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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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The brexiteers are convinced that we are purposefully not preparing for a no deal so that we can't crash out. They believe that the later we leave the vote the more likely it becomes May's deal or revoke article 50.

Brexiters believe that the government do not have the leaders with the experience needed to negotiate the kind of deal May was seeking in her mansion house speech.
The British parliament is made up of about 80% remainers.

Don't know about 80% but there are certainly more remain MPs than leavers but the opposition and government are both supposedly pro-Brexit so the inevitable outcome is No Deal unless there's a free vote.

Edit: If you are right, as parliament is sovereign then surely parliament should cancel Brexit.
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Brexiters believe that the government do not have the leaders with the experience needed to negotiate the kind of deal May was seeking in her mansion house speech.

There was an election last year - maybe those Brexiteers shouldn't have voted for a party with a Remainer at its helm. After all...those very same Brexiteers wanted Brexit to make us more sovereign...i.e. giving more powers to parliament.:smirk:
Don't know about 80% but there are certainly more remain MPs than leavers but the opposition and government are both supposedly pro-Brexit so the inevitable outcome is No Deal unless there's a free vote.

Edit: If you are right, as parliament is sovereign then surely parliament should cancel Brexit.

Parliament has the authority to cancel brexit, but the Conservatives fear that the backlash would end their party for good.

Let's be honest here, politics is moving in a new direction that is more similar to the States. Left Vs right. At the moment we have three leftist parties struggling to deliver a right vote. Pun intended.
Parliament has the authority to cancel brexit, but the Conservatives fear that the backlash would end their party for good.

Let's be honest here, politics is moving in a new direction that is more similar to the States. Left Vs right. At the moment we have three leftist parties struggling to deliver a right vote. Pun intended.

From now on the EU should only negotiate with the UK on the basis of the UK negotiators having the authority to negotiate for the UK. If they don't the EU negotiators should go look for more productive things to do.

Fecking farce.
Parliament has the authority to cancel brexit, but the Conservatives fear that the backlash would end their party for good.

Let's be honest here, politics is moving in a new direction that is more similar to the States. Left Vs right. At the moment we have three leftist parties struggling to deliver a right vote. Pun intended.

I wouldn't call the Tories left, they're moving more towards the right than in recent history.
I wouldn't call the Tories left, they're moving more towards the right than in recent history.

The tory brexiters are what I would consider to be right, but as they're now being called extremists (117 OF THEM!), it shows that there is a political revolution incoming. The DUP is also very much a right wing party.
I think we're witnessing the beginning of a new era in British politics.
The tory brexiters are what I would consider to be right, but as they're now being called extremists (117 OF THEM!), it shows that there is a political revolution incoming. The DUP is also very much a right wing party.
I think we're witnessing the beginning of a new era in British politics.

I won't disagree that British politics is changing - hopefully not towards extremists at either end of the scale.
I think you demonstrate perfectly the current trend of where we're heading.

Meh, I think it's faulty analysis based on your personal desires and selective use of polling.

A marginal Brexit vote victory being interpreted as mandate for no deal by the by the hard right fringe of the Tory party doesn't point towards a great social shift unless the public supports that interpretation of the result which, by and large, they do not.
They are divided with a far right quarter/third, and far right support from the DUP (no choice). Why do you suppose they are moving towards a far right party?

They have been moving further and further right on average since Thatcher became leader. The parliamentary party has an ever increasing far right component. Their policys are moving further and further to the right. The Brexit debacle only occured because Cameron was trying to keep the far right under control. Their employment law, social policy and economic policies have all moved to the right.
They are distinctly right of centre and moving to become a far right party.
They have been moving further and further right on average since Thatcher became leader. The parliamentary party has an ever increasing far right component. Their policys are moving further and further to the right. The Brexit debacle only occured because Cameron was trying to keep the far right under control. Their employment law, social policy and economic policies have all moved to the right.
This is one of the reasons that I'm afraid of Brexit. I can't see why anybody would want it unless they want to suppress the workforce. I can see employment law moving further to the right if we crash out. or leave in a way where we can set our own employment law.
That argument with Juncker :lol:
Definitely just wanted to look hard under no pressure while the other person is on the backfoot.

It's given me a great idea for a track name. Nebulous May.

:lol: I called my brother a hypocrite once at a ridiculously young age (for such language) and we ended up in an horrendous fight which ended up with him threatening me with a kitchen knife.

Not sure what relevance that has here but it reminded me of it.

I bet he still doesn't know what it means.
eh, they could put whatever subtitles they want with that clip, can't hear a word.
Hopefully the above keeps showing in other polls too. I'd be wary not knowing how big the don't know category is as that introduces a big swing potentially.
They have been moving further and further right on average since Thatcher became leader. The parliamentary party has an ever increasing far right component. Their policys are moving further and further to the right. The Brexit debacle only occured because Cameron was trying to keep the far right under control. Their employment law, social policy and economic policies have all moved to the right.
It's subjective of course, but I don't agree with that. Thatcher marked the high point of the right for me, and in the years after her most tories were absolutely desperate to distance themselves from her, and Major took great care over that. We'll probably both agree that vidic is talking bollocks though, the tories are and have been to the right, and many would argue Blair took Labour to the right of where they were, and he was there for a long time.
Would be fun to see the UK not paying their 39 bn ( or the amount they owe non relatex with brexit)

What the people think would mean in future trades around the world? Specislly the EU? non airspace open? Eurostar blocked

I dont understand that still people that thinks that UK can bully they way around at the EU. Specially when is UK that is at fault.Because that kind of people i want UK gone. On the other hand i have good friends there and i know that good brittish knows better
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It's subjective of course, but I don't agree with that. Thatcher marked the high point of the right for me, and in the years after her most tories were absolutely desperate to distance themselves from her, and Major took great care over that. We'll probably both agree that vidic is talking bollocks though, the tories are and have been to the right, and many would argue Blair took Labour to the right of where they were, and he was there for a long time.

I hate Thatcher with a passion, partly because I voted for her the first time I voted, which is one of the very few things in life I truly regret. Post Thatcher was a little less right (I did say on average) but as you say the Tories are well to the right of center even post Thatcher and appear to be lurching much further right at the moment.

Blair certainly tool Labor further right well into Lib Dem country even if they were still left of center. The current Labor party is slightly further left of Blair's version but not much.