Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting

He is not married
Domestic abuse victims frequently forgive and are then subjected to more violence
A forgiven abuser and rapist is still an abuser and rapist and not fit to represent this club
This conversation has been repeated over and over for more than 2 years and still people are posting the forgiveness shit like they just had an original thought

Never said he was fit to play for the club. I dont think he is. We dont know if there is more abuse or not, thats just pure speculation anyways. We all should just move on and hope he never returns to England and sell for a ton of cash to shite club in UAE
Early days, but an encouraging start to his career in France. If Marseilles are content to have him wear their jersey, that's up to them.

At this point, my only interest is Manchester United getting an effective second transfer fee for him in 24 months, so I hope he scores a lot of goals for them.
If he’s on PK duty he’ll deff bang 20+.

Might be in the race for the Golden boot
And we will be a football club who when we look back on things can say that we willingly don't give a platform to men who threaten to rape women.

That's so much more significant than having a player with a nice left foot.
I have no comment on Greenwood tied to the allegations. I'm only commenting on his performances and how great they have been.

On your comment regarding what kind of club we can say we are, I don't think we can confidently claim that. There's another player currently on the team with allegations. Then there's Ronaldo who came back with pending US Court case on the same issue.

Anyways, wrong thread for that kind of discussion, but appreciate the comment as I share the overall goal of what kind of club we should be.
I have no comment on Greenwood tied to the allegations. I'm only commenting on his performances and how great they have been.

On your comment regarding what kind of club we can say we are, I don't think we can confidently claim that. There's another player currently on the team with allegations. Then there's Ronaldo who came back with pending US Court case on the same issue.

Anyways, wrong thread for that kind of discussion, but appreciate the comment as I share the overall goal of what kind of club we should be.

We are talking about one issue. We dealt with it in a manner of a club we can be proud of.

Antony none of us know about and yes having delved into the Ronaldo stuff that's a point of shame.

Still it is better that we make good moral decisions as a club and representative of the local community than just saying "well we have had players that did bad things before so ho hum".

I don't want you to feel attacked as I'm not doing so. I just see so many wistful "he's so good comments". He is a good player but the club as a whole is far better for having taken the stance we should.

Us getting rid of one of the few things in recent years that has made me feel like the senior management at the club understand that it's important that Manchester United as an institution has some semblance of values.

Edit: I actually am being a little unkind to you based on your post. I'm just annoyed to constantly see this thread show up.
He is not married
Domestic abuse victims frequently forgive and are then subjected to more violence
A forgiven abuser and rapist is still an abuser and rapist and not fit to represent this club
This conversation has been repeated over and over for more than 2 years and still people are posting the forgiveness shit like they just had an original thought
Was just going to post similar in reply to that post, it's crazy how often it all needs to be repeated for some people.
I think 99% think he is a total dipshit. But if his wife can forgive him we should stop giving a feck too. Personally i hope he has a great season so we can get huge money. He will never return here luckily. It takes%2C on average,process%2C not a single act.

"It takes, on average, 7 attempts before a woman is able to leave for good.
Leaving an abusive partner is a process, not a single act."

People who have suffered abuse tend to stay. It says nothing about the severity of abuse they have suffered.

Those who are not fond of him are basing it mostly off seeing her bloodied and hearing him threaten to rape her combined with her frantic cries for help on social media.

Her staying doesn't erase them. We can only hope that it's one of the cases where it has totally stopped and her and child are safe.

What we shouldn't do is adjust our morals of him being a prick who we are delighted is no longer associated with our club just because his partner has remained in a relationship with him after he broke the law to contact her whilst under bail conditions.
Doesn't matter how or why he's being discussed it will never be far away. It can never be a football only discussion, at least not for Utd fans and definitely not on a Utd forum. He had his chance to be a Utd player and he blew it, the manner in which he blew will always be a massive "what if" around his career.
It can be a football only discussion if people had sense. Most don't. It will thus forever be a massive circus as a result.

I'd say if Utd ever do play Marseille, they won't play him, especially if it were at Old Trafford.
I seriously doubt they would give a rats arse what United fans think of him if he is their key player. That is something United fans and British fans in particular will just have to live with. So will he. Expect He will be treated like Figo was when he left Barca for Real and returned to the Nou camp every time he ever plays in the UK borders. Thats just how it will be
Nothing good will come of keeping this thread open.

Generally player threads in the footy forum (or at least how I view them) are to admire / appreciate / discuss random news or performances of other clubs players. It's a nice way to keep track of players you may like to see play for United, or genuinely have an interest in following the ups and downs of their career.

Don't see how it's possible to have a purely objective discussion around this guy so what's the point?
Nothing good will come of keeping this thread open.

Generally player threads in the footy forum (or at least how I view them) are to admire / appreciate / discuss random news or performances of other clubs players. It's a nice way to keep track of players you may like to see play for United, or genuinely have an interest in following the ups and downs of their career.

Don't see how it's possible to have a purely objective discussion around this guy so what's the point?
It will always be a bad thread full of bad posts but if it keeps the poison largely contained it's serving a pretty useful purpose.
It will always be a bad thread full of bad posts but if it keeps the poison largely contained it's serving a pretty useful purpose.
Fair enough, but it also keeps the chatter around him alive. People will talk about Greenwood because they can in here. Take the thread away and I think people will soon forget and move on.
Fair enough, but it also keeps the chatter around him alive. People will talk about Greenwood because they can in here. Take the thread away and I think people will soon forget and move on.
If we just take the thread away but do not ban talk of him then the Ligue 1 thread will very quickly become this thread.
If we just take the thread away but do not ban talk of him then the Ligue 1 thread will very quickly become this thread.
Surely easier to moderate taking that thread off topic re Grenwood, instead of many posts toeing the line vs the OP?
Nothing good will come of keeping this thread open.

Generally player threads in the footy forum (or at least how I view them) are to admire / appreciate / discuss random news or performances of other clubs players. It's a nice way to keep track of players you may like to see play for United, or genuinely have an interest in following the ups and downs of their career.

Don't see how it's possible to have a purely objective discussion around this guy so what's the point?
We still follow because we need him to perform greatly so that we can get that share of transfer fee we desperately need.
Surely easier to moderate taking that thread off topic re Grenwood, instead of many posts toeing the line vs the OP?
I'm not sure but I know anyone who currently likes chatting about Ligue 1 would be pretty unimpressed.
I will always be in this thread anytime it's bumped calling anyone pining for him a silly prick and pointing out why. Don't mind if I'm banned for it, it's just one of the most embarrassing things I've seen from Utd fans.
I'm not sure but I know anyone who currently likes chatting about Ligue 1 would be pretty unimpressed.
The entire Ligue 1 thread for last season had 5 pages.

Anyway, I'm probably contributing to the problem here either way. A difficult one to appease everyone.
We still follow because we need him to perform greatly so that we can get that share of transfer fee we desperately need.
Reckon 95% of United fans couldn't care less if we never got another cent that was associated with him.
Reckon 95% of United fans couldn't care less if we never got another cent that was associated with him.
We’re seeing with our own eyes how we need to move McTominay on before we can get another midfielder. It costed us the Brighton match already.
Nothing good will come of keeping this thread open.

Generally player threads in the footy forum (or at least how I view them) are to admire / appreciate / discuss random news or performances of other clubs players. It's a nice way to keep track of players you may like to see play for United, or genuinely have an interest in following the ups and downs of their career.

Don't see how it's possible to have a purely objective discussion around this guy so what's the point?

So we shouldnt be able to discuss something because some dont like it? Just stay away from the thread? Why ban it? The thread is obviously popular
Damn excellent player and hope he has sorted out his alleged behavior.

He will get a big move in a year i would think.
What do you find hilarious about it?
Just the roundabout of relentlessness. It’s actually a testament to the ability for people fo say the same thing over and over again and it never get boring. Just amuses me greatly seeing the same things said every time I’m in here.
Oh give over, not everything is something to get worked up about.
Yes true, but what this scrote has done absolutely is. And anyone still fawning after him and easily brushing what he did under the carpet are just as despicable as him.
Yes true, but what this scrote has done absolutely is. And anyone still fawning after him and easily brushing what he did under the carpet are just as despicable as him.
I’m not doing that I’m saying I find this thread funny. Not the bloke himself!
It can be a football only discussion if people had sense. Most don't. It will thus forever be a massive circus as a result.

I seriously doubt they would give a rats arse what United fans think of him if he is their key player. That is something United fans and British fans in particular will just have to live with. So will he. Expect He will be treated like Figo was when he left Barca for Real and returned to the Nou camp every time he ever plays in the UK borders. Thats just how it will be

The circus will follow him wherever he goes, it's inevitable.

If he they play another English team, he probably plays. I very much doubt they'd put him on the pitch in front of 70,000 Utd fans at OT. I think they'd have more sense than that.
I will always be in this thread anytime it's bumped calling anyone pining for him a silly prick and pointing out why. Don't mind if I'm banned for it, it's just one of the most embarrassing things I've seen from Utd fans.
This thread certainly helps in updating the ignore list.
Have there been any reports of issues with him over the last year or so?
We are talking about one issue. We dealt with it in a manner of a club we can be proud of.

Antony none of us know about and yes having delved into the Ronaldo stuff that's a point of shame.

Still it is better that we make good moral decisions as a club and representative of the local community than just saying "well we have had players that did bad things before so ho hum".

I don't want you to feel attacked as I'm not doing so. I just see so many wistful "he's so good comments". He is a good player but the club as a whole is far better for having taken the stance we should.

Us getting rid of one of the few things in recent years that has made me feel like the senior management at the club understand that it's important that Manchester United as an institution has some semblance of values.

Edit: I actually am being a little unkind to you based on your post. I'm just annoyed to constantly see this thread show up.

I will always be in this thread anytime it's bumped calling anyone pining for him a silly prick and pointing out why. Don't mind if I'm banned for it, it's just one of the most embarrassing things I've seen from Utd fans.
Yet you could easily put the thread on ignore, if it bothers you so much.
I don't even get why so many feel entitled to be masked superheroes on a football forum. You don't know half a thing about the people you seem to want to call out about discussing a footballer's performances. I have mentioned before (and I will say it again) that I have close to zero interest in the private lives of celebrities (sportspeople, musicians, actors, etc.), but I enjoy their art when they are good at it. Mason Greenwood is a very talented footballer whom I admired when he broke into the senior team from our academy. He did what he did and has been sold but I am still curious and interested in seeing how his career pans out and I hope he has truly turned a new leaf and reaches the levels we expected him to reach. Does that mean I support or condone what he did, no. It just means I hope a kid who messed up can learn from it and grow up to be a better man for it and still achieve his potential. I love football, and enjoy watching him play. One thing is sure, with the amount of spotlight on him, if he EVER does anything like that again, it will surely end his football career for good. Maybe it's easier for me because I'm not on social media and I live in a country where any story about him making the news would only be football-related.

This thread is hilarious I hope he stays at the top for years.
Indeed, craziest thread on RedCafe. I honestly think it would actually be a better idea to close the thread and ban any mention of his name forum-wide, even in Marseille discussion threads.
I think 99% think he is a total dipshit. But if his wife can forgive him we should stop giving a feck too. Personally i hope he has a great season so we can get huge money. He will never return here luckily.
A) not wife
B) got her pregnant whilst ordered by court to stay away from her
C) given the circumstances (pregnancy) she stayed with him and the case collapsed
D) statistically many abused stay with their abuser
I think 99% think he is a total dipshit. But if his wife can forgive him we should stop giving a feck too. Personally i hope he has a great season so we can get huge money. He will never return here luckily.
And the rape apology bingo starts again.
It can be a football only discussion if people had sense. Most don't. It will thus forever be a massive circus as a result.
Sure let’s talk about Fred west, what a great neighbour he was. Dont care what they accused him off; he was always a great neighbour

Lets put on some Michael Jackson tunes for the kids party, great tunes
How have the away fans responded to him? I remember he had death threats in Spain from opposing fans
It can be a football only discussion if people had sense. Most don't. It will thus forever be a massive circus as a result.
What's sensible about not allowing people to acknowledge what he did?

Personally, he is a scumbag first and foremost, one who happens to play football.

I see more sense in not discussing him as a footballer.

The club booted him out but we should allow people to have an uninterrupted football discussion?

And that's the sensible option?