Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

i bet that graph fits in almost perfectly with a second graph of people turning 25 and new 18 year olds who haven't paid attention to any elections
yet the % who pick May remains around the same
Not saying it couldnt be a factor but its over a 16 month period so whilst the whole period is 84 months
so you would expect around 20% of those polled initially would have fallen out of the range
So the only way your hypothesis fits for a drop of 20% is to assume that everybody who dropped out of the sampling range before would have picked corbyn initially - which statistically simply wont be true - as i say its not discounting it entirely as a factor but clearly the graph does not fit perfectly with that
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For any Labour voters out there, you are not voting Labour, you are voting Momentum. The ‘For the many, not the few’ is their slogan not the Labour Party. They are , by their own admission , training ‘activists’ in persuasion style canvassing which in some constituencies means a brick through the window. Many long standing Labour MP’s have been harassed and bullied because they don’t agree with Jonathan Lansman the creator of the far far left Momentum. He is now on the NEC. The bloke behind the ‘oh Jeremy Corbyn’ wave of social media support from trendy lefties in Islington.

If you work in a decent job, then you will be tagerted by this lot when they get in God forbid. They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too. Do as I say not as I do bunch of idealists. Never done a days work in their lives some of them. Nasty bunch and I predict some scandal will erupt one day involving Vladimir and co.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other but Momentum is a shady bunch of fanatics.
For any Labour voters out there, you are not voting Labour, you are voting Momentum. The ‘For the many, not the few’ is their slogan not the Labour Party. They are , by their own admission , training ‘activists’ in persuasion style canvassing which in some constituencies means a brick through the window. Many long standing Labour MP’s have been harassed and bullied because they don’t agree with Jonathan Lansman the creator of the far far left Momentum. He is now on the NEC. The bloke behind the ‘oh Jeremy Corbyn’ wave of social media support from trendy lefties in Islington.

If you work in a decent job, then you will be tagerted by this lot when they get in God forbid. They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too. Do as I say not as I do bunch of idealists. Never done a days work in their lives some of them. Nasty bunch and I predict some scandal will erupt one day involving Vladimir and co.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other but Momentum is a shady bunch of fanatics.
yeah but they are clearly not gonna get in so nothing to worry about
For any Labour voters out there, you are not voting Labour, you are voting Momentum. The ‘For the many, not the few’ is their slogan not the Labour Party. They are , by their own admission , training ‘activists’ in persuasion style canvassing which in some constituencies means a brick through the window. Many long standing Labour MP’s have been harassed and bullied because they don’t agree with Jonathan Lansman the creator of the far far left Momentum. He is now on the NEC. The bloke behind the ‘oh Jeremy Corbyn’ wave of social media support from trendy lefties in Islington.

If you work in a decent job, then you will be tagerted by this lot when they get in God forbid. They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too. Do as I say not as I do bunch of idealists. Never done a days work in their lives some of them. Nasty bunch and I predict some scandal will erupt one day involving Vladimir and co.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other but Momentum is a shady bunch of fanatics.

Unlike the current beneficent government who are in the process of destroying the NHS, education, policing and every other public service the public rely on? But yeah, let’s be scared about some socialists raising taxes.
For any Labour voters out there, you are not voting Labour, you are voting Momentum. The ‘For the many, not the few’ is their slogan not the Labour Party. They are , by their own admission , training ‘activists’ in persuasion style canvassing which in some constituencies means a brick through the window. Many long standing Labour MP’s have been harassed and bullied because they don’t agree with Jonathan Lansman the creator of the far far left Momentum. He is now on the NEC. The bloke behind the ‘oh Jeremy Corbyn’ wave of social media support from trendy lefties in Islington.

If you work in a decent job, then you will be tagerted by this lot when they get in God forbid. They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too. Do as I say not as I do bunch of idealists. Never done a days work in their lives some of them. Nasty bunch and I predict some scandal will erupt one day involving Vladimir and co.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other but Momentum is a shady bunch of fanatics.

'Persuasion' tactics is essentially what politics is - the bricks through the window part is nonsense. Not a huge fan of Momentum but a significant number of them are fairly normal activists trying to reshape the Labour party in their own interests. Like most inner-party groups do.
They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too.

This is such a stupid but depressingly common criticism of left wingers. On this basis no one who is an MP is allowed to believe in any form of socialism because they earn a good wage and will get a good pension.
John McDonnell is quite fascinating politically.

For any Labour voters out there, you are not voting Labour, you are voting Momentum. The ‘For the many, not the few’ is their slogan not the Labour Party. They are , by their own admission , training ‘activists’ in persuasion style canvassing which in some constituencies means a brick through the window. Many long standing Labour MP’s have been harassed and bullied because they don’t agree with Jonathan Lansman the creator of the far far left Momentum. He is now on the NEC. The bloke behind the ‘oh Jeremy Corbyn’ wave of social media support from trendy lefties in Islington.

If you work in a decent job, then you will be tagerted by this lot when they get in God forbid. They are all on good salaries of course like the Union leaders and MP’s. Corbyn has been drawing an MP’s salary for decades and will have a storming pension too. Do as I say not as I do bunch of idealists. Never done a days work in their lives some of them. Nasty bunch and I predict some scandal will erupt one day involving Vladimir and co.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other but Momentum is a shady bunch of fanatics.

Ill informed drivel.

Read the manifesto before you spread entirely false scaremongering about tax.

Which current Labour policy fits your description of ‘far far left’?
It is a fact that Labour has been at its strongest when it has been more of a cenrerist party.

A political party is there to win elections and be in government.

The British electorate does not vote for parties of the Left or Right.
If Labour truly want to be in power it needs to recognise that this will not happen with Corbyn as leader.
We will see if history proves me wrong or right.
It is a fact that Labour has been at its strongest when it has been more of a cenrerist party.

A political party is there to win elections and be in government.

The British electorate does not vote for parties of the Left or Right.
If Labour truly want to be in power it needs to recognise that this will not happen with Corbyn as leader.
We will see if history proves me wrong or right.

I do agree with that.
It is a fact that Labour has been at its strongest when it has been more of a cenrerist party.

A political party is there to win elections and be in government.

The British electorate does not vote for parties of the Left or Right.
If Labour truly want to be in power it needs to recognise that this will not happen with Corbyn as leader.
We will see if history proves me wrong or right.

That largely depends on what you view to be left-wing, and the specific time we're talking about. Attlee was largely a 'centrist' in the context of the Labour Party of the 1940s but he was nevertheless a socialist and someone who'd comfortably be to the far-left of the party now if he still held those same views today. Similar can be said for Labour governments which followed up to the Blair years, by which point Thatcher had moved the economic paradigm to the right.
I find it intriguing that people like Corbyn are judged because of their stance on a conflict that doesn't even concern their homeland.
Corbyn is most well known for his views on foreign policy and if he were to get elected it would potentially be the biggest shift in British foreign policy ever. You could say for the first time that the head of the British state is a anti imperialist(wither this makes a difference is anyone guess ).

Also it's hard to attack labour on domestic policy as their platform is quite popular.
Corbyn is most well known for his views on foreign policy and if he were to get elected it would potentially be the biggest shift in British foreign policy ever. You could say for the first time that the head of the British state is a anti imperialist(wither this makes a difference is anyone guess ).

Also it's hard to attack labour on domestic policy as their platform is quite popular.

34% in the latest poll. Labour support is collapsing.
34% in the latest poll. Labour support is collapsing.

I suspect the fine line he's being trying to tread on Brexit has now ran out. Being non-commital worked up to a point as it avoided alienating either of the two major constituent parts of Labour's support base, pro-EU metropolitan folks and the traditional Labour base in post-industrial areas.

As Brexit gets closer, both sides are getting fidgety and he's not saying what either wants to hear.
I suspect the fine line he's being trying to tread on Brexit has now ran out. Being non-commital worked up to a point as it avoided alienating either of the two major constituent parts of Labour's support base, pro-EU metropolitan folks and the traditional Labour base in post-industrial areas.

As Brexit gets closer, both sides are getting fidgety and he's not saying what either wants to hear.

Yep, that's the conclusion of that polling too.
The latest Opinium poll suggests that Labour has lost support from both sides of the Brexit debate. Labour has dropped five points among both remainers and leavers. For the first time since the election, less than half of remainers (49%) would opt for Labour.

Obviously it's one poll etc etc, but I did warn that it was very obvious that Corbyn enthusiasm was dying in the demographic he was supposed to be hitting hard so I'm not at all surprised to see his support evaporating.
He’s been calling for a snap election, so it really does.
This happens every few months a single poll will come out showing labour 5-6 points behind and everyone loses their shit. Then within two weeks another poll comes out showing Labour and the Tories both on 40%. Just check out the Westminster thread.
He's a Eurosceptic right? Has he actually done anything good for remainers? He has to be one of the most limp opposition leaders I've ever seen. I'm not British, but that's my impression. I genuinely can't believe he hasn't been replaced by now.
This happens every few months a single poll will come out showing labour 5-6 points behind and everyone loses their shit. Then within two weeks another poll comes out showing Labour and the Tories both on 40%. Just check out the Westminster thread.

Even if they’re neck and neck that’s absolutely shocking, considering the laughing stock May et al have become (always were?).
The thought that nags is that considering Corbyn and McDonnell are ardent Leavers, but not honest enough to say so, what other objectives are they covering up?

Maybe nothing, maybe Europe is the exception, and they are always honest about everything else, but they'll never shake that one off for me.
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Corbyn is most well known for his views on foreign policy and if he were to get elected it would potentially be the biggest shift in British foreign policy ever. You could say for the first time that the head of the British state is a anti imperialist(wither this makes a difference is anyone guess ).

Also it's hard to attack labour on domestic policy as their platform is quite popular.

By the same token, you could argue those said views wouldn't make as much of an impact as people expect because he's largely anti-interventionist, and so would probably stay out of most conflicts/arguments abroad. At best you'd see a change in rhetoric, which would admittedly still be quite important even in a symbolic sense.
Even if they’re neck and neck that’s absolutely shocking, considering the laughing stock May et al have become (always were?).

And probably quite hypocritical. The Labour supporters saying Corbyn lagging behind in the polls doesn't matter are the same ones who'll mock the Lib Dems for their unpopularity due to...err, polling. And while I'm not exactly against any opportunity to mock the Lib Dems, it does demonstrate a certain selective hypocrisy.
And probably quite hypocritical. The Labour supporters saying Corbyn lagging behind in the polls doesn't matter are the same ones who'll mock the Lib Dems for their unpopularity due to...err, polling. And while I'm not exactly against any opportunity to mock the Lib Dems, it does demonstrate a certain selective hypocrisy.
That's a bit disingenuous. The lib dem thing is in response to "people are crying out for a remain party!.. uh, no, not that one". No one gives a solitary feck about the lib dems otherwise.
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34% in the latest poll. Labour support is collapsing.
May’s approval ratings on Brexit edged up slightly to -30%, with 25% approving and 55% disapproving. Her rating had been -33% a fortnight ago.

Meanwhile, Corbyn’s net rating on the issue is now -44%, with 16% approving and 61% disapproving. His rating was -40% in the last poll a fortnight ago

Surprising as plenty of the corbynistas still seem to think jezza is playing a blinder?...

Wouldn't rule out may going for a general election if she can't get her deal through next week
Surprising as plenty of the corbynistas still seem to think jezza is playing a blinder?...

Wouldn't rule out may going for a general election if she can't get her deal through next week

Apparently the Tories are setting aside rooms and locations in the way they do when an election is imminent. It's fueling a bit of speculation. It may be just that though.
Wasn't Corbyn and Labour meant to be wiped out in the last snap election. Not reading anything into this poll.
I suspect the fine line he's being trying to tread on Brexit has now ran out. Being non-commital worked up to a point as it avoided alienating either of the two major constituent parts of Labour's support base, pro-EU metropolitan folks and the traditional Labour base in post-industrial areas.

As Brexit gets closer, both sides are getting fidgety and he's not saying what either wants to hear.

The way i see it is that from the very start, Labour should have been all over the Remain campaign, spinning the positives about EU membership, what they’ve done for us etc. instead they will go down as the party who sat on the fence and watched the tories take the country towards potential decades of trying to claw it’s economy back. Corbyn should have been booted out if he didn’t want to take the tories on. I mean it’s not like nobody knew that he hates everything to do with Europe (which I reckon is because he reminds me of the senator palpitine from Star Wars)
Wasn't Corbyn and Labour meant to be wiped out in the last snap election. Not reading anything into this poll.

"A seven point Conservative lead is the largest since the election. While it is not significantly larger than the 5 or 6 point leads YouGov have been showing this month, it’s a noticeable change to Opinium’s previous recent polls, which have tended to show Labour and Conservative roughly neck-and-neck." They do go on to suggest caution, however. Source: UKpollingreport