Could be worse - you could be having your annual tax meeting with your financial guy like I am this eve!Counting the minutes til I'm out of work.
Because you went idle it left me hovering in the clouds... I still am.
Sounds like a team.Could be worse - you could be having your annual tax meeting with your financial guy like I am this eve!
So me, you, Stoney and Duffy should be good for 9.
Just get one of the guys to help you with the tutorial before that.
What you talking bout Willis?I would not have me as a consideration for the heist groups, I will play when I can but numbers and groups dictating what we can and can't do doesn't sound like fun
Looks like we have server problems again.
Re try in an hour? Need some stuff sorting an haven't eaten yet.
I'll be staying on though so whenever we do try to resume, just invite.
Anyone available to do a one on one deathmatch with me?
Yeah invite me if you want.
Straight on.maybe Levo got some of that there Ireland internet.
Seems as though R* are having issues with the PS servers: