I'm liking the freemode events. Adds something new rather than just playing the same old races over again
You say it like I'm some lunatic like @NotoriousISSY or @LevoWill weapons be disabled for Hold the Wheel? I see it being too easy for Duffy to just blow the vehicle up.
I'm liking the freemode events. Adds something new rather than just playing the same old races over again
Hows granny parmo doing?I've just read about these, couple sound really awesome. Hunting pack, and Penned in seem right up my street.
Penned In – A vehicular free-for-all to stay inside an ever-shrinking and always-moving dome. If you’re caught outside the dome for more than a few seconds you’ll blow up and be eliminated from the competition.
Criminal Damage – Rack up the biggest property damage bill you can before time runs out. Equip your biggest weapons and go to town on anything and everything in sight.
Hunt The Beast – Players team up to track and kill the beast – a randomly selected player with superior speed and extra health – before it can collect 10 checkpoints scattered around the world within the time limit. The beast is invisible on the mini-map save for whenever it collects a checkpoint, which will cause it to blip for 10 seconds (and increasing in duration with each checkpoint collected).
Challenges - Longest jump; longest skydive; longest wheelie; most vehicles stolen; most near misses; lowest parachute deploy; longest bail from vehicle; furthest distance low flying; and more.
Still crispy?
Like all brilliant Grand Theft Auto moments, the one that sticks out while recently playing the upcoming Freemode events coming to Online wasn’t scripted, it was just a perfect coincidence.
We were playing Hunt the Beast, a new mode in which players team up to track and kill ‘the beast’, a randomly-selected player who is blessed with super strength and speed for the duration of the round. (They also look a whole lot like Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf, covered in fur and wearing a red varsity jacket.) The beast’s aim is to get to 10 checkpoints scattered around Los Santos within a specified time limit. However, because the beast is invisible to other players, on the mini-map at least, trying to track down a single person among thousands is no easy feat, and so the hunt begins.
As a hunter, it’s possible to hear the growl of the beast if you’re close enough, but really your only chance of tracking it down is when it appears on the map for a few seconds after reaching a checkpoint. What follows is a mad dash to the beast’s last known location – during our playthrough, helicopters, super cars and jets all closed in on the port of Los Santos, desperate to snare the target. But our beast was smart – it knew that if it behaved erratically it’d be easy to spot, so instead climbed inside a garbage truck and casually drove off, making sure to stop at red lights so as not to draw attention. It worked, and while the pack of hunters raced in one direction, the beast made off the other way.
The ruse didn’t last though. The moment the beast checked in at the second location one of my team-mates closed in, and over the headset announced the beast was in a green garbage truck. Seconds later, a lorry matching that description sped through a red light at the intersection ahead and the net closed in. The beast eventually took a wrong turn and backed into a car park, before half a dozen hunters piled in and filled it with bullets.
It’s a thrilling game of cat and mouse, and one that’s spread across the entire map. Having played just a single game, I only had a glimpse of the potential on offer, but it’s immediately apparent there are many ways to play as the beast, from making the most of its super powers and going on foot through the city’s back alleys to avoid detection, to taking a more direct approach and punching through the waves of hunters.
Hunt the Beast is just one of many Freemode events coming to Grand Theft Auto Online on 15 September. It’s the biggest content drop since Heists earlier this year and the most important takeaway is you’ll be able to participate in challenges without ever having to set foot in a waiting lobby, and therefore avoid lengthy loading times.
Freemode events take place every 12 minutes and you have the choice to either take part in them, ignore completely or, if you so choose, spectate. Some of the events – such as the high-speed challenge – are ‘ambient’, meaning you can take part no matter where you are on the map. Others require you to drive to a specific area on the map before the challenge kicks off.
Naturally, cash and RP rewards are given to the best players, but interestingly you can join forces with other players to increase your chances of winning – although the spoils you reap are split between the players on your team.
We got to play five Freemode events – I’ve already gone into detail about Hunt the Beast, so here’s the lowdown on the others.
Pretty obvious, but you have three minutes to clock up the fastest speed possible, using a land vehicle. I opted for the Zentorno and picked the freeway heading north out of Los Santos, because it provided a long stretch of road and also because it’s party downhill, and every little helps, right? Other challengers headed for the LS airport and floored it down the runway, but wherever you choose to drive, the only thing that counts is speed.
Whoever causes the most damage, wins. Simple. Or at least it is if you pick the right spot, such as a busy downtown intersection where cars stack up, or down at the airport where expensive jets are easy targets. But get stuck out in the middle of nowhere and pickings are slim. Call in your own super car or chopper and blow it up to give you a boost up the leaderboard, but remember you’ll end up fronting the insurance costs.
Another favourite, this free-for-all has a dozen cars all battling to stay within an ever-decreasing dome as it moves slowly around the map. At first it’s a cinch with plenty of room for everyone, but soon space becomes tight and obstacles on the map begin to play a part. The dome’s movement is unpredictable, so while you think you’re on the right course when you duck down alley to get ahead of the rest of the pack, when it suddenly takes a sharp turn you can very quickly be left out of the hot zone – and if you don’t get back inside within the nine-second time limit you’re toast.
Two teams of four each climb inside a Valkyrie helicopter – a pilot, one on the front gun and two on the side miniguns. The objective is to take down as many Merriweather mercs as possible, who attack in other choppers as well as from the ground, firing missiles that’ll keep even the most adept pilot on their toes. The twist is both teams are targeting the same mercs, so it quickly turns into a race to take down choppers and armoured vehicles first. And with two heavy gunships flying in the same airspace, a mid-air collision is a very distinct – and ultimately lethal – possibility.
Two new adversary modes are also being added as part of the Freemode event update. Like regular Adversary Mode events, they’re triggered through a lobby and both are for two teams of four, with seven variants of each mode.
Hunting Pack is a cross between Speed and Mad Max, with the team of defenders – three in high-performance cars and one in the VIP vehicle, which explodes if it reaches a standstill – tasked with getting their precious cargo to the target destination in one piece. Four attackers are hot on their tail, aiming to stop the VIP vehicle any way possible. We played it twice – the first time the VIP vehicle was a fire engine, the second a flatbed truck, and bringing these heavyweight beasts to a stop in no easy feat. They’re capable of shunting attacking cars into walls and oncoming traffic, so the only way to take them down is to team up and run them off the road.
Two teams face each other, starting behind their line, and must cross the battlefield and get all four team-mates behind the enemy’s line to win. But this being GTA, everyone’s geared up with an assault rifle, shotgun and a single grenade, so it turns nasty quickly. Communication is key, to either stem an enemy’s assault if they try to sneak around the side, or to plan your own attack.
Heists have been a firm favourite at IGN for a long time, but one criticism that’s consistently raised are the wait times between playing. Freemode events finally address the issue, giving players plenty of ways to spend time in the game –and importantly earn cash and RP at the same time – without ever having to go into a lobby. At long last, there’s more to do in the open world than gun down whoever’s nearest, and it’s a much welcome addition.
Grand Theft Auto Online’s Freemode events are coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC on 15 September. You can find out more about the future of GTA Online with our exclusive interview with the game’s Director of Design.
Might as well.
GTA Online: everything we know about the all new Freemode Events
Next week GTA Online gets the Freemode Events update. These are live events that promise to kick off in freemode every 12 minutes, offering players a number of varied objectives. These are optional, and cover all the standard GTA Online activities: stealing, racing, killing, killing while racing and stealing. And more.
The idea is that there’s no waiting in lobbies or loading time for events, something that absolutely plagues the GTA Online experience. anyone who’s played GTA Online for any amount of time will be skeptical of this claim, so we’ll have to see how it pans out next week when the update goes live.
For now, here’s the lowdown on all the events you can expect to play, put together with help from Kotaku and Reddit.
Adversary: Cross The Line
Teams fight to get over the line and into the opponents zone. All team members need to cross to win. Sounds bloody.
Adversary: Hunting Pack
You have to deliver a vehicle rigged to blow if it drops below a certain speed. Everyone else has to smash your vehicle to pieces. But smashing a fire truck to pieces isn’t so easy, is it?
Checkpoint Challenge
Pass through 120 checkpoints on the map, all of which cough up cash. The player with the most checkpoints wins.
Criminal Damage
Simple. Cause as much damage as possible within a set time to win. Break out the minigun and the rocket launchers.
Dead Drop
Grab a suitcase and deliver it before others kill you, steal the case and deliver it themselves.
Highest Skydive
Get high. Then dive. From the sky.
Hold the Wheel
Be the player behind the target vehicle when the five minute countdown expires. The target vehicles are likely to be quirky, like the golf buggy here.
Hot Property
Another briefcase job, but this time you win by having held it for the longest when the timer is up.
Hunt The Beast
One player is “the beast” and becomes invisible, tasked with grabbing ten checkpoints on the map. The checkpoint itself shows briefly when passed, but by then the beast should have already moved on. Other players must kill the beast before it passes all 10 checkpoint. You get to dress like Teen Wolf.
Kill List
Get to the (armoured) vehicle with a set number of players and kill waves of enemies. Comes in Competitive variation where you go head-to-head with other player vehicles.
Longest Jump
I dunno. Do the longest jump?
Longest Wheelie
I am the master at wheelies. Watch me wheelie.
Moving Target
This sounds like a Simeon mission. Get the vehicle and deliver it to the location before anyone else does.
Near Misses
Score points for near misses. The player with the most points after a set time wins.
Penned In
A race of sorts where you must stay inside a circle. But the circle is shrinking and if you stray outside of it you’ll blow up.
Time Trial
There’s going to be a blip on the map where you can try to beat a record lap time. This will change every week. Sounds like one for the petrol heads.
King of the Castle
Get to a location and hold it for points. The longer you stay in the location, the more points you gain.
Freemode Events come to GTA Online on September 15.
Hopefully I'll be on but not sure yet. The release of this coincides with the release of another DLC.
Hunt The Beast has real potential, but no idea how one person can survive all 10 checkpoints
You just know that Parmo and Duffy would relish thatI liked what they were saying in the video about how confusing it gets with everyone trying to find him - plus the fact that it doesn't tell you who it is - so you have to figure that out for yourself! So te person who is the beast could be feeding you misinformation over the party chat!
I think if there are a few people in the air then it could be coordinated - being visible on radar for 10 seconds after you go through a checkpoint sounds like a long time to be visible...
You just know that Parmo and Duffy would relish that
Penned In is another highlight, in which participants jostle in a vehicle of their choice to remain within a big circular zone on the radar – as if a drunken god was shining a spotlight onto the earth. The circle starts massive (easily enough for 40 vehicles), but slowly shrinks to the size of one car after about 10 minutes; all the while shifting direction while the pack jostles for position inside it. Easier said than done when your bike is wedged between two monster trucks, so vehicle selection is critical – even more so when you're weaving between the ridged earth and snaking trails of the Los Santos wind farms.
I think Penned In could be epic - basically would be taking all the highlights and contact from the Long Haul race we did!
I think Penned In could be epic - basically would be taking all the highlights and contact from the Long Haul race we did!
TomorrowWhen is this released
Penned in would be crazy on the Faggio
Tomorrow, same time as TTK which is a painWhen is this released
TTK?Tomorrow, same time as TTK which is a pain
The Taken King™TTK?
Feck and the CL is on tomorrow as wellTomorrow, same time as TTK which is a pain
Feck and the CL is on tomorrow as well
You just know that Parmo and Duffy would relish that