Band of Brothers, Thief
I got disconnected a few minutes after leaving those races and didn't bother re-booting me router.
Was fun again though!
Same here.I got disconnected a few minutes after leaving those races and didn't bother re-booting me router.Was fun again though!
I let out a Gary Neville "when Torres scored v Barca" groan when I landed that jump!Izzy is shameless man. Dirty tactics to the hilt.
Holy FCUK!
That's the best thing ever. Seriously.![]()
I did this to one of the randoms last night. I enjoyed it.
I did this to one of the randoms last night. I enjoyed it.
Are you lads on PS4? Add silentwitness4. If you have room for one more player.
Typical caftards, premature.
I must have blown you up 5 times in one of them races. Hilarious stuffThis race is insaneGot absolutely dicked on in the last one though, i kept getting spawn trapped.