I think De Gea worst play that I've ever seen is in Emirates where he punched a ball with no opposition player near him at all. Even Varane was perplexed

. Who can bring that clip?
The scale of pressure we were under that time, was extremely huge. Arsenal were camping in our box yet DDG did more harm than good.
About his pass to Varane yesterday, it was replica to what he gave Bissaka against Arsenal in Emirates.
Regarding our goalkeeping situation, I said it another thread, our problem is we have players who are very limited on alot of other issues to the point, it's like we need 2 players, or clones, to play 1 position.
Example. De Gea is so poor on the ball, that we need a Ederson De Gea Clone to be our goalkeeper.
A Bruno Odergaard clone.
A Bissaka Trent Clone.
Antony Pellistri Clone.
You remember how we use to joke McFred are doing one players job.. exactly that
All these players should be moved within 12-18 months. As Ralf said we need 10 new players.
Another 4 new faces (2023), will really help. Then another 3 new faces (2024) should change completely this lot of imposters.
It's sad how we have recruited in the previous years.
Priority this summer in order
2 midfielders
1 goalkeeper.
We need players who can hold on to the ball for more than 5 seconds when pressed and give a correct pass. You see how comfortable Licha is, that's the benchmark.
Try imagine we sign, a Licha clone goalkeeper, 2 Licha clone midfielders.
The team will be transformed immensely and immediately.