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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No thatd be too bias towards remain from a polling perspective. You could have a 40 percent vote for remain and 30 each for the leave options and then remain wins despite 60% voting to leave.

Only way it could work would be 2 seperate votes imo, one for leave / remain. Another saying given we choose to leave, would you prefer the deal / no deal
Yeah, I get that, nice one.
Maybe a second referendum should be single transferable vote, do you want Brexit with the deal, Brexit without the deal, or Remain?

Assuming the EU are willing to clarify what Remain would entail of course.

Not sure that will happen - if it did though I think its pretty clear the votes would go a big chunk to Brexit no deal, a big chunk to remain and basically the deciding votes to the middle... these votes then get split and it becomes a straight vote between hard brexit and remain... might as well just put the binary options on the table to start with

Of course the big problem is when you get a result something like
leave no deal 46% mays deal 12% remain 42%

then the votes transfer and it goes to
leave 49% and remain 51%

Basically leave won the first referendum... gets the most votes in the second referendum but after the transferable votes we remain - honestly I think the political landscape becomes ungovernable at that point

If there is a second vote (i don't think there will be) I think it needs to be a binary choice

Also I dont think there has been a legal ruling on if remain is even an option has there (i.e. can A50 be stopped?)... so as I say I have my dounts there will be but if there is I think it will be 2 options
Maybe a second referendum should be single transferable vote, do you want Brexit with the deal, Brexit without the deal, or Remain?

Assuming the EU are willing to clarify what Remain would entail of course.

That would split the leave vote. It doesn't matter anyway as there's very little chance of another referendum - no Tory PM will call for one and Corbyn is avowedly opposed.
Never trust a Lib Dem, just ask the students.
to be fair if he stood in the general election and said i will vote for a deal whatever that deal is then I think hes right to honour that - I also think it was stupid of people to vote him in if he was basically going to vote for something not knowing what it is - but will of the people and all that
I genuinely believe that given another referendum, the turn out would be higher and remain would win by a 5 point margin.

I think there's a hell of a lot of people who are just sick to death of the chaos now, realise how damaging it's going to be and would like life to go back to how it was before 2016.

It's currently a case right now of those with the loudest voices being heard the most.
Not yet - but on the 29th of march we are going to start rounding up Africans to sell to trump and send our gunboats to start shelling china till they agree to sell our opium again.
Mogg is printing the overpriced Make Britian and Empire Again, union jack (MBEA) caps right now
I know this was a sarcastic post but you do know that it's the Union Flag. It is only the Union Jack if it is on a naval vessel.
The average joe bloggs in the street wouldn’t have known the phrases “customs union” or “single market” never mind hard or soft brexit before they voted. People were led to this outcome. For such a decision with massive repercussions, its really disgusting how it went down
It's such a technical decision. Should never have gone to a vote.
I only asked that, now seemingly in vain, as you couldn't seem to grasp the answer of your follow-up question despite quoting it.

They don't want to be reliant on NATO due to the influence USA, and whoever their president may be, has over it and want something in house instead.

I personally think that having a European Army is a bad idea just because of the humongous funding required to keep something like that ticking. At the moment USA foots the bill quite nicely paying almost 3x the amount that the other members so they should stick to being freeloaders from a cost perspective.

Well, Europe could have an army that it used to defending it's borders rather than fighting for oil. that'd reduce costs.
to be fair if he stood in the general election and said i will vote for a deal whatever that deal is then I think hes right to honour that - I also think it was stupid of people to vote him in if he was basically going to vote for something not knowing what it is - but will of the people and all that
I will admit that even tough I feel that any party that would prop up the Tories are aberrant I would vote for them if they were the only feasible opponent to said Tories. For me voting for somebody who has no chance of getting elected is a wasted vote and wasting a vote is just as bad a not voting.
Well, Europe could have an army that it used to defending it's borders rather than fighting for oil. that'd reduce costs.
I don't like the idea of armies defending boarders unless we are actually at war. Securing the boarders should be a job for Police, customs and excise and Boarder Force.
I only asked that, now seemingly in vain, as you couldn't seem to grasp the answer of your follow-up question despite quoting it.

They don't want to be reliant on NATO due to the influence USA, and whoever their president may be, has over it and want something in house instead.

I personally think that having a European Army is a bad idea just because of the humongous funding required to keep something like that ticking. At the moment USA foots the bill quite nicely paying almost 3x the amount that the other members so they should stick to being freeloaders from a cost perspective.

We are at cross purposes I think. I agree that the EU needs its own army but that doesn't mean how it manifests will be any good. It will highly like be a bloated bureaucratic nightmare that isn't fit for purpose.

Germany et al have played a blinder freeloading off the US but Trump has started to turn the screw so how much longer can that go on for?
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We are at cross purposes I think. I agree that the EU needs its own army but that doesn't mean how it manifests will be any good. It will highly like be a bloated bureaucratic nightmare that isn't fit for purpose.

Germany have played a blinder freeloading off the US but Trump has started to turn the screw so how much longer can that go on for?

I love the way history gets distorted...

The facts are that after WWII (West) Germany was only permitted a limited army by the Allies in the 50's. In fact, I'm not even sure the treaty was ever changed/dissolved. So, to say Germany has been playing a blinder by freeloading off the US is completely false. But don't let a few facts get in your way!
I love the way history gets distorted...

The facts are that after WWII (West) Germany was only permitted a limited army by the Allies in the 50's. In fact, I'm not even sure the treaty was ever changed/dissolved. So, to say Germany has been playing a blinder by freeloading off the US is completely false. But don't let a few facts get in your way!

They have a military spending responsibility as a member of NATO that they don't come close to meeting.
Surely give it to giggsy
Brexit is primarily an English obsession and mainly those from the West Midlands(where I live). They love there Brexit around here. Allardyce being from Dudley prime Brexit country is the obvious choice.

After all dem Romanians are everywhere now. You only have to go down the A&E and the waiting cue is 8 hours. I only went in because our Bradon grazed his knee and needed a plaster but I 'ad to wait 8 hours because of dem Romanians.
No thatd be too bias towards remain from a polling perspective. You could have a 40 percent vote for remain and 30 each for the leave options and then remain wins despite 60% voting to leave.

Only way it could work would be 2 seperate votes imo, one for leave / remain. Another saying given we choose to leave, would you prefer the deal / no deal

The issue being they'd need to have a deal that the EU accept, which they certainly don't with Chequers.
This government is that incompetent that they'd probably do a ref with the options being 'Chequers or No deal'
Then Chequers wins..

Not even a farfetched scenario anymore..
They have a military spending responsibility as a member of NATO that they don't come close to meeting.

They're not the only ones mind...
In the case of Germany it's more complicated as they have the highest GDP in Europe by far and due to the sensitivity of a Germany building up its forces. To say they've been freeloading is misleading.
They're not the only ones mind...
In the case of Germany it's more complicated as they have the highest GDP in Europe by far and due to the sensitivity of a Germany building up its forces. To say they've been freeloading is misleading.

They're not the only ones but they're a very powerful economy and supposed to be a leading nation, the defacto leaders of the European Union.

All countries agree to spend a 2% of GDP, so their overall GDP doesn't matter.
They're not the only ones but they're a very powerful economy and supposed to be a leading nation, the defacto leaders of the European Union.

All countries agree to spend a 2% of GDP, so their overall GDP doesn't matter.

Not strictly true, the 2% is just a guideline, whether a country commits to it is up to them, there is no requirement.
Stephen Barclay appointed new Brexit secretary
Stephen Barclay, a health minister, has been appointed Brexitsecretary, replacing Dominic Raab.

Barclay, who is not exactly one of better known members of the government, is a former Barclays Bank director who was elected MP for North East Cambridgeshire in 2010. He voted leave.
Well, Europe could have an army that it used to defending it's borders rather than fighting for oil. that'd reduce costs.

I think you're mistaking US Military with NATO. NATOs only offensive operations have been in Bosnia and Kosovo. All of their other missions have been for peacekeeping and defence.