What about Nissan? Are rhey leaving?I wonder how Brexit voting Sunderland will be feeling about Nissan’s announcement today.
Edit: nevermind, found it
What about Nissan? Are rhey leaving?I wonder how Brexit voting Sunderland will be feeling about Nissan’s announcement today.
I wonder how Brexit voting Sunderland will be feeling about Nissan’s announcement today.
Good point.
Was it just me or didn't Nissan receive an undisclosed inducement to invest in the Sunderland plant just after the Referendum outcome ?
Well sadly you are right about all parties and most politicians, but when a situation like this arises we could at least hope that the people whose job it is to do whats best for the country might actually do that instead of just taking whatever actions they think will keep them in power and improve their chances of future re-election.
But then we're talking about the Tories here so that sort of thinking is probably way too optimistic.
A lot of leave voters might have thought thats what it meant, but i don't think that was ever going to be the case. I could be wrong but the actual procedure for leaving the EU and activating article 50 gives you 2 years to enable you to negotiate a withdrawal agreement. It would be better for any country to leave with a deal in place instead waiting 2 years to leave and then trying to negotiate one that could take 2 or more years anyway.
That is correct, but since the EU made it clear from day one that they would not negotiate (or at one point even talk about) a future trade deal, until we had left the EU, then it seemed ridiculous for the UK Government to agree a withdrawal (or as it became known a divorce deal) agreement; instead the two years allowed in art 50 should have been used to prepare internally for a no deal on the 29th March. Otherwise, as Mrs May has now found out, we have become a hostage to fortune, promising to settle with the EU before we have anything concrete in return.
The binary choices are still there, we either Leave, without a deal, or Remain, and cancel Brexit. None of the other so called 'choices' satisfy either leavers or remainers' and will poison UK politics for decades, primarily because they will be seen to be 'a fix' cobbled together to save, not the country, but the embarrassment of our political classes and which anyhow doesn't work!
The Uk are not a hostage to fortune, they just have to pay what they owe, part of the settlement is for the transitional period, which they won't pay if they leave with no deal.
They also were never going to have a trade deal before they left because until they leave they are still part of the EU. The political declaration is to provide the basis of negotiations when the UK have left.
Unfortunately the British public have been lied to since day one and were never ever going to have a trade deal before they left.
We weren't, but we are now, thanks to Mrs May's 'cack-handed' approach to negotiation.
You are correct in that both sides knew no discussion or negotiation on a future trade deal was possible until we left the EU officially. Therefore the decision by the UK Government to try to negotiate a withdrawal deal was a nonsense, it was no longer a negotiation but a form of 'post nuptial' agreement defined by Art 50 with the UK going where it was pushed!. The fact May/Tories and the majority of parliament, including Labour, agreed to instigate Art 50 before they (appeared) to have any clear strategy, just demonstrates political incompetence, on all sides.
There was never going to be an orderly transition, the two years associated with Art 50 allowed at best for contingency planning on both side. Any actual transition can only be defined properly once the trade deal is done and everyone on both sides knows the positions they are moving to/from and what measures are necessary.
We weren't, but we are now, thanks to Mrs May's 'cack-handed' approach to negotiation.
You are correct in that both sides knew no discussion or negotiation on a future trade deal was possible until we left the EU officially. Therefore the decision by the UK Government to try to negotiate a withdrawal deal was a nonsense, it was no longer a negotiation but a form of 'post nuptial' agreement defined by Art 50 with the UK going where it was pushed!. The fact May/Tories and the majority of parliament, including Labour, agreed to instigate Art 50 before they (appeared) to have any clear strategy, just demonstrates political incompetence, on all sides.
There was never going to be an orderly transition, the two years associated with Art 50 allowed at best for contingency planning on both side. Any actual transition can only be defined properly once the trade deal is done and everyone on both sides knows the positions they are moving to/from and what measures are necessary.
This sentence makes no sense, Art.50 only allows an unilateral withdrawal, it doesn't define any agreement.
Precisely, so why did May (apparently) try to 'negotiate' a withdrawal agreement... or was that just for public consumption back home? Even DD realised eventually it was all a sham and jumped ship!
But it was only ever going to be a withdrawal agreement plus a political declaration.
The reason the withdrawal agreement is as it is, is because of May's red lines.
If May had said the Uk was going to stay in the Custom's Union and the Single Market it would have been different with the political declaration orientated towards that goal but as the UK want to leave both the CU and SM the current withdrawal agreement is all the UK can expect. The cake and eat it , which is also still Corbyn's plan, has misled the public's expectations totally.
The transition is there to stop the UK falling off the cliff and to start a trade deal negotiation not the other way round.
The Withdrawal agreement may seem awful but Brexit is awful and just about the only thing I did agree with May at the end , it is the only deal available if the UK leave the CU and SM.
Because whether you like it or not, the EU and the UK are politically, geographically and socially linked. From a legal standpoint there is a need to have a set of rules and agreement that will apply between both territories and their citizens.
Don't you mean both sides going off the cliff with a no deal?
Only whilst the UK remains part of the EU, when the UK becomes a 'third country' that will change, will it not?
No, unless you find a way to move the island somewhere else in the universe. On Earth there isn't a lot of countries that have no agreements with EU member states whether it is through the EU or individually.
For both sides to negotiate a new relationship and to adjust . It will hit the EU to an extent but they're not going to fall off a cliff, the EU only gets cut off from the UK, the UK gets cut off from everyone.
All the EU members will still have fluid borders with the other EU nations, the Uk would have no fluid borders at all.
I thought that was part of what the leavers wanted?
Sorry, I don't really understand this statement? Even if it were physically possible why would the UK want to move anywhere else? The UK will always be part of Europe, but after Brexit not of the political European Union, isn't that what Leavers voted for?
That is correct, but since the EU made it clear from day one that they would not negotiate (or at one point even talk about) a future trade deal, until we had left the EU, then it seemed ridiculous for the UK Government to agree a withdrawal (or as it became known a divorce deal) agreement; instead the two years allowed in art 50 should have been used to prepare internally for a no deal on the 29th March. Otherwise, as Mrs May has now found out, we have become a hostage to fortune, promising to settle with the EU before we have anything concrete in return.
The binary choices are still there, we either Leave, without a deal, or Remain, and cancel Brexit. None of the other so called 'choices' satisfy either leavers or remainers' and will poison UK politics for decades, primarily because they will be seen to be 'a fix' cobbled together to save, not the country, but the embarrassment of our political classes and which anyhow doesn't work!
Completely agree. Although, for many, even if they did understand they still wouldn't care.They want controlled borders which they already have, other than with Ireland.
They want the right to make EU citizens who are a burden on UK society leave the country, which they already have.
They need fluid borders to stop the integrated trade it has with the EU grinding to a halt.
Tariffs and all this discussion about FTA is relevant but more important because of its geographical position is fluid trade with the EU.
Doubt very much many leavers understand the significance.
Yes! Page 999
If Nissan is your only means of work, as was ship building, as was mining, then its not hard to see why the north eastern people are angry. Total neglect.
Yet so correctSo predictable
By UK governments though, how is this any of the EU fault?If Nissan is your only means of work, as was ship building, as was mining, then its not hard to see why the north eastern people are angry. Total neglect.
So let me get this right you think the UK governments stance from day one should have been to not even try to negotiate any sort of withdrawal agreement?
They should have just let the 2 years run down and crash out with no deal, make no effort to agree to border arrangements in Ireland and jeopardize the Good Friday Agreement?
So essentially everyone is an idiot apart from you?The problem is most people (be they ignorant right wing mouth breather, or cowardly left wing snowflake) think the withdrawl agreement is the permanent agreement with the EU, and not the interim framework we will be dealing with the EU under while we negotiate or decide our long term relationship with them.
The biggest problem, is that both sides of the argument are just as ignorant and stupid as the other, as they deal in absolutes and fear, both sides think we will be severing all ties with the EU, with one side thinking we will stride mightly into the future with the Union Jack flying on every corner, bent bananas and no more eastern Europeans, the other side thinks we will collapse into a mad max style apocalypse were everyone who cant prove they were born within spitting distance of the bow bells back 6 generations will be lined up and shot, no food on the shelves and their children dying in their arms because there is no medicine.
Neither side seem to grasp that countries dont work like that, they ignore every other country that has left a long term political union (like most of Europe, India, parts of Africa, the United States) and instead think that the UK will be some special exception in what actually happens.
Was having a chat with a couple of folks about no deal brexit... How prepared the business is etc...Dial 999 - call the police
They’ve created the environment now for Nissan to go, after the government lied to the people about guarantees.If Nissan is your only means of work, as was ship building, as was mining, then its not hard to see why the north eastern people are angry. Total neglect.
So essentially everyone is an idiot apart from you?
Neither side seem to grasp that countries dont work like that, they ignore every other country that has left a long term political union (like most of Europe, India, parts of Africa, the United States) and instead think that the UK will be some special exception in what actually happens.
The problem is most people (be they ignorant right wing mouth breather, or cowardly left wing snowflake) think the withdrawl agreement is the permanent agreement with the EU, and not the interim framework we will be dealing with the EU under while we negotiate or decide our long term relationship with them.
The biggest problem, is that both sides of the argument are just as ignorant and stupid as the other, as they deal in absolutes and fear, both sides think we will be severing all ties with the EU, with one side thinking we will stride mightly into the future with the Union Jack flying on every corner, bent bananas and no more eastern Europeans, the other side thinks we will collapse into a mad max style apocalypse were everyone who cant prove they were born within spitting distance of the bow bells back 6 generations will be lined up and shot, no food on the shelves and their children dying in their arms because there is no medicine.
Neither side seem to grasp that countries dont work like that, they ignore every other country that has left a long term political union (like most of Europe, India, parts of Africa, the United States) and instead think that the UK will be some special exception in what actually happens.
I can't remember my history well but weren't we the biggest recipients of the Marshall Plan?