the Wolf moving back?

I asked why HE cares so much, both my parents live abroad they wouldn't be allowed in the country they are in if they wasn't citizens.
Brexit is the most moronic thing the Uk has ever done since the war and all the major parties are fine with that. Wake up!

Which country do they live in and have they taken the nationality of that country?

My wife never took British citizenship because she didn't need to.

Brexit has affected friends family and lots of people in a way that people have no idea about.

They'll be a lot of "expats" returning to the UK later in the year when the EU introduces the EES and Etias systems.
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Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Brexit is the most moronic thing the Uk has ever done since the war and all the major parties are fine with that. Wake up!
Since which war? We didn't start the world war thought that was da Nazis

Funny enough La Pen dad loved the Nazis:

"I ask myself several questions. I'm not saying the gas chambers didn't exist. I haven't seen them myself. I haven't particularly studied the question. But I believe it's just a detail in the history of World War II." For Le Pen, the French deportation of 76,000 Jews from France to Nazi concentration camps, where they were killed, is a trivial matter, and he denies that 6 million Jews were killed, saying "I don't think there were that many deaths. There weren't 6 million

Bold is grim..

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Since which war? We didn't start the world war thought that was da Nazis

Funny enough La Pen dad loved the Nazis:

"I ask myself several questions. I'm not saying the gas chambers didn't exist. I haven't seen them myself. I haven't particularly studied the question. But I believe it's just a detail in the history of World War II." For Le Pen, the French deportation of 76,000 Jews from France to Nazi concentration camps, where they were killed, is a trivial matter, and he denies that 6 million Jews were killed, saying "I don't think there were that many deaths. There weren't 6 million

Bold is grim..
I never said the UK did. You're going off at a complete tangent here. Le Pen father is an evil piece of scum as was Petain during the war. I'm not a fan of his nasty daughter either but what's that got to do with Brexit.

I said Brexit is the most stupid thing SINCE the war.


Copy & Paste Merchant
Jan 20, 2012
@Paul the Wolf I really don't know why you care so much?
I actually admire his dedication. It's a thankless task and, possibly sadly for him (as I don't know his age), ultimately a fruitless one as the prospect of a UK return to the EU is at least 20 years away imo.

Hear France is racist now? Do you think that Le Pen women will try Frexit?
When she ruled out leaving the EU it probably boosted her party's popularity. So no would be that answer to that.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
I never said the UK did. You're going off at a complete tangent here. Le Pen father is an evil piece of scum as was Petain during the war. I'm not a fan of his nasty daughter either but what's that got to do with Brexit.

I said Brexit is the most stupid thing SINCE the war.
Ah, you're talking about the war as a whole. As in, it was stupid..

Actually, I think the destabilisation of the middle east for weapons of mass destruction that wasn't there and the illegal invasion of the neighbour was high up the list.

Anyway... if she gets in, she will want to control the borders? Will she not?


Copy & Paste Merchant
Jan 20, 2012
Brexit is the most moronic thing the Uk has ever done since the war and all the major parties are fine with that. Wake up!

Which country do they live in and have they taken the nationality of that country?

My wife never took British citizenship because she didn't need to.

Brexit has affected friends family and lots of people in a way that people have no idea about.

They'll be a lot of "expats" returning to the UK later in the year when the EU introduces the EES and Etias systems.
If you don't mind me asking...what was the reasoning behind that?


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
I actually admire his dedication. It's a thankless task and, possibly sadly for him (as I don't know his age), ultimately a fruitless one as the prospect of a UK return to the EU is at least 20 years away imo.
I don't know if I'd call it dedication, it's like me moaning about the prices of an orange in Spain. I don't live there and actually has zero impact on my life.