Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting

Good question

How one can separate one thing from the other beggars belief.
Nobody knows what someone on this forum may / may not have been through, and the insensitivity from some in here is a bit shocking.

This is a football forum, but it is a dream to believe this thread will ever be objective, football only discussion, and the amount of new accounts cropping up to give their 2 cents in defence of Greenwood is just proving that.

I get the whole "keeping the discussion in one place as it's easier to track", but are these the types of characters we want to attract to the forum? Would they be here without this thread?
I know the answer to who I think broke the rules, I am asking you but you won't reply, and technically derailing the thread with vague accusations. So as I said a few posts back, speak up or leave it.

That's your job not mine, pal.

Oh, and the thread is derailed as feck already.
Nobody knows what someone on this forum may / may not have been through, and the insensitivity from some in here is a bit shocking.

This is a football forum, but it is a dream to believe this thread will ever be objective, football only discussion, and the amount of new accounts cropping up to give their 2 cents in defence of Greenwood is just proving that.

I get the whole "keeping the discussion in one place as it's easier to track", but are these the types of characters we want to attract to the forum? Would they be here without this thread?
Hence why they will be stuck on the newbies forever.

And yes, many of them have been on here for a long time even before this came up. As Moses and I discussed above, at least them showing true colours helps weed them out more.
Two goals in three games is impressive. Hope he keeps improving and does justice to his talent.

Hopefully, he keeps making the same improvements in his personal life too. Someone that young needs every chance at redemption. It would be quite a story if he is able to learn from whatever mistakes he made and becomes a top class human being. May be some years down the line he can a become an advocate and set an example.
I suppose you mean advocacy around domestic violence. To do that, though, he'd first have to address his own situation. As far as I know, he has so far never acknowledged anything. So before hoping for all this good stuff, I'd hope for the first step of him actually talking about himself. Until he's done that in any kind of reasonable way, I'm certainly not hoping anything for him in terms of success or redemption.
Hence why they will be stuck on the newbies forever.

And yes, many of them have been on here for a long time even before this came up. As Moses and I discussed above, at least them showing true colours helps weed them out more.
Depressing, but I guess every cloud has a silver lining.
Two goals in three games is impressive. Hope he keeps improving and does justice to his talent.

Hopefully, he keeps making the same improvements in his personal life too. Someone that young needs every chance at redemption. It would be quite a story if he is able to learn from whatever mistakes he made and becomes a top class human being. May be some years down the line he can a become an advocate and set an example.

I hope he becomes a better person for his partners sake, but the idea of him as an advocate? Advocate of what?
Yet you could easily put the thread on ignore, if it bothers you so much.
I don't even get why so many feel entitled to be masked superheroes on a football forum. You don't know half a thing about the people you seem to want to call out about discussing a footballer's performances. I have mentioned before (and I will say it again) that I have close to zero interest in the private lives of celebrities (sportspeople, musicians, actors, etc.), but I enjoy their art when they are good at it. Mason Greenwood is a very talented footballer whom I admired when he broke into the senior team from our academy. He did what he did and has been sold but I am still curious and interested in seeing how his career pans out and I hope he has truly turned a new leaf and reaches the levels we expected him to reach. Does that mean I support or condone what he did, no. It just means I hope a kid who messed up can learn from it and grow up to be a better man for it and still achieve his potential. I love football, and enjoy watching him play. One thing is sure, with the amount of spotlight on him, if he EVER does anything like that again, it will surely end his football career for good. Maybe it's easier for me because I'm not on social media and I live in a country where any story about him making the news would only be football-related.

Indeed, craziest thread on RedCafe. I honestly think it would actually be a better idea to close the thread and ban any mention of his name forum-wide, even in Marseille discussion threads.
But a minute ago you said you didn’t care what footballers do in their private lives, and are only interested in watching him play etc. Which is it?
Yet you could easily put the thread on ignore, if it bothers you so much.
I don't even get why so many feel entitled to be masked superheroes on a football forum. You don't know half a thing about the people you seem to want to call out about discussing a footballer's performances. I have mentioned before (and I will say it again) that I have close to zero interest in the private lives of celebrities (sportspeople, musicians, actors, etc.), but I enjoy their art when they are good at it. Mason Greenwood is a very talented footballer whom I admired when he broke into the senior team from our academy. He did what he did and has been sold but I am still curious and interested in seeing how his career pans out and I hope he has truly turned a new leaf and reaches the levels we expected him to reach. Does that mean I support or condone what he did, no. It just means I hope a kid who messed up can learn from it and grow up to be a better man for it and still achieve his potential. I love football, and enjoy watching him play. One thing is sure, with the amount of spotlight on him, if he EVER does anything like that again, it will surely end his football career for good. Maybe it's easier for me because I'm not on social media and I live in a country where any story about him making the news would only be football-related.
Do you find it in any way ironic that you mock people on here as wanting to be some sort of virtue-signalling "masked superheroes" for voicing their distaste for any positive sentiment towards Greenwood, while you yourself go on to state that you don't care a single bit about what footballers do in their personal lives, yet truly hope Greenwood "has turned a leaf".

Also, people need to stop acting like it's perfectly fine to admire the footballer Greenwood as if it's a separate person to who did what he allegedly did. It's like, if you suspected your neighbour was a domestic abuser and possible rapist, would you still hold him in somewhat of a positive light because he's a good carpenter? Or is it only OK if they are a footballer?
Every time I see him play I just say "Utd lost a really quality forward"/
That's funny, because when I see him play I think to myself "thank feck United got rid of that despicable, rapey prick from the club so I never have to see him in a United shirt again"

I'm kidding.....I'd never watch him play football again.
You're not allowed to think like that in here.
Such bizarre whining in this thread.

You are allowed to say that, never mind think it. That's what the thread is for. The real issue is people thinking it should only be for praising his football.

Such sensitive souls. Sexual assault apart, bizarrely.
I'm not sure that's what he was doing. He can be a good footballer and cnut at the same time. It beggers belief that people can't see that.
Of course they can. Do you assume everyone who thinks he is a scumbag thinks he's a shit footballer? Some people just think his elite football ability pales bedside his reprehensible behaviour.
Such bizarre whining in this thread.

You are allowed to say that, never mind think it. That's what the thread is for. The real issue is people thinking it should only be for praising his football.

Such sensitive souls. Sexual assault apart, bizarrely.
So now you're predicting my meaning to jump on me? That's some bs right there. You just assume that I was moaning like a child? I couldn't give two fecks what he does tbh but you've just proved my point.
Of course they can. Do you assume everyone who thinks he is a scumbag thinks he's a shit footballer? Some people just think his elite football ability pales bedside his reprehensible behaviour.
Again, I didn't see any of this in the post that I responded too
So now you're predicting my meaning to jump on me? That's some bs right there. You just assume that I was moaning like a child? I couldn't give two fecks what he does tbh but you've just proved my point.

Nope. You were wrong. You can think and say what you like about his football ability.

Also 'jumping' on you. Grow up.
Yep and rightly so. Why are there so many people on this forum willing to brush what he did under the carpet? It beggars belief.
Bc we live in a world where people literally buy products from people who have committed worse and more, actively support them in politics, call them family, or whatever. We've had more famous footie players with worse allegations who were even found guilty with millions of devoted fans, as do they exist in many other sports. That doesn't make Mason a better person, but to act like it is so odd people can like him as a player at least seems a bit out of touch with the grey nature of reality.
Of course they can. Do you assume everyone who thinks he is a scumbag thinks he's a shit footballer? Some people just think his elite football ability pales bedside his reprehensible behaviour.
Exactly. It’s just like how, for example, Jimmy Page is a great guitarist but a fecking cnut of a person.

I’m glad that we got rid of Greenwood. He’s a scumbag and only has himself to blame.
Again, I didn't see any of this in the post that I responded too
You said people can't see both sides of the coin. They can, just one overshadows the other, and it works both ways. The idea you are not allowed express an opinion on is football is just plain wrong.
I'm not sure that's what he was doing. He can be a good footballer and cnut at the same time. It beggers belief that people can't see that.
Yeh but because he's such a cnut why would anyone want to waste their time watching and praising his performances? It's truly bizarre. Any normal person would be so despised by what he's done they'd never want anything to do with him again.
To be clear @moses I'm not a supporter to Greenwood, but if people can call a guy a rapist following a minute video then people should be allowed to say otherwise.

To be clear, I'm not a supporter of him as to say anything other than calling him a rapist gets you tagged as a fan boy
To be clear @moses I'm not a supporter to Greenwood, but if people can call a guy a rapist following a minute video then people should be allowed to say otherwise.

To be clear, I'm not a supporter of him as to say anything other than calling him a rapist gets you tagged as a fan boy
No, it doesn't. And that's not the conversation we are having. You claimed one is not allowed admire his football ability , and you clearly are.
This very page shows what happens if you do.
Nonsense. There have been three bans, none of which are for praising him. This exchange is not for praising Greenwood, it's for crying about people pushing back on the praise. Get over it. Praise him or don't.
Bc we live in a world where people literally buy products from people who have committed worse and more, actively support them in politics, call them family, or whatever. We've had more famous footie players with worse allegations who were even found guilty with millions of devoted fans, as do they exist in many other sports. That doesn't make Mason a better person, but to act like it is so odd people can like him as a player at least seems a bit out of touch with the grey nature of reality.
Well thankfully I'm not one of those people, and the one who we did call "family" is no longer in our lives anymore thankfully, because he was an alcoholic domestic abuser who treated my sister like utter shit until the day she finally summoned up enough courage to finally kick him out. She still suffers mentally to this day from what he did.

So you'll have to excuse me if I find it very bizarre that people find it so easy to brush what this scumbag did aside just to praise his footballing ability.
"wah wah wah, we can't praise the woman beater in peace!"

If some of you showed the same emotion towards, I don't know...victims of abuse, as you do the whining about not being able to circle jerk in peace, then the world could be a tiny bit better.
A) not wife
B) got her pregnant whilst ordered by court to stay away from her
C) given the circumstances (pregnancy) she stayed with him and the case collapsed
D) statistically many abused stay with their abuser
A) Partner doesn't equal wife?
B) He raped her? Or she allowed him to enter the premises?
C) She couldn't terminate the pregnancy and leave him if she wanted to?
D) Does that mean she didn't forgive him and is held against her will?
A) Partner doesn't equal wife?
B) He raped her? Or she allowed him to enter the premises?
C) She couldn't terminate the pregnancy and leave him if she wanted to?
D) Does that mean she didn't forgive him and is held against her will?
If this is not a strong argument for closing the thread then I'm not sure what the feck we're at here.