Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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How does that phrase go again?

"We told you so."

Since India isn't foreign trade oriented yet, their only interest is to get their workforce more skilled. Basically, they will be looking at exploiting GB for their own gains. That's the reason no one is in talks with them right now despite them being an extremely interesting market.
Do you think maybe the tactic is, ultimately, 'let's ride this out'. With an expectation that eventually Britain will come to its senses?
I wasn't asked, but that won't keep me from giving my two cents:

I don't think the EU has any notable tactic other than the official position. There's too many parties involved in the EU to have some backroom consensus on what to do, and if there was it would be in the media on the same day (All 27 have to keep their electorate satisfied too, with everything that goes with that). Brexit being the unilateral decision that it is (and always had to be) the EU is waiting for Britain to come up with solutions for the problems it causes, within the possibilities that the EU's position creates. From what I gather the only real solution the EU has proposed up to now is keeping N.Ireland in the customs union, and that wasn't offered out of good will, but because of the interests of one of the 27.
I wasn't asked, but that won't keep me from giving my two cents:

I don't think the EU has any notable tactic other than the official position. There's too many parties involved in the EU to have some backroom consensus on what to do, and if there was it would be in the media on the same day (All 27 have to keep their electorate satisfied too, with everything that goes with that). Brexit being the unilateral decision that it is (and always had to be) the EU is waiting for Britain to come up with solutions for the problems it causes, within the possibilities that the EU's position creates. From what I gather the only real solution the EU has proposed up to now is keeping N.Ireland in the customs union, and that wasn't offered out of good will, but because of the interests of one of the 27.

How much more of a plan do you need. The positions are clear and now the EU is waiting for Britain to actually react to them and start negotiations.

How does that phrase go again?

"We told you so."

52% of the country don’t want any more foreigners so we have to respect their wishes and sacrifice pretty much every aspect of our lives to appease them.
Either way, my point is that the tactic is self centered and don't really care about the UK, imo.
I don't think it's quite that bad, to be honest. There's still a massive affection for the British public in many/all of the 27, even if not for the current government. While the EU will undoubtedly represent the EU interests saying they don't care is too harsh imo.
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I don't think it's quite that bad, too be honest. There's still a massive affection for the British public in many/all of the 27, even if not for the current government. While the EU will undoubtedly represent the EU interests saying they don't care is too harsh imo.

Do you think that any of your government have had affection for the french? The affection is a myth, there are only interests.
Do you think that any of your government have had affection for the french? The affection is a myth, there are only interests.
Yeah there's loads of europeans, including in governments, with affection for the french. They're called francophiles.
Do you think that any of your government have had affection for the french? The affection is a myth, there are only interests.

Our government is a bunch of self serving cnuts. Don’t concern yourself with how they think of your Country and Countrymen. Despite what the Express and Mail might suggest, plenty of us Brits still have plenty of affection for our European neighbours.
Our government is a bunch of self serving cnuts. Don’t concern yourself with how they think of your Country and Countrymen. Despite what the Express and Mail might suggest, plenty of us Brits still have plenty of affection for our European neighbours.

I think the figure is 48% at a stretch.

As far as the French people I know, the British are a weird lot but no real animosity towards them, but they consider that they've made a silly decision and already left the EU, oh well never mind, good luck.
Our government is a bunch of self serving cnuts. Don’t concern yourself with how they think of your Country and Countrymen. Despite what the Express and Mail might suggest, plenty of us Brits still have plenty of affection for our European neighbours.

His point is that all governments are self serving and they are.
Our government is a bunch of self serving cnuts. Don’t concern yourself with how they think of your Country and Countrymen. Despite what the Express and Mail might suggest, plenty of us Brits still have plenty of affection for our European neighbours.

You see that's my point, we have the same type of people on the other side of the channel. Don't let Brexit cloud your judgement these are politicians and businessmen, they only care about what will benefit them and if possible the rest of us. They don't care about the UK and some of them don't care about their own countries and communities, so don't count on any sort of affection.

I might have some affection for you guys but I'm not on the negotiation table and if I was you would be the last of my concerns.
Lets hope the other kids who can't be vaccinated due to health problems and who rely on herd immunity to save them from life threatening diseases are as lucky.

i am glad you posted that.

if vaccination rates fall, then rates of illness will increase.
I will have little sympathy with those who refuse to be vaccinated because of some perceived danger of the vaccination (in the uk at least all the routine vaccinations are safe, in that the risk from the vaccination is substantially less than the risk from the disease).
Those who are unable to be vaccinated due to allergy etc is who will get my sympathy.

I should point out that have a vested interest in this as I am allergic to the Polio vaccine and have to rely on herd immunity for my protection.
May should just offer British citizenship to all holders of BNO passports in Hong Kong, that would give the economy a huge boost.

Just joking
No, they are leaving the European Union. They are still members of the Council of Europe like Russia, for example.

Isn't it practically the same nowadays? Nearly Every country in Europe are either in the EU, the EEA, the customs unions or has a series of extremely complex bilateral deal which is basically the same thing. Those who arent are knocking hard at the EU door. I don't really consider Russia as Europe tbh same with the US.

If you take their history, their absolute love to capitalism and their anti European sentiment then I think that the UK is closer to the US then to Europe. Actually I see Canada closer to Europe then Brexit UK is.
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Yes. Globally all world maps will have to be redesigned. There will be no more euros for england, only world cup. No more champions league either. Its going to be a disaster.

There's no need to that. For most of us we'll only have to ignore the Islands sitting beyond the channel. That is exactly what most Europeans had done in the first place prior to Julius Caesar. The only issue is Ireland whose still European. Surely we can work things out.

Regarding WC/Euros it wouldn't be that much of a tragedy considering England's record in those cups. Also England's love towards the WC (and the CL) is a relatively new thing (after that trashing from Hungary) so its not as if we're breaking an old tradition here. The Champions league is not a European thing.

I think that the UK is closer to the US then to Europe. That doesn't mean we can't be friends or allies though.
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There's no need to that. For most of us we'll only have to ignore the Islands sitting beyond the channel. That is exactly what most Europeans had done in the first place prior to Julius Caesar. The only issue is Ireland whose still European. Surely we can work things out.

Regarding WC/Euros it wouldn't be that much of a tragedy considering England's record in those cups. Also England's love towards the WC (and the CL) is a relatively new thing (after that trashing from Hungary) so its not as if we're breaking an old tradition here. The Champions league is not a European thing.

I think that the UK is closer to the US then to Europe. That doesn't mean we can't be friends or allies though.
Before you know it Australia will be able to take part in the Eurovision song contest.............Oh Wait
I think that the UK is closer to the US then to Europe. That doesn't mean we can't be friends or allies though.
I think we've traditionally liked to position ourselves as half way between them but I fear once this process is done the resulting bad feeling could definitely make this true. Still, the UK is populated with plenty of people who feel European and consider their ties to Europe to be significantly stronger than their ties to the US. Even if we do share language and a quasi-religious deference to corporations.
better not to have wool pulled over their eyes

The only wool being pulled is by the EU, they are about as undemocratic in structure and in process as you can get.

bearing in mind you are trying to insinuate that the Uk system is more democratic whereas I am saying it isn't.

We can both have our views on the amount of democracy in the British system, but not I'm afraid compared with the EU. As your helpful article indicated the Council and Commissioners are unelected, the President is appointed and so are the Commissioners, and it is they who decide strategy and policy with no recourse to the public to change them e.g. they are not up for election every five years.

In Britain the party leaders are known before the election, the existing cabinet/shadow cabinets give an indication of who represents what brief in Government/opposition. These people, all of them, are directly accountable to their constituents and as MPs are up for election every five years.
The Lords are unelected, but like the MEP's they only scrutinize proposed policy/laws/regulations, they can recommend changes but ultimately the Commons (in Britain) the Commission (in EU) decides.

Our commons are elected the EU commission is not.. simples!;)
If you think the EU is undemocratic then we're not much better. Dacre & Murdoch basically decide who's gonna run the country it's a fecking shambles.
I think we've traditionally liked to position ourselves as half way between them but I fear once this process is done the resulting bad feeling could definitely make this true. Still, the UK is populated with plenty of people who feel European and consider their ties to Europe to be significantly stronger than their ties to the US. Even if we do share language and a quasi-religious deference to corporations.
I've posted this before but seems up the European situation very well

I think we've traditionally liked to position ourselves as half way between them but I fear once this process is done the resulting bad feeling could definitely make this true. Still, the UK is populated with plenty of people who feel European and consider their ties to Europe to be significantly stronger than their ties to the US. Even if we do share language and a quasi-religious deference to corporations.

I come from an island myself and I have been living on islands for most of my life. I find that there's plenty of common traits in islanders. We are resilient, independent and stubborn. We're also opportunists (in Malta there's a say which state that the islands had never refused any free grain) and we tend to have this overflated ego as if the entire world rotate around us.

However the big differenceI find between Malta and the UK is their love for Europe (apart from the obvious ex size or military strength) . Ever since the dawn of time the Maltese always felt European.Rumours say that the locals rebelled against Carthage during the Punic wars, we fought against all odds in two great sieges even though Suleiman the magnificent was a far better leader then the pesky knights. When Italy converted to fascism we turned our back to them, preferring colonialism to independence even though the islands nearly always found a great friend and ally in Italy. Needless to say we paid a very heavy price in each occasion.

The UK share a very different history. Roman influence wasn't seen a defying moment in history but as an invasion. That influence ended up in betrayal as Roman armies pulled out to defend the dying empire leaving Brittania defenseless. After that nearly every single invasion from the Anglo Saxon invasion to the viking invasion right to the Norman invasion was pretty hostile and bloody. When the Tudors came to power, 'Christian Europe' betrayed England again by siding with Catherine of Aragon + the holy roman empire and against the then pious Henry Tudor. That paved the way to reformation, the constant fear of a crusade which occurred in Elizabeth's time and which shaped the UK renowned 'divide and conquer' tactic which made the UK the then most powerful nation in the world. From Elizabeth I till WW2 the UK will use that tactic magnificently pitting most big European countries against each other while it was busy adding lands elsewhere through colonialisation.

I honestly don't know if its good for the UK to be out of Europe. Some think its a good thing and to be fair the UK does seem to mellow with countries such as the US as compared to Europe. However, what I am certain about is that for Europe to evolve then it needs the UK out of Europe. We cant build a more integrated Europe (lets face it blocs of nations are the future) with someone who simply don't trust its neighbours.
I honestly don't know if its good for the UK to be out of Europe. Some think its a good thing and to be fair the UK does seem to mellow with countries such as the US as compared to Europe. However, what I am certain about is that for Europe to evolve then it needs the UK out of Europe. We cant build a more integrated Europe (lets face it blocs of nations are the future) with someone who simply don't trust its neighbours.
I think if you stripped away the politics there would be a stronger case to be made for Brexit. There are advantages and disadvantages for both sides, but if the whole process could be completed without point scoring and politics getting in the way it is easy to envisage everyone being better off at the end of it. The problem is the fact that it is in the EU's interests to ensure Brexit doesnt work, and these existential factors trump economic interests (such as German factories wanting to sell cars to Brits.) I guess in a way that is perhaps the biggest faultline between the Remainers and the Brexiteers, it seems to me: that Brexiteers believe ultimately economic interests will prevail, whereas Remainers think politics will ensure the EU sticks to the position it has made perfectly clear right from the start. Of course that is a huge generalisation, but that's how it seems to me.
The UK share a very different history. Roman influence wasn't seen a defying moment in history but as an invasion. That influence ended up in betrayal as Roman armies pulled out to defend the dying empire leaving Brittania defenseless. After that nearly every single invasion from the Anglo Saxon invasion to the viking invasion right to the Norman invasion was pretty hostile and bloody. When the Tudors came to power, 'Christian Europe' betrayed England again by siding with Catherine of Aragon + the holy roman empire and against the then pious Henry Tudor. That paved the way to reformation, the constant fear of a crusade which occurred in Elizabeth's time and which shaped the UK renowned 'divide and conquer' tactic which made the UK the then most powerful nation in the world. From Elizabeth I till WW2 the UK will use that tactic magnificently pitting most big European countries against each other while it was busy adding lands elsewhere through colonialisation.

I think most Europeans would be genuinely shocked if they understood just how strong the UK's national sense of superiority is. It's not far behind the American version. I think people often misunderstand however and think people are joking or just playing around, when in fact a frightening number of Brits genuinely believe being British makes them far better than anyone else, including their European neighbours and the Americans.
I think most Europeans would be genuinely shocked if they understood just how strong the UK's national sense of superiority is. It's not far behind the American version. I think people often misunderstand however and think people are joking or just playing around, when in fact a frightening number of Brits genuinely believe being British makes them far better than anyone else, including their European neighbours and the Americans.
Arent the French as bad? I always think in that way the two countries are quite similar - probably as a result of their similar colonial past.
Arent the French as bad? I always think in that way the two countries are quite similar - probably as a result of their similar colonial past.

I can't really explain it but our logic is more that something being french is more important than it being better.
Arent the French as bad? I always think in that way the two countries are quite similar - probably as a result of their similar colonial past.

There are similarities but they're not as bad I don't think. They're wildly arrogant about their culture/food etc, but they don't have the British mythology about being militarily unbeatable with all the unpleasant psychology that brings. They're also a lot more mixed from sharing borders with so many different countries. I actually do think Brits and the French share a huge similarity in many ways, but I'd definitely say the British have a bigger sense of national superiority, even though we hide it under self-deprecation much more.

It's like the British are happy to say lots of other countries are nicer/better than ours, but there's always the firm belief that the British people are somehow better, more independant, more resilient etc. Usually because some previous generation did something great, so obviously we would be the same. :rolleyes: