Is calling a spade a spade, or an anti-Semite an anti-Semite in this instance undermining anti-Semitism when Luciana Berger had to attend the Labour Party conference with a police escort due to the death threats she was subjected to for speaking out against the anti-Semitism she has witnessed and been subjected to herself within the Labour Party. Further confounded by the inaction and disinterest by the party's leaders.
Again the reason she has had a no confidence motion is because she won't put a end to rumours of leaving the party.
First paragraph describes me.
Although I would argue that if it takes the far left to put forward social democratic policies then there is something broken with today's liberalism.
But even with that for their own sake liberals should form a breakaway party. They'll get a ton of backing with money, TV air time, They won't have to deal with a membership that completely detests their type of politics and if they think their ideas are popular they could potentially stop the left getting into government.
Now I think the reason it hasn't happened yet is their ideas aren't popular, as mentioned the numbers don't work in their favour and sadly a lot of liberals suffer from late New Labour symptoms. Which is that they showed no interesting skills yet they still went to a high level University so they picked the one course(Literally the one course PPE - study.
While this made sense during the era of Blair and third wayism. You take this one course,get a well paid job in a British institution, spend 90% of time in the rich parts of London and you never know you may get a chance to make a few progressive changes to the system.
The 1st major problem comes when the system itself has a complete heart attack, shits it's pants and you now have to defend this system and then the 2nd major problem comes when (Here's where the new labour symptoms really kick in)you've realised everything in that one course is complete useless and you really don't have the skills, knowledge to defend the political ideas you believe in and it's far easier due your connections to get a non political job such as charging the public to see works of art or dancing like a bellend on television.
Ed Balls never wanted to change the economy of Britian, he just wanted to be a BBC light entertainment personality but had no personality and was shit with puppets so he joined the Labour Party instead.