Nah let’s just stuff our country with unlimited foreign folks so it’s even tougher for local lower skilled folks on society to even contemplate getting jobs...not to mention the artificial impact to house prices, social services, etc. But most important of all...society and how it tears the fabric of communities apart.
Elite capitalists love the system the way it is. Capitalism is built upon this artificial pumping of economies by increasing the numbers of people (to fuel demand for more stuff), even if it is at the cost of societies.
I’d be very happy to go down this liberal utopia of open borders and genuine globalisation as soon as you get China, Middle East, etc on board. We can’t just walk in and do what we want (in terms of trade or society) in those countries, but we should let anyone do it within Western democracies? Shock horror: Brexit, Trump and all these other ‘undesirable’ parties getting so much traction / votes!